S 1278 (2)APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPI'.RTINO BUIL DING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT BUILDING - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING.MHCDAN'CAE BUILDING PROJECT IDEN'I'IEFECA'1'ION PHyryl'I'NO. 1278 J BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE ( NUR'S NAME' PHONE: C NI'RACTOR'S . IL'# JU C- LIC NO. N/C CONTROL# Rill"I'ECTlii GINEER; LIC NO: A) RISS: 1'7�10 (�' C ' ❑ CONTACT, PHONE: BUILDING PE:RMITINFO ❑ Consultant FCCS Paid by Applicant (initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ®/ ❑ ❑ 90 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACIURS DECLARAI'ION 1 herrn, mrnn that I on leered ender Eux... ones of Chapter 9 (commencing QTY EI.ECI'RIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION PE ISSUANCL with Section ]IAP)of Divivion 3 of the Hceinrec and ProIcoien, Cole, and my Ecenm is in full tune Tend yy'c [� I �� �o RESIDENTIAL: ❑SFDWL ❑KUCHE REMODEL APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL Niece.c ns li Uatn CunuQpy GlO.if< IlgfYiYb ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION J"Wa V. 1 understand o, plans.hall h used us public accords C1 ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MULTI-UNIF ❑S'TRUC'TURAL MODIFICATION ❑INFERIOR El CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENTDSWTMMING TOOLS ❑BATH RFIIODEI/REPAIR ❑DENUH ION E] EYTHFR ( IQ. #� /1- �e���� PANELS IJPTO2(p AMPS Licensed professional OWNEIUBUILDER DECLARA'T'ION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following rcmon. (Section 91131 5, Huvinuc and I'm(ceduns Cede. Airy city nr .oath, 201-1000AMPS OVER lots) AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL which regaims a permit to construct, alter. Improve, demolish, or repair any venture Q\(t.� SPECIAL CIRCUI'UMISC. potato it, i,,muue. ahnreyulmsthe applicant forsuch permiuo filea,umintawment that he is licensed pursminto the provisionsofthe Commctti License Eau, Chapmr9 (cotnnlmcingwom Srction 7000)nl Divinion 3 of@c 9usincs,and Prnfccsinn. Cock),,, 'EEM 1'. MIT fER OR POLE INST. COMMERCIAL: that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for me alleged exemption. Any violation of ❑ NEN' BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION Seen 1 7031 5 by any upplicxm be a permitsome.. the appllato,, o civil penalty e1 t moa than Five hundred dollars (S50). �Ql. nc nwncrnftnc pn+pcny,nnnymnployms with woge,cas0eirsolemmpcnwtion, will de the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for.rcle (Sec. 70cl4, Haziness POWER DEVICES ❑TENANT ❑ TWO SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER SWIMMING POLL 131.F.C'I'RIC and Profu,;,mms Corr the Contract I Liceme Law docs not apply to an net of prepery who builds or improves thereon, and who news such work airmen or through his non mnployas, avoided that such impmvcon,t, arc nm intended nr off mctl for sale. It, however. the building or improvement is cold within one yeatafrompletinu,thc OUTLETS -SWI ICI IES -IlX'I USES NEW NESIOHN'I'IAL ELECT SQ F1'. SQ. 17, FLUOR AREA SISQ. FI'. ooner-builder will have the bnMmt of proving that Neild! not build or improve for per- poseo( ower o E] 1 ne p p ty 1st, ly t i 6 nen I' 1 tau m B ss dP I ns Cal )ThCaroni nh pr1 m,,[ D T T cmt .L+` I oar p- d c, 1 apply I ,f p piny h M1ed QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT' FEE o contracts f .uchp 1 E' with tet t OI licensed Personal theC rr t 1 wh1 o P Clem. Law, � 1 um «rept under Sec. , tl & PC for this mason SEP 2 8 19 8 PERMIT ISSUANCE. - DRAIN£r. VENT- WATER IEA) Owner DateALTER VALUATbN By W'ORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION IMCKPLOWPROEEC'I'. DEVICE I hereby altirm under penalty of perjury one nl Ne (..Ilnwing Jcdarations: ❑Ihavt,med ill