00090131 (2) CITYILLDi c DIVISIONNO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMITNO. OWNHR'SNAMI:. + ,I, ♦ APPLICATION SUB DATE HONE', , IR1 - 0/20 0 . • SANITARY NO.STRIAl - RD 1121 1CON TROL NO.- W qX ARCHITECT/ENGINEGR: , BUILDING PERM['1'INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y¢a I_l fJ f� CI Z S = LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S'DECLARATION - - ] b Description O Z—C I hereby m uffuthat 1 bin n licece under pmvisiuns of Chapter 9(eundroming pf q m J wish Smuen conn mi,imm�n cane nn.ina.ana Proro„ntn.c ee,and my uan,t - m^� I,in fit]Rare any,ni�pp WIu Licrn,oC (_.J� Lic.M O(o[O O a LL y Daleo-b— conn e,,,r SHAKE TO COMP SHINGLE ,5 ¢ ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION d :onJ yplan—holl be eda pubfirmcord, yse a00 I,eco dP 1: _ - k o iOWNER-BUILDER.In, AVON W!2 I tarsal m t1 t l ,in f th C , t , Law f,r thefoll �� which g fe .(S c, 7831.5 B : vnJ P f a d o A y troy nary Fo h l yu p n ,' t lt - 'np d T.h p ' y., cart 3m Pro r t ,lona to rectnesmara tt Caltd mtiu Men - InorieervingIs sedpunuaoue00)ofiiion.n 3 of th Busines Land ProdlawollsCor9. ) S Ft. Floor Area or that he its exempt InIonor, nd the hsiohe the alleged ProrAnyv,code) 9• aluation or thin he is 31_1 b tbay to,pi und,hc'Pone fns the subjects th exticant l.Any vPenalty of Suction]031.5 by any vpplicam far v'I,unni,wM1leek the applicant to n civil poetry `CI anmrm,ne,haa rye handreadolmrs(s58m., APN Number .' OccupancY yPe ❑i, nn p pet structure v pI r " ... , will I ,h k thetintended tYrell sec, to an Business and Professions c n n Contractor's 1 1 does pkhimel `r` f& cored Inspections w r ofh his(ty em to Ids or provided fo rM1 coat nna hit eats such wink himself,I P lir through his awn however the provided,or,such vementememrurc not inended fir M offered Inrsale..' ct burden winos t erimpmvemtb,.i„land he did are y,or of _ 305 — FRAME . onin lefo,moeweenbmlaer will nage me carton arnraalag titin he cid nor nnim or 307 — I'NSULAT ION Intpmve far purpose of sale.l ❑has nwomrofthe,... ty.arae.eled,elycentrnmiagwith licensed offl,acta..no• 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF - -coram are pnji,er(Sec.70,4,ensines,and prnfesstoa.Core)The Contraam2e rF..O^e' — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL ❑canoe Law roes not-11111 Lane owner of Impeny whe builds fir impanon,thercan, •anti who commas far such pmjecs with a cnntractodo)licensed parwnm m the Cenlmetnfs Liceam Law. 603 — ROOF BATTENS. ❑I vin exampl anacr Sen. ,B&v C for tin,roa,nn - . 504 — ROOF IN--PROGRESS Owner Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - I hereby affirm under,penalty of perjury onto(the following drelfratina,: ❑ I have and will bailout;v Cenificate of Cooled to, velr-inmm far Worker - Compensation, Ii provided fur by Section 3700 or the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permlt is issued. - I have and will maintain Worker's Compemmtnn Incunmce,no required by Section 37 1 of the Labor Code,for the pcourt once of,ha work far which,his permit is blood.My Wbrk•', ,nation asorance carrier and Policy i nmher arc: p Cnrricn_��y��Policy Nn: i�Q/ - CERTIPICAI'ION D EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This semina need nut be ntmphe'd it the panni,is for no hundred dollars IS100) aocv) _ .- I certify Inv(in the perfommnce of the work for which,his pc it.,ninon,1 shell not employ any penia in any banner so aw m become subject to the Worked' - "a"mob laden Laws of Culifnrn ic.Dine - APPIIaun - NOTICHTOAPPLICANT:IL ager nmking this Cenilcvm of Exemption, ushered Z heeene.ahjem 10 rhe Worker',Cnmpensaenn provisions(of the Lab or Code,you mn,t - O fonhwi,h comply with.ach provisions or this perm's shall he reemeJ revoker. z CONSION LENDING AGBNCY; I hemhy orlon that rheaem is is a v nmxm(See lending e.C,) fonhe performance A. ti LeaewoNunn,which,hi.v permit is issued(Sec.9!197,Civ.C) A Lmtdcrs Numc A. z Ixndv's Addres • , C '-"let that l h I this 'applicationJ T, th t the b t or nationis ' [� -tree, I upme 11,comply with II cily ad coolly l a e:a d:are laws rclaY , to mild' g rondoaction,andhruby ardbanIm 1,nesendannot,of this 1yt Iter upon the aheve-ro n k ca pmptny form,conce purposes. [y G (WI)rilowl at I've andearnifytold ke p latiblese,theCity fC p n' oa'aml i..i V] "nhilit judg V tcost d s swti h yin any w y c uec City it lial,trencrofth grabor bi APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS p , PY WITH ALL NON g OinI SOURCE REGULATIONS — n said p ' ' q oo issued by: ` `tel - Date Signvwre of Applicem/CmnromorIF Date Re-roofs - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE -Will are applicant or future banding ecaupant,om or handle naxaolen,nta,edal Type of Roof . us defined by the Cupertino Mmiclpal Code,Chapter 9.12,nna the Health rind Safety, yP Caaq Sca(i.,,25532(a)7 .. _ IDY`° " ' •' All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will'he uppueannorrmorenniminsottapan„n.eegtapmea,o,do which 11'a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to•remove all maardaec am cmneraccumns defined by line say Area Air Quality Monagement b P g ”'""oYc 9 all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations. - i h d the di i l I :as q t'undo CI apt 695 of,he if b",' Health&Safra}Code,S f ,25505 25533 td25534 I I neva odthat If the hgditgl .nut currentlyh amint that", ray resp "hlty, ready the ' 20 OO eeura t f the n 'reme , h cl .the t pr , issuance F a C l luvre of - Occup 9 Signature of Appli ant Date Owens. am deed agent tem All roof coverings to be Class "B”or better OFFICE