S 2600 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PURNH I NO, OO BOILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING,-MECHANICAL - BUILDING PRS OJECC IDEN'DE CALION., „ n BUILDING ADDRESS' ��yJ SANI'I'ARV NO. APPLICATION SUHMITIALDA'I'E ;3loS�2' ['.K p�K 1 c�y/ f1 w,r .r1✓ � g OWNP. 'S E' IIONH: CON'TRACTOR'S NAME PJC NO: [U. IeA N/C CONTROOLL 7# ARC IT T - INBER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: E:1L NEILL //rrP3 11 - PHONE - "BUILDING El MITINFO Pf� L.r� ElCOO9ultant Pees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG r I1LN�C� PLUMB ICFNSFD CONTRACTORS ECLARATION •/ QTY. '' FIECfRIC'PERMIT• d PEE CJS I hereby ifffivan thal 1 are licensed rude,prosimmirsof Cruder 9 manse -s -s• ': s .. JOB DESCRIPTION Oat ithS i 91410) ID 3 rd Baa s, d ttdnyhea sew RESIDENTIAL; W O PERMIT ISSUANCE C W- in full hired Mad Ater � - r1;i<GWh ❑KITCHEN REMODEL' aUU 1 ten Class Lic# -APPLIANCES RESIDENTIAL ❑AUDITION ❑PLUMHING RE-PIPE Zz1x1 Date Com clef 6i ARciH rEcTS DECL 10 [ MULTI-UNIT - ❑STRUCTURAL zonz IundcrsdandtnyplaasshallbeascdaspahlicrecoMs PANELS MODIFICATION Oz-pp UP TO 200 AMPS t - El INTERIOR FI Cl HMNEY REPAIR Licensed Prnfesainnal 201-1000AMPS IMPROVEMENT 0SWIMMING POOLS •..11 OWNIiK-HUILGF,K UIiCLARA'I'ION OVER 1000AMPS ❑BATA REMODEU ❑ RHPAIR DEMOLITION (y yp^1i1Q Ilater,'ff 'th'f lptf lie C f' I I for fire follo y realo. (Section 9031.5 Business and Prof—do.,C J,A y art, mmy SICES ELECTRICAL ❑OTHER W'3WF' which 1 parlieltt.1.1rourat,ater,lFarsove,demolish, 1 any.t ocwm - ��� Prot.isnausion,alsoq s the applicantt h periedt I Lie d signeds tenent SPECIAL CIRCU IT/MISC' p� Ind lie is licensed pursuant the provisions el the Contractor s Licen,a,Law(Chapter 9 (cammcncing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of Business and Professions Gale)in TEM P.M EfER OR POLE INST. _ COMMERCIAL: g Oo C that ho ie exempt Ihwetiom and We hast.for[lic alleged nxemptinn,any vinlntinn of El NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DEMOLITION El El Section 7031 5 by any applicant fora period subje is the applicant to a m]penalty of POWER DEVICES W^m h oI name Iranowner Bvu hssdreJ dollen y crept IMPROVEMENT C dr w La,c owner of fns,Pro wages as Fascial(Sea 7nmpensnlinn SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC dd wd P...do ework and The he Coucos nodi Leurdn Lew Fascia(Sea 9I air n ❑OTHI'.R pre eay wh000s Cn1w The Cnnhheneu Llad w Low does not apply man ownn of OUTLETS-SWI TCHES-FIXTURP.S his own who milds E improves Thereon,and who docs such work deed o f or Ihmu"M1 his own empler,the provide]that such Trout is old within arc not imendM or offered for NEW RESIDENTIAh F.LF:C'I'It SQ FT. sole.if,howe,wAlhs,the had inofficr ithathedoneywrofwmpletio,pne //���I n SQ-PL FLOOR AREA $ISQ.ITr. n Mild 'lltr the 1 fl , 60 fn did not build v f per /T� y /rte A F33 � �� 5*1 puna ser )_ - �. B ❑ 1 f lir P . 