mairminvCenifiarcof Conscnnnaelf-imenefor Workers Coml'en- setter, as provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Calc, for the ferfomlance of the DRAINS- FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND- S'roRtEs TYPE CONSTRUCT ION work Iia which this Femur is issued. -II have and will maintain Worker'. Compensation Insurance, as required by Section FIXTURES - PGR TRAP 3900of the Ld, Code, for the parfonnaecrol he wick for wh ich this prem t is issued. GAS -IiA. SYSTIT M- I I NC. 40U'TLFI 'S OCG GHUUP APN My Werke Cat and Policy 4 ncc myprya rl'aGcy Gomer:�� i��eF Nn:r"KKDoll GAS -IiA. SYSTIiM-OVHR4(EA) CERTIFJCATE OF F.XEMPI'ION FROM WORKERS' COMPIENSATION INSURANCE (Thiswetlnnnecd not hcamplood ifthe permit is on one hundred dollars ($100) or less.) GREASPIINOUSIRI. WAS I I:IN I ERCEPIOR BUILDING DIVISION PEF_ti GREASETRAP PLANCHF,CK FEE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM F.A.200 FT I certify that in the performance ofthe work for which this permit is issued.I shalt not employ ca y Person in any rover �,y tyJ,,:e tM1ito the Workers' Conipen- ENERGY FEE WATER HEATER WNENT/iLEC'R adun Ateli nm GRADING VI?li NUI become subject fern svb,icctm the Wndefa Giorsor nem oft he Labor Calc, you mutt ct to the Work IL after making n his Cisioa ao of lLabor ion, you a ouldim,l vininm WATER SYSTEM/1'RIiATING SOILS IYH N'ATI?k SERVICE fnnhwhh comply wrtb such pmviaiore ar his pstnnit .Hall rte Deemed revoked CONSI'RUCI'[ON LENDING AGENCY I herechy affirm th,adere kaconstmainn lending agency for the perfenmoa,of NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB, SQ. IT. PAID >um Hcccipt# the work for which this permit is issued (Sec NEE. Co. C.) 1<nder's Name 11( A1.: Lender's AddreTames TOTAL : certify t I M1m 1 have rend this application and Mate the the above information is BUILDING PRE QTY MECIIANICALPERMIT FEE correct, l agree to comply with all city and county ominancex and stain law. aliningm building construction, and hereby outharicc representatives of this city m enter upon the SEISMIC FEE above-nmetiored property for irnpection pmpoace (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep hanulma the City of Cupertino against PERMIT' ISSUANCE ELECTRIC I I ANTER OR ADD TO MECH. Iiabiliticc.judgment,,'ada and.apace. which may in any way acme against said Ciy ccof tM1is pennir nacquencc of11 PLUMUING IEE AI'F'LICAN'I'Ut IT 1 AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POIN"I' SOURC- t' NI �' AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,00 FM) # NIiCHANICAI. I+Eli AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.000,CFM) XA-n- 'Date CONSTRUCEION 'I'AX EXHAUSTHOODIW/DUCT) St nlure til pplicunth'nntru n HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HOIISINGMI'IIGAHONFEE HEATING UNIT (TO 100.000 BTU) Willum npiliccal., um, Imildingoctiqudtswre nr handle haandous material as defined by the Cupmrs, Municipal Cole, Chapter 9.12, and the Ilealth and Safety Code, Section 25532(a)? 4117ATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 B'I'U) [I yes C3 No Width, applicant or it infuma edifiedg eause equipment nrdevices which hanrzmn ainindnaurmamn as defied! by by the Bay Buy Aav Air Quality Management) PAID Receipt# VENTILATION FAN ISINGLE RESID) BOILER - COMP 0 HP OR 100.000 BTU DiYtrieR Cl Yes -1NoBOILER-COMP TfEI'Ah: (OVP.k IIX1,1,0 BTU) AIR CONDI I'IONER I havueeadmi,hw.afdoes:omnAx acuirernents under Chapter Culi- ISSUANCE DATE NEW RCSIDIENTIAL MIiCH. SQ. PT. fnmia Hea11M1 A SoR•ty Gds, SmionQ55115. 25573 and 25534. I undetManJ thin it"the building d,er not currently have a tenant. thin it is my msWnsibility to notify the,rcupaut i ::::::I ,)(the rtyuirtmenu which mu.a be mm prior to issoancc of a Ccnilicme of Occup ancy. ISSUED BY: 2a Owner or malba "d zgant Dar TO AL: OFFICE /