02040127 (2) CI sun of GUOPERONNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: kt BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10594/10600 DE ANZA BLVD 02040127 'WNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE BYER PROPERTIES 04/23/2002 r PHONE:. NO. CONTROL NO. f os Z ARCHITEC IENGINLER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO do O BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 'tit C::3 E= U LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION n 1 hereby aarn that 1 an licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description '� u9 with So,mm7000)of Division 3 of the Bminessand Professi...CWr,.nd my license TENANT IMPROVEMENT 177 is in full force end effect. s o i License Class Lic.p 13 u y Date Convector ARCHITE DECLARATION C g 1 usetl es public recoNs i Y I 6 O O Licen Professional '�,oma� OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hcrtby ef0rm that 11. exempt from the Contmemr's License Law for the t 3 6 following requires a.(Section]onstr Business and Professions Code:Any city or count ., $20000 Ei{CSC which«score pesmu t construct,t alcor, p d Mash sw tures 3 Pno an its issuance.Also req th the ngAaof rw sN met.ri7o oirs.Ln to -cat [bar be acing with Section t7W rif isms lshe C mrasin L¢nee lawl e 9 Valuation (cont n -g iX$amt ]OW)mf DrvrsronJ of the Bu massa dP ofss un C" I 'e l'i49F3t8 �°f,. ,T. p,+!?"a rims,fi s exeml{ithe f m and the basis fm the allegep.examplbn Anyn id b' 1" Mrs d 7031.5 HX an,applicant for.permit bdems the eppl a m:av if �'P ofnot more than I.dW dMXaa(u�oo>. 4jlt 1IO lAPN Ni GDATION ' Occupancye ❑1,downer of the opcny,or m loaves r wogcs as r r Compc�ti _ PIE will nes: work,- she:vert rs n ¢ dor oRe for a Required Inspections, Business arta Proves con cense Law does not apply man 10 3 - UFER 9 P owner of property r improves thereon,and who does such work himself 10 4 - REBAR_,., car through his own employees provided that such tmprovemems arc not intended or oRemid for sale If,however.the building or improvement is sold within one year of _ _ .. .. . .. . .... . ... .. . _. .._-.. _ _ completion,the owner budder will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS improve for purpose of sale.). 106 - SEWER & WATER °Lasowner of Ne p(Sec.7amexclusivelydPrfeisins Co cenxd Cn¢mtsto 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING conswn the does n (Sec.]044,Business mW ed,who Code:)The Contractor's - -- License Law does nMt apply ro an owner of property wnM wiles or improve:thereon, 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL" and.who contracts for.such projectswith a Contractor(s).licensed.pursuant-to_the ..___. . ._ Contractors LRense Law.. - "" "204- _ 'UNDERFLOOR" FRAME of.m.aemt cr5<c. ,B&PCforthisrcson 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION _ - .is II °1 Zj'DL 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSAT�N DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER 0 Ihercby ef6wunder,penah,of perjury one of the following declared ons: 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL ° I have and will moiniain a Cenificme of Consent to Wf-imme for Worker's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, as.provided for by Section 3]00 of the Labor Code, for the 'p,dormance or me work for which this penerit is issued. 305 - FRAME °1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 3 06 - HOLDOWNS 3]00 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is - - s:ued.MyWolmesCompensaronInsurance carrier andPolicynumberam: 307 - INSULATION Clamej .r, Policy No.: �308ti:=;,SHEETROCK.; - --- - - -- - ' CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS! S � ' '3'O9 <t -EXTERI OR4•"LATH COMPENSATION INSURANCE" _ " frhii section need out he completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars 310. -�,INTER I OR--LATH ' •"' tC IsloO)or less.) _ 311 - SCRATCH COAT 1 cenify thin in thaperfortsnce of the work for whim this permit ie issued,I 313 - ROOF NAIL :. .._ _._ - - — - — .. shall alit employ any person in any manner so az to wcome sabj1m the workers' 5 01 — FINAL ELECTRI CAL"ENERGY Camps,"To Laws of Califomie:Date' _applicant —502 '--FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY -- NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Ceniacate of Exemption,you should ` Become subjecto the Workers Compensation provisions ofthe Laver Code,you must 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY 0 Cv forthwith comply with such provisions or this pconitshall bedeemed revoked SO4 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY_-- . CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SOS — FINAL ELECTRICAL j I h - by firm th t th r Construction)coding agency for Ne performance 506 - GAS TEST wa Londe s Address ,_work for nth perm t :sued(sec 309].Civ.C) . .. .Z -Landof er)comfy that _ .. __.. ... _ . -. _.... _ ... .. _.. ' 507 - FINAL PLUMBING_ U O have mad this application and stale that the above information is 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL W:�i correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances andthi come lows relining 509 - FINAL GRADE O.V m atsnve-menswnl propeahercinspeconaereposemetives of thiicity to enter upon y P. the abov ed agree to save,property and)mtion pWonde 510 — FINAL PLANNING F ;P.0 es,j agree to save,and c indemnify and keep harmless Ne City of Cupertino against U h liabilities,judgments,casts end expenses which may in any way.eccrue gafnn saip 514 — F INA PU I C WORKS U City in consequence of the granting D this permit. APPLICANT f,$TANDSM'DWILL COMPLYNTTHALLNO -POINT' Issued by: Date O r3lyt ce>:e 2 _ SigniumcofA ican onwemr r"" "' 'Date` Re-roofs /9 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE W II/hc applicant or future wilding occupant store or handle harvtlom material . 'I�rpe of Roof - es defined Jthe Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety , Code.Section'2502(e) /t,' ,, -. ,r I t .• 3 . ❑Ya N°: - '-i^' I __All roofs-shall-be inspected-pnor-to any roofing_material being.installed.__- W II the app)cat or-future buil-din'S'nucupitim.use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove -mit he rd a an cont ant nod by the Bay Area A Q ahiy Management D,amet] _ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with l °Y^ all non-point source regulations:, t I have rend the hasmdoux materiels regmrements under Chapterb 95 bLthe California Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understand that ifthe wilding d x,run dutrently have a tenant.that it is my rtsponsibiliry ro notify the _ occupant of the r quiremenb which man w met priono issuance o[a CeniOcate'of +' Occupancy. ' Signature of Applicant Date ? owner or 41mmorni agent- Dme All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better OFFICE