04exclusivelycontracting 11 licensed f fors i- TOTAL: . cora Id p I (S ']OJ4 Hynird,,a I Pede"nore,C I )Ihu Cohaactn';I .( • ( - close,Law ders dolapply t f properly whobuilds or neprovestheme d QTY-- ) ;TLUMBINGPEIf FEE.t'1 who t frsuchp )ecise' m thanr tor()rcefsedpt. ttfl Cometors � I S/ T R License Law, PERMIT ISSUA CE ❑ I am exempt under Soo. ,B&P C for this reavon ALI ER-DRAT E -WATER ILA) VALUATION Owner Date g W012KF:R'S COMPIiNSAPION-0LCLARATION s: BACK IrLOW HOFEC IC' . IM1 by ff 1 P 'Ify fp 1 ry ITh t 11 gJ I 'inn t ] II d II t CRf t fC n ll- . W k Coarsen DRAINS-FLOOR,ROLE,AR ND. STORIES TYPE CONSTRU'TION do :p 'd df by Sec( 3700(,file Labor CJ f fire Eirforniance,oftlre orkfwhichth p t ed. FIXTURES-PER TRAP 1 have and will dountain Workers Co nponsefnn Insurance,as inquired by Serlion _ 3900 uffhe Labe Code,for Wa perfnrnwnee of the work for which this pound is issued. GAS-HA.SYS'I'HM-I INC.40U'ILHIS OCCGROUP APN My Worker's Conhpensa0nn Insurancewate m and Policy nuber are: Cartier. Policy No.: GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' C'OMPENSAT'ION INSURANCE CREASEANDUSIBL WAS I E IN]ERCEPIOR (TTisseeent baton he,nnplehed it thepennu is forint hhmdrwl dollen SI DE I UING DIVISION ff?PS on is".) GREASETRAP PLANCHE Lie n Imnify khat in lhepwfnnnanceoffirework fsovinchihkpennilyissaad,10,11 SEWER-SANITARY-S'IORMEA.20II1R s nnf employ any person In.ny mvnncr so us m noconhc wbjecl m the Worker:Gmhpwh- ENER •E �g� 7� �.. ..tion Laws of California Data WATER HEATER W/VP.N'f/13LEC1'R A,llcam f GRADIN r .5 Is"HCH'10 APPLICANT:flU altar making this CenlOann of Exenhption,you should WATER SYSTEM/TREATING - hecnme subject to the Workeri Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,you most SOILS P Qfnrlhwith comply with such provisions or This pamif sM1ull lrc the ad revoke]. WATER SERVICE UO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENT I Ah PLMB. SQ,US PAID I hereby spurn thustgageney Ill.,there is ammctinn leadinbars,performof nnceDale Rmeipf# w rs the walk so,which pi,Peru,,is k,red(Sec.3099,Cry.C.) o•U .Leader's Islands, 'roTAL: LkP Lender Address rGIAL: 1 sandy That I has, J his apnLe Y d'Liao that the fbnve'afsorn t on is h BUILDINe HH �'. V3 uiRr Ll g t ply mill Band Iv 1 afd,daclawsrelat gib QTY, ' ',MECHANICAL PERMIT..c•If THE U !building acreluefind. nd Fenny soon nr.ertpre tort ve of the city Io cmcupovthe , ,•/ JHOUSING �• r abrin meminsed pmpedy ror mspecdnn purposes PERMIT ISSUANCE (We)agree m says,indmnnily and keep hennless the City of Cup�ino nNain t I� IiabilitieN,judgmenP,whstsandexpe.seNwh'ih may In any way amtvc ageinst said City ALTER OR ADD'IU SUCH. PLOE m const quown or Wo"cading of Nis permit. SOURAPPLA UNDERS LATIO1'ANDSA (WILL COMPLY /sIIL NON-POIN'P AIR HANDLING UNI'C(TO 111,1X)(1 CPM) MOCHAIrEE SOUR . 