02010066 (2) CITY BUILDING DIVISSIIONN� PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21597 FLINTSHIRE ST 02010066 ON;NER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE PAM MARINO 01/15/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. I ARCHITECTfENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION N g 1 herrn affirm that 1 am licen.ed under of Chapter 9(commencing !ob Description iN_� provisions pe REPAIR FIREPLACE TO CHIMNEY ROOF LINE . _h;� withSmion 7000)of Division Jof the Business and Professions Chile.and my license ;Yf "it s innull fmcl an � YI S� o r<W Cat se C a c.a i 3 )ax, Contractor a N ` ARCHITECTS DECLARATION C so, V,2 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records so i ape LlcrosW Prnlessimad OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION ='r I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Cmtmcmr's License taw Tor the ?a following mama(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code Any city or county $6760 E o wdeh requires a prrald to c ammaet,alcor,improve.deoliQl,or repair any dructurc i3= pnort L'. mace,aim q he m appacuto far such permino flea signed ourment. _ _ -__ _- -_..- .._-_ _ tM1andan emnseeput5umlto Um pro Division n the the BrctnsLiccnsr Lawon.,Ca9 p Valuation (c that be s exempt Sato oin and the basis o t the Busincss and Pmfngom Cada t r 1'• t�3i G',�0 ;�' ?1,1 ii E i4.) Y or that he is exempt therefrom and the basin for the allegcil ezemyuon.Any violation of Section 703 k.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty' ornot moretnan five M1tindred emlars tsswk lO�PN "'"DATION Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. will do the work;"and the'swcture-is'act intended or offered for'sale'(Sec.7044;' I� ® Business and Professions Code:The Commnor's License Law dns not apply to as 514 — FINAL P@ I s ' owner of property Who builds or improvessuc thereon,and wno does h work himself or thmogh his own employees.provided that such improvements am not intended or olfcree for sale.lf,however.the huilding or impro4ement hin is sold'witone year of "" _._...-....._ .._ .. . _._.__... _ ._.._. _................. ._.._ _ _ _ . . _. completion,the owner, ollder will hove the burden of proving that he did not build or " improve for purpose of sale.). 1.. ._ the _ ..__.__ ._ ._ __ __ .... _.... ....... ...___ .. _ ❑I,asowner urine prSec.71stn exclusivelycontracting with licensed Contractor onor contractors, constructLicense thedoes limiter(Sec.]to i Business and Professions Code:)The improves there., Liansc law Ons not r aac to an owner of property who builds t imamves thereon, ' and.who eonmens for smh.proj.I with a.camrtuor(x)licensed Pursuant m the _. _.. _ _.. .. . _ __ .. _. . . .. __......... ..... cminac 01 am oe License Law. Dae - - - -- - ❑lent exempt under Sec, - � "� IB&PCfor this rcasnn - i, , WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION / i 1 mertby affirm under Pma1tY of perjury ooe a[the fallowing declarations; //� �° 1 have and will maintain a Cmificate of Con ma to s lf-insure for Worker's 3/ Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the Q performance blithe work for which this permit is issued. °1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance required by Section 37W of the Labor'Code for he perfommnce of the work for which this-permt is Issued My k s C tKmix! 1romance tamer and Policy duande,'m n- a ....._. _........ ..-... _..-..._.__... Came 4 a 1i f PolicyNo ds8-oor47� ll 6 tr--t CATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS? Cl t?.fr>• ih, is, t�.: 4. ___ I -------- This net on need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars i•'� ` l'. "� 1 l,^ IS 130)or las.) 1 readily that in the pe mmunce of the work for which this pemtit is issued,1 - - - - •"'' ""' shall not employ any person in any manner,so as to become subject w the Workers' Compcnstram laws of California:Dam Applicant - NOTICE TOAPPLICANT afterpomati this o si ns of the L Exemption,youshouldmull - Z forthwith subject m thes Worker' C ns or provisions of the lab Cod you must 0 C fnnh. ,rote. - -n h pro'i o s or thispcmi t hall bed etl rc ked. zn. _ .. ­ CONSTRUCTION i' 'r CONSTRUCfIONLENDING AGENCY. - � ' he 1 hereby affirm that them t is esued(See, lending agency for the performance M the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.1097,Civ.C.) `- L ❑ Lender's Name - , ....: ... _ _ .._ _._.._... ._: c 1 comfy that 1 have rend this application and crate'hot above information is .) [..t 6oiren.I agree to comply with all city and cpumy ordinances and stain laws relating C) to baildingodnamme'on.and Israel authoriu'repmsematives of Nis city menmr upon W Ute aIds e-7arm properly for inspection purposes., tiP. (Wgogr to'm'e,indemm"and keep hamdess the Ciry of Cupertino sgainq N liabilities.ju0 ems,costs rid exile. s which may,in any way ac<rve ega�nst avid V-^ City in con Ince of iti p n,1 thLpeimiMPLY N'ITH ALL NONPOINT' I APPL UNDER 9 ` ^G sou is ' jrd2 Issued by: D e J 7i mturImA.FF canUCo tactor Datc Re-roofs "- - HAZARDOUS MATERIAS DISCLOSURE ' Will the.1licmt or,future building onupmt store or muscle haieri mmrmil ..Type of Roof. _ -. as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.12 and the Health and Sof ty .. - .. _ - --. _..- - Cash 5 ctio2553 (at U" i ` .^i ry - '. , '! ', ' , .'s I , , .. .. _,.. _.. °Y I� ..All.roofs shall be ins acted rior.to an 4-roofin material beim P P Y % g.installed..,_ I town m :pill cant m furore balding racby p t eoiequipment r devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove M1azardous air comaminan¢as dcfinc0 by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management °isnc1 Qom- all new materials for inspection, Applicant understands and will comply with 1p °v" ° ' - all'non-point source regulations. - - •.+� I have read the hnzardous'matrriak iequiorma nts under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand that 'f the brikh9fAcers not commily have a tenant.mai it is my responsibility to notify the -' neccuupant?an y rea quire t which - t be d Op to issues f e C nificam of l .. o .. ._ ... _ .. _ /r`(SDl— Signature ofApplicant _ DateL. Awnum remanded a<t r Dam, All roof coverings to be Class `tB" or better S'. C i :r...,,,. ...... .. . . .... O .. -., .. FFICE - ._