Ordinance 1449 ORDINANCE NO. 1449 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES OUTLINED W SECTION 2 AND ESTABLISHING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY (Rl) ZONES THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: AMENDMENT Section 1.1: Ordinance 220 of the City of Cupertino, California, is hereby amended by adding this Ordinance No. 1449. SECTION 2: REPEALING CLAUSE Section 21: Ordinance No. 1374 !s hereby rcprealed, and oil other ordinances heretofore enacted in conflict with this Ordinance No. ]449 are hereby repealed to the extent that they vary from the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: PURPOSE Section 3.1: The purpose of this Ordinance is to establish a zone permittlng single-family residential uses and establish the regulations pertaining thereto. Section 3.2: This ordinance is intended to accomplish the following objectives: A. Enhance the identity of residential neighborhoods. B. Ensure provision of light and air to individual n:~sidential parcels. C. Ensure a reasonable level of compatibility in scale of structures within residential neighborhoods. D. Maintain spatial relationships between structures and within neighborhoods. E. Reinforce the predominately low intensity setting of the community. SECTION 4: APPLICATION Section 4.1: No building, structure or tand shall be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered or enlarged in a residential single-family (Rl) zone, otherwise than in conformance with the following provisions: A. Uses, buildings and structures lawfully in existence at the time this Ordinance No. 1449 takes effect may remain as long as no alterations take place, and B. Except on those legal nonconforming structures or parcels of land as permitted by the City's Ordinance regulatlng nonconfornilng uses or ib successor. SECTION 5: DEFINITIONS Section 5.1: Words and teens contained within this Ordinance are utilized as defined in Ordinance 1453. ORDINANCE NO. 1~ (R-1) PAGE-2- • SECTION 6: PERMIT-TED USES Section 6.1: The following uses shall be permitted in an Rl zone without the requirement of a use permit: A. Single-family dwelling units with not more than one (1) dwelling per lot. B. A second dwelling unit which conforms to the procedures, standards, and requirements described in Section 14. C. Home Occupations pursuant to the Home Occupation Ordinance of the City of Cupertino. D. Aornsory bulldings. E. Family day care homes. F. Group care activities. G. Keeping of animals as follows: 7. Maximum of four (4) adult household pets, provided that adult dogs are limited to a maximum of two (2). 2. Small household pets. 3. An[mals must be kept in accordance with other applicable Cupertino and Santa Clara County codes and ordinances. H. Crop, tree or horticultural farming. Section tr.2: Condltionai Uaes -Use Permit Required: The following uses maybe permitted, subject to the securing of a conditional use permit in each separate case, in locations, where they, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are compatible with existing and planned uses in the neighborhood: A. Special day care homes. B. Group care activities with greater than six (ti) persons. C. The keeping of any animal not otherwise permitted in the above section, subject to Santa Clara County Health Department mgvlations and setback requirements as set forth in the Cupertino Municipal Code. D. Home Occupations which do not meet a literal interpretation of the standards of the Horror Occupation Ordinance but which in the opinion of the Planning Commission meet the intent of the Ordinance. E. Buildings or etrocturea which incorporate solar design features that require variation from setbacks established herein, as described in Section 13. F. Two-story structures in areas designated for crone-story limitation per Section 852. G. A second unit which does not meet the Prescriptive requirements of Section 14.1.1 of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: LOT AREA AND WIDTH Section 7.1: Lot Area A. Lot area shall correspond to the number (multiplied by 1,000 sq. ft.) following the Rl Zoning symbol. Exam Ip es are as follows: ZONING MINIMUM LOT SYMBOL NUMBER AREA IN . FT. Rl 6 6,000 Rl 75 7,500 Rl 10 10,000 Rl 20 20A00 ORDINANCE IVO. l~ (R-1) • PAGE-3- B. Legal substandard lots may be used as a building site, provided that all other provisions of this Ordinance shall apply. Section 7.2: Lot Width-MInimum: Sixty (60) ft. measured at the front building setback line. SECTION B: BUILDING SETBACKS, HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS AND COVERAGE Section 8.1: Building Coverage -Maximum: Forty percent (40%) of the llti lot area. Section 8.2: Floor Area Ratio, Total Floor -Maximum: Forty-five Percent G45) of the nM lot area. Seaton 8.3: Setback - Flnt Floor. NOTE: Heights exceeding twenty (20) jeet shall be aublect to the setback regulations prescribed in Sectton 8.4 of this Ordinance. Section 8.3.1: Front-Mirilmum A. Twenty (20) feet B. Fifteen (15) feet for a curved driveway provided that no more than two (2) such 15 foot setbacks occur side by side. Sectiorn8.3.2: Slde-Minimum A. Five (5) feet B. Ten (10) feet shall be provided on at least one side yard. In instances where an addition is proposed to an existing structure where both side yards are less than ten (]0) feet wide, the wider side setback shall be maintained. The addition may extend as close as five (5) feet to the property line on the narrowest side of the house only. C. Twelve (12) feet shall be provided on the street side of a rnmer lot. Section 8.33: Rear - MlnImum: A. Twenty (20) feet B. Ten (10) feet where useable rear yard area = 20 x Lot Width. Section 8.4: Setback -Second Floor. Section 8.4.1: Front and Rear-MIrilmum A. Twenty-five (25) feet ORDINANCE NO. 1~ (R-1) PAGE-4- • Section 8.4.2: Side-Minimum A. Ten (10) feet. B. Flag Lot: Twenty (20) feet from any property line. C. Comer Lot: Twelve (12) feet shall be provided on the street side of a turner lot. D Comer Lot: Twenty (20) feet shall be provided from any rear property line of an existing, developed single family home. Sectioon &4.3: Additional Setback (Surcharge) A. Setback distance equal to fifteen (15) feet shall be added in whole or in any combination to the front or sideyard setback requirements specified in Sections 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 of this CMdinance. A minimum of five (5) feet of the fifteen (eet shall be applied to the side yard(s). Section 85: Height of Principal BuildInga and Structures: Section 85.1: Maximum Height: A. Height shall not exceed twenty~ight (28) ft. The number of stories is not regulated. B. Fireplace chimney, antennas or other appurtenances are excluded from the 28 ft. height resMction. Section 85.2: Areas Designated for One-Story Limitation: The Planning Commission and Cfty Coundl may prescribe that all buildings in a designated area be limited to one (1) story in height (not to exceed eighteen (18) ft.) by affixing to the R] Zoning District the designation (i); provided, however, that the Planning Commission shall have the discretion to delete this restriction through the granting of a use permit. Section 853: Hillside Areas: The above Section 85.1 notwithstanding in hillside subdivisions with slopes of ten percent (10%) or greater, an application may be submitted by the property owner to the Architectural and Site Approval Committee for an adjustment of height regulations in rnnsideration of topographical features. However, in no case shall the maximum height exceed thirty-five (35) feet for a principal structure, or twenty (20) feet for an accessory structure. Section BS.4: Ridgellnea : Structures located on promirxmt ridge crests, as defined by the City Council, on or above the 450 ft. contour shall not exceed twenty (20) feet as measured in accordance with Sectlon 4.24 of Ardinance 1453. SECTION 9: PARKING Section 9.1 Puking Space Requiremenb: Two (2) enclosed garage parking spaces, plus two (2) open driveway spaces per unit. Section 9.2: Size of Carage: Enclosed garages shall provide unobstructed space, i.e. unobstructed by walls, potential appliance locations, etc., over an internal area encompassing two (2) parking spaces measuring ]0 ft. by 20 ft. each. ORDINA)`)CE NO. 1~ (R-1) • PAGE-S- SECTION 10: ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES -SETBACKS & HIIGHT Section 10.L• Detached Accessory Buildings: Section 10.1.1: Coverage - Maximum: Thirty percent (30%) of the usable rear yard area. Section 10.1.2: Setback, Main Building -Minimum: A. Five (5) ft. minimum setback (measured between caves) from main structure. B. Small portable storage buildings, less than six (6) ft. in height, which are not attached to a building, permanent foundation or pad, may locate closer than five (5) ft., provided that no portion of said building encroaches loser than throe (3) ft. to any property line. Sect1on10.1.3: FtontSetback-Minimum: Twenty (20) ft. Section 10.L4: General Setbacks -Minimum: Three (3) ft. from any property line. Section 10.1.5: Corner Lots: Street side yard setback must equal a minimum of 15 (t. Twenty (20) feet is required if the property is a corner lot adjacent to a key lot. Section 10.1.6: Recreational Structures: Recreational structures, with a floor or step height greater than eighteen (18) inches above any point of adjoining finished grade, must set back ten (10) ft. from any property line. Section 10.1.7: Height: Detached accessory buildings shall be limited to single-story and shall not exceed a height of seven (~ (t. beginning at a three (3) ft. setback from property tine. Said height shall encompass the entire wall plane nearest the property line, including the roof, caves and any portion of the foundation visible above adjoining finished grade. The height may be increased by oru' (1) ft. for each additional 1 1/2 ft. of setback (corresponding to a