1L IULATIONS. / AIR HANDLING UNI'C(OVER IU,0110 CPM) NTAX pl Sib ofAppliaeu/Confmctor II Umc EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) GNI ION FEE W HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will fire applicant or(mum building occupant store or handle lweuNnss materiel I HEATING UNIT(TO 100.000 BTU) .s defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cede,Chapter 9.12,and the I Iselin and Safety Code,Section 25532(.)^ BEAT INC,UNIT OVER 100.00011'1'U) ❑YesPAID VEN'fILAT10N FAN IS]NOL L RHSID) [)tire Receipt# Will the tax,bulfinedby the m use ea Air Qu of Maas which emit haeuMoue air commninanly m defined by the Ray Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(3HP OR 100,000 BIG) O Nsrim'! ❑Yes No HOIhHR-COMP(OVHR 100,000 BU) J IM1 h d`- 't I, AIR CONDITIONER I I q L 1 Chapter 6J5 ftcCali ISSUANCE DATE Indian I calth&Salary C d S f as 25505 2553M1 J 25534 1understand that tithe NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH, SQ.IT nae- t' tyl t ftUf y p !Milt Tyde 'cuPaht d c hams h banctprh Io swan cd Buy. Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE • .J?.�; .-'e'oN''i _tri r'ntPuNS hVL.LK tj Brian Kangas Faulk EaQlneers . Surveyor . ?Inners . June 7, 1999 960069.50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way.Suite 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 Subject: Galt Valley—Foundatior. Verification Dear Chuck, On June 3, :949'me perfartned a tle'd survey of The location of the foundation forms for the buildings being constructed on L,oi 5-k andlLol 5-33 of the Oak Valley project in Cupertino, The results of that survey clearly she-* that the location of the foundation forts are oansistent and in conformance with the design locitio+of the buildings,as said locations are showm on the plans prepared by our firm. This letter is Intended to provide you with the verification of those units per our survey. If there are any ober questions concerning that location,please do not hasitate to call. Sincerely, tJtNA n ti U ea..+.ottv�.fil�eo p BRIM KA`JOAS 1 • '�P. 3/31/02 Bradley A. Bllbo P.L.S. 6141 1` ,+\,. 81141 �.�'t• Project Manager Survey Department y. ,• �I,tY0 440 Price Avenue • Aadwood City,CA 04063 . (6501482-6303 • FAX 169)4824390 ' -.. ,. , ... . c.�ni .0 _nn r.rn rrno r�u�.r, i,..c✓c - .c..�. - Brlmm Kmps foulk Enpineerx • Suveyors ^!sonata • tune 7, 1999 960069.50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way,S00 200 San Mateo,CA 94404 Subpoet: Oak Valley—Foundatior Verification Dear Chuck, On June 3, :999 we performed a fitid survey of The location or the 1'oundwion forms for the Buildings heirg constructed on Lo:5-37 and Loi 5-3:3 ofthe Oalc Valley project in Cuper6io, The"sults ofthat survey clearly shcw thnt the locntlon of the foundation!ores arc eonsistenc and in ` conformance with the design locating ofitte buildings,as said locations Ant shown an Lite plans prepared by our firm, nis least ie in:cndcd to provide ym with the verification orthose units PC our sutvoy. if there are any Other questions conceming that location,please do not hositate to call. Sincerely, 1kN0 e �.: �..