02030037 (2) OF TINO CI BUILDI G DIIVIISSIIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 1056 BUBB RD J K MASONRY 02030037 OWNER'S NAME: APPLIC99TION S B DATE HELEN JARVIS/ EDWARD SILVER 521 S BASCOM AVE #A 03/ 11y2002 PHONE: ' (408) 287-2398 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. z ARCHITECT,ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO O O BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u� n i LICENSED CO\TtAC"fOR'S DECLARATION Job Description i Z_E 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing P retw wimSectianft7") foils,nn3oftheBusinessand PoclosionsCode.and myhceo. CHIMNEY REPAIR. cy�; is in full ndeeee_ \1 Stena Lic(nsecl `� uc.rF yoYoflE TEAR DOWN TO ROOF LINE, w DmcV cmuninaoT'1�R-- 3te1 3av ''rte AR HITECT'1DECI'.ARAT10N REBUILD TO CITY CODE . °g 1 vaeerstand my plans shall Is,used as public recants o`o licensed Pmressmnal e OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby.(Sect that 1 1. exempt from the Canons Car License taw for the C Z a following rtaOa. eros,to 7031.5.Business and Pm.de Professions Code Any city or roomy I F G which ts perm t m co w t h r improve.demolish.t orepairany structure is.3� -trio t r e Iso q ' th pion tf such pertnnofle ii,i,iteentruccent (cam 1 sW p u n thaprovisions 3 tContractor'sL .c fe ons(ChCoe) S Ft- Floor Areal?-, a r e (commencing g "resect ]o midthe' s nor he I3 q s Gi Professions ;"P)"'i i �{ •k9'c'.'rt�. i *.1't, ?, ;e(ti,}s ' $19` '§ation or Sec he 6 31.5 bi any applicant and the basis for the alleged exempno o Any violation ' -Of Seniors]03 P.5 by any applicam for o permit subjects the applicant m a civil prnahy- :of not more than five hundred dollars(ISM), 3 6 2VVAu3nb®r0 Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of the prupeny,Or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, -will'do'the'work,and The swctum is ,,itimenihd'or offered far sale(Sec:7]d04," Businessund d04,"Busidessund Professions code:The Contractor s License Law does not apply toad 101 - FOUNDAT RaNired Inspections' owner of property Who builds or improves thereaa,and who does such work himself 10 2 _- PIERS___ or through his own employees.provided mat such improvements arc not intended or .-fifered floristic.It ho the buildimi'or iiihiininverrierit issold within oric' y aof - cam l t n to ha un th b cf rt fp gmthaatbeor Imn r p m r I ) - '110043 - UREFBEAR-R - ---c ❑I,as Owner of the Propmr.am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to - 1.0.5 _.ANCHOR- BOLTScandanno and,who.ce t t.. Business and Professions who milds or The Contractor's omarm far such o an owner Or property who muds or improves thenron, 106 - SEWER & WATER "'. •— .. Contractors swam, (Sec.]pmlcns wnh.a convaaogs).liccnsed.puauanito Ne. - -- ---202. _ -UNDER"FLOOR_PLUMBI'NG-----_..-_....__._._ . cense w cel nest apply t C 's License Ww. olam enemp1nnam seg. '':B'srPefor this reaso" 203 - UNDERFLOOR`' MECHANICAL ower' • Bale204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION ,1 hereby aRlrm under penaby of perjury one of,the following declarations: 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING J ❑ 1 have ane wlirmainmin a Cenifcme of Consent in self-insum for worker's 302 - TUB Sc OR SHOWER 1` Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the Latour Code. for me performance orthewarkrorwhmthisp mit isissue. 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑1 have ad will maintain Worker's Cpmpensmion laooance,as required by Section 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL 3]W of'he SLabar Code.for'flocpedoortance of the k f which this pe m t My Worker,Campc t 1 ce a d Policy b< - "-- 33 00 56'•`. .FRAME MCHOEDO WNS" _ tr s (tMFlCATIONOFH%EM UNPKUMWORKER I , " "" ' t ",r61307�= INSUIJATIONI(fA: COMPENSATION INSURANCE.- ...� -. . __. ..30.8...'.= SHEETROCK .._. hms.e tneednor b<complmcd if the permt is for One hundred dollars (SIM) rill.) , 309 - tEXTERIOR LATH' ' - — — 3'10- •INTERIOR=LATH i c n fy that in the peHb ce of the wark for whish tens permit s Issued,I °" •• '-� - anau t 61 y any a y 'a so as to become subject m the Workers 311 - SCRATCH"COAT ' '"'''" ' -,'i t 'L Compensation Laws Of Colimmia:Deonner Apps t - ._ ._.._...313--. ROOF_NAIL.. ._ _.. _.... . .._ _... . -. NOTICETOAPPLICANT If.after makingth Certificate"fExempt yo should - --'-' -- ZbecomSb)ectt-thWokrCompenst p niosoftheLmCorey rout 501 FINAL ELECTRICAL 'ENERGY ' O arc kd Z ritos cis roves ons or th s 502---- .FINAL PLUMBING_ ENERG} 'f CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY — - 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENEf�GY C ,> n I ncr or - th rte netted l e'n agm y for n p rfnin,ank ., y W anis ak( whichmso ;, Issped(sc3o9T�y.c) 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY' -LendvsNme Icnde Add .. - _ _ _ IC 505 FINAL ELECTRAL 1 certify Inat'I have read this application and stag tmt the amve information is 506 - GAS' TEST . LTsrF ConeetIagree to,comply with all city'and county.ordinances andstate laws relating 507 - FINAL PLUMBING _ V to building omswction;and heieby Authorize i licesentativesaf thi"u,memarupon - W the amve-nKauonedpmPenyfor inspection purposes. .,, 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL [}..0. f W<)ag t ve r d rtwfy and k p hated ss the Gty f Ctipen no against m City f ares wse n y"n nr w y gat est sale 509 - FINAL G E V Z City Ivequ ' STAND Ing AND, L t T _l SO R CANE ATfSTAND$AND i41LL COMPLY WITH ALL N N POBJT'"' 510 O(`- N NG l/ SO rrse RE gTIbNS � Issued �. Dat ygnam IN AVPII<antlCanvacmr•, ". ... . "•...••... . . .Dam . HAZARDOUS MATE ALS DISCLOSURE - - Re COOT$ I. ied t the bppl d m r f rare m Id ng ce Cham tore 2 handl hawd us m to 1 -Type of Roof sdef dbythCpcn MICod Cnpt 912 dth<H ❑ha dg fry "" - -- -- — ' - - Code Section❑ 25532(.1 r N r t ! - -^ f i I�. ai s al t ti _ ,-'` .... . - s -'{' __All roofs shall be Inspected prior to_any roofing material beteg installed wnu i,ourounm !^tetemlinedbythe muAa.Air t ee icesemnt If a roof Is itisialled without first obtaining antinspec[ion;•'I agree to remove erns t M1a tl nu is i Qu t ry Management g (� D sine .. _- "-' q cots ones all non-ole[sourcirre ulatlons Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Ys P: . ,.:gP PP.. n Y eYA A 'I:In read thalbrznidous mar cels rt u rc e Chaps 695 of the California Health&gaiety Cade,Sect ons 2550545533 and 25534,1 understand that 'If themod gdeesnroIcomedy heveatenum thus ary o,minsblty tnotify the '-' - " -- - - - - -- - - -- Ocopes rtes Of the q me is h h must M t p t sh1.at Signature of Applicant Date Kda%iarriudbcrizWOtsio o t .- All roof coverings to be Class "B'or better -OFFICE' -- - - _ - ... • i ' i i Ill