thirty-three (33) degree angle), up to a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet, as described in the table below. Property Line Am~ssory BuildInf ._ t HIIGHT SETBACK 7' 3.0' 8' 4.5' 9' 6.0' 10' 7.5' i l' 9.0' 12' 10.5' 13' 12.0' tA' 13.5' 15' 15.0' ORDINANCE NO. 1~ (R-1) PAGE-6- Section 10.2 Attached Accessory Buildings: Section 10.21: General: Observe setbacks, height and coverage regulations applicable to the main building. Secion 10.22: Unencloaed Patio Coven: May extend as close as ten (10) ft. to the rear property line. Secion 10.23: Recreational Structures: Recreational structures with a floor or step height greater than eighteen (18) Inches above any point of adjoining finished grade must set back ten (10) ft. from any property line Section 103: Decks and Patios -Setbacks: Section 103.1: First Floor. A. First floor decks or patios may encroach three (3) feet into front setbacks. B. If floor or step height is greater than eighteen (l8) inches measured from any point of adjoining finished grade, then minimum setback from any property line must equal ten (l0) ft. C. If floor or step height is less or equal to than eighteen (18) inches, measured from any point of adpining finished grade, then minimum setback from any property tine must equal three (3) ft. Section 103.2 Second Floor. A. Front -May encroach three (3) ft. into front setback for main building. B. Side -Minimum: Fifteen (l5) ft. C. Reu -Minimum: Twenty (20) ft. SECTION 11: PROJECTIONS INTO REQUIRED YARDS Section IL3s Architectural features (not including patio rovers) may extend into a required yard a distance not exceeding three (3) ft., provided that no architectural feature or rnmbination thereof, whether a portion of a principal or auxiUary structurn, may extend closer than throe (3) feet to any property line. SECTION 12 EXISTING STRUCTURES Section 12.1: Extension Along Existing Building Lines: Additions to legally existing principal structures (i.e., structures for which valid building permits have been issued), not including decks or similar projections, maybe extended horizontally along the existing building lines even when the existing first Floor setbacks do not meet the requirements of this Ordinance. The extensiott or addition may not further encroach into any required setbacks, e.g., a single story may be extended along an existing five (5) toot side yard setback even though the other side yard does not equal ten (]0) ft. However, in no case shall any wall plane of a first story addition be placed closer than three (3) ft. to any property line. ORDINANCE NO. 1~ tR-l) PAGE-7- r1 LJ SECTION 13: SOLAR DESIGN Section 13.L• The setbacks and height restrictions outlined in the above sections may be varied (or passive or active solar design features provided said variations do not infringe upon solar access or property rights of the adpining properties. Said variations shall be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Planning Commission through evaluation of a use permit application. SECTION 14: SECOND UNITS Section 14.L• A second unit may be permitted, subject to approval by the Director of Planning and Development in each separate case, when the prescribed conditions listed in Section 14.1.1 are met and when, in the opinion of the Director of Planning and Development, the second unit complies with the discretionary design performance standards described in Section 14.1.2. Discretionary design performance standards are intended to regulate second units in a manner to ensure the maintenance of the single-family dwelling unit character. Section 14.L1: Prescriptlve Requirements: A. Building Configuratlon of Second Unit: A second unit located in a Rl Zoning District requiring less than a 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size must be integrated with the pdndpal dwelling. The foundation line of the prindpal dwelling may be expanded or odstlng space in the prindpal dwelling may be reconfigured. The second unit shall have direct outside access without going through the principal dwelling. A second unit located in en Rl zoning disMct inquiring 10,000 sq. ft. and above may be attached or detached. B. Maximum Size of Sernnd Unit: The gross building area of the second dwelling shall not exceed 640 square feet of living space, exdustve of decks and garages. C. Setbacks, Height, Lot Coverage: 1. The setback and building height requirements of the Rl Zoning District shall apply to a second unit. 2. Lot coverage of all structura, including second unib, shall not exceed 40% of the lot area. D. Off-Street Parking: Functionally independent, paved off-street parking spaces shall be provided for the priruipal and second unit as follows: 1. Principal Dwelling: 2 enclosed and 2 uncovered. (The uncovered spaces may be located tandem to the required covered spaces) 2. Second Dwelling: i uncovered. H. Owner Occupancy: The owner must reside on the premises in the prtndpal (initial) or second dwelling. A deed resMction setting forth this occupancy requirement shall be recorded prior to granting a building permit for a new dwelling unit or granting occupancy for an existing second unit constructed prior to the adoption of the second unit regulations. The owner of a property which contains a second dwelling shall sign an affidavit on each yearly anniversary date of the approval of said second unit declaring under perjury that he or she is living on the premises. ORDINANCE NO. 1~ (R-1) • PAGE-S- Section 14.1.2: Discretionary Design Performance Standards: A. Entry: The entry for a second dwelling shall not be visible from a public street. The intent is to avoid the appearance of amulti-family residence. B. Second Story. A second dwelling may be located on a second story if a determination can be made that said second unit will not result in privacy intrusion for adjoining single-family zoned and developed properties. Exterior staircases solely for access to a second unit should beavoided. C. Architectural Design: The architectural design of a second unit should maintain the form of the principal dwelling. D. Building Material: The building materials of a second unit shall be compatible with the materials, color and textures of the prindpal dwelling. E. Parking: The required off-street parking for the principal dwelling and second dwelling shall not dominate the front setback area of the property. The intent is to preserve the front setback area as a landscaped space. F. Grading: The siting of a second unit shall not require excessive grading which is visible from a public space or adjoining private property. Sectlon 14.2: Non-Confomilng Second UnIta: Section 14.21: A second unit which was constructed prior to the enactment of Section 14 of this Ordinance which regulates second units, without benefit of a building permit or in conflict with the applicable zoning ordinances at the time of the mnstrucHon of the unit, is an illegal structure and activity. Sectlon 14.22: The owner of an illegal second unit may submit a use permit appltcatfon per Section 6.2(g) to obtain approval of said semnd unit. The second unit must comply with the Uniform Building Code. Failure to comply with this section shall result in the abatement of the said use. SECTION 15: INTERPRETATION BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR Sectlon 15.L• The Director of Planning and Development shall be empowered to make reasonable interpretations of the regulations and provisions of this Ordinance, rnnsistent with the legislative intent thereof. Persons aggrieved by an interpretation of the Ordinance by the Director of Planning and Development may petition the Planning Commission in writing for review of said interpretation. SECTION 16: SEVERABILITY CLAUSE Section 16.U If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any mason held to be unrnnstitutional, such decision shall rwt affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The legislative body hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, senterur, clause or phrase thereof, irrespecdve of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. ORDWANCE NO. i~ (R-1) • PAGE-9- SECTION 17: PUBLISHING CLAUSE Section 17.1: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified mpy of this Ordinance to be published at least once within fifteen (15) days after its enactment in the Cupertino Courier, the official newspaper of the City, published and circulated in the City of Cupertino. SECTION 18: EFFECTIVE DATE Section 18.L• This Ordinance No. 1449 shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days after its enactment. WTRODUCED at a regular rrueting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on this 2f)th day of June 1988 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Coundl of the Gty of Cupertino this St4iay of July 1988, by the following vote: VOTE: COUNCIL MEMBERS AYES: Johnson, Roppel, Rogers, Gatto NAYS: Plungy ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None A~g• , APP)} VED: CO~f. ..,GJ 1 n Do y ~ ~, J hn ca to City Clerk ayor CITY OF CUPERTINO re-Setback al rd Floor Area Requirements Encroachment into rear setback(see below) 10'min. 1st floor rear setback for rear yard encroachments. Allowable only if rear yard area n exceeds 20-times the lot width 20' 1st floor rear 25'2nd floor rear setback setback �, A Rear yard area ] 10'min.2nd floor side setback. 141 ' 10'first floor Combined 2nd floor front and side side setback 40%maximum site coverage (1 side only) setbacks must be increased by 15', .45 maximum floor area ratio 5'must be applied to the side setbacks. � Building line 5' 1st floor side setback 4—* (1 side only) 2nd floor building line I I .—Property line V V 25'front 2nd floor 20' 1st floor front — setback. Combined setback 2nd floor front and side setbacks must be increased by 15'. STREET �' 5'must be applied to �c ' the side setbacks. L.._ ft pmr 1 1449(rd4) f:j'9 = ri