+Sa • \e0�p 1�T6 ti t� ~ rti "� '� OR�.0t,6VA.61L80 • BRIAN KANOAS CSP. 9/31!02 Bradley A. Silbo P.L.S.6141 Projoet Manager Survey Dapamnut rt ...:.:: 740 Fripp gvanue . Asdwond CIPi,CA 94063 a (6501462.6300 . FAN 16801462 6386 e • SNGINEERING WEST INC. OBSERVATION CHART OAKVA.LEY DEVELOPMENT CUPERTIPIG. CA. 1-24-200D PACE 2 OP 3 Lot a/1OPTION : n, mt o r 1 cot^uIy'�y Sac r, nlo, cb rm 6 1 3E 3 Or'5199 0411 . 7p7/9V �us7/9 6 � BMR —N% 5 3 — ._E.MR ..�_._.� (1 iT99 5 4 AC 2 0'8.29.99 07/01199 09/24/99 10/0INP 10/01NA _S ONUS �1a. 9-99 06117/99 1 0917.2,'qg 09279 1 1 •�- o 7—';A 3r 1544 •99M/14199 I S 7 50 2/bONUS 2 04.29.99 O6/11/99 1 09/1519 09115199 10/01/89 .3 7 (141}'9193-1 01$/11/99 � /0 09105/4 9 0....r_ 22(14/19/99 06!07!99 09/03+99 �C /ORO 09/21/9 6 1G e I i ONUS ' 04/19199 05/28199 1� OW0 169 9�/CJ/99 09/20199 s i Ac 1 3 g•099 0512,19 5 12 8G 3M130N U5 (14/01/99 0521199 06/23/99 082.3/9 09/15/9 s71ON V5 04!0119? 06.27/99 08/18/99 ` 08/1 g10 OpMJ 19 14 6E I 2/60NU5 1a�!lp1199 07102191 06/1"ffi9'01',H/9 5 16 1 3A "/BONNE U4/ 1199 05/17/99 08/10/99 P5 N9 6 is 2C 112-23-99 - 5 17 4A 1 1102199 1 1"'<•23.99 5 18 6 D I 1 2/99 12.16.99 5 19 5C I x/99 ^2.13.99 ' � 1121-2000 5 20 3C 1/0 lop 12102199 5 21 5B 0 10/14 s 7C '- 08 i1§/yo 09W1g9 1-21-7.000 ,•^000 I dna. 5 23 1C I 06118/99 0907199 I 11-220_•2000 1.21.200--00 1 d,n y_� 2 1a —: 0r3lpg 10-4-n1-10 2000 1-72000 da a. ,�,•. 1S 2 4-1 3198 6 199 1 / 419 5 26 1 78 1 1 0!107199 1 06/29/99 10/0 /99 1004/ 9 1 1 1D 1 * 1 1°,_10.99 198 10/18/99• t !0 Bre 10118 9 1 3C SMR _ 5 31 I � , 5 32 1 4A _ IZ,Io 18807r,9:" lc--22.99 -+ 10 22.99 I 10-27-99 S 33 2A ] 1)(1/07/99 01112199 11/02/09 .I 10.29,99�-� 1• - 344 3 2 YWU7199 0723199 1/Od/99 12.1 9�9 12.1.89 5 35 5d MAW 5 05 '/99 0',r26199 11.10.99 11.1 •A9 1 •8• 36 5 7` 2C 2 ;��M2 9 07 6/6199_ _ 11.12_afi 1`. 2.0 t •D.9 6 36 3F� -'�2 I_ X313/23199 0811219 11.22.99 1'• • 9 1 ••14• 3 SA 7 —ZiiQal99 09/18/99 1'2.8.99 �112�.6,.-99 i2-1 0-99 40 6C 2/HOf1U.8.r7l 8/1219 12-13-99 _12.13 9 12.21.99 41 3A — _) 108/49 8 3/95 1.3-20:10�_ 0.2.000 ••---- (1)LOT 6 PLAN 2A G LOI 7 PLAN 50 Dl0 NOT ODS[R`JE PIERS. '(21013L SIDED SHEAR NALLS '(3)FLR. NAILING - GNf:INPPGINf: WPRT Ihlr` r DATE J09 No Consulting Engineers and Sclentists . .2.2 .qG A gqo •'1' 425 ROLAND WAY naacT OAKLAND, CA 94621 (510) 568.4001 LDCAT1O" • rli Ot �• CONrnac a+mEa Sl ra.0 I'DI C _ D I,',r, e�� )ate Jt.�I.0 %2,.d 1 c/cicl T5 5C e-Y - WEATHER Tsrw Aqc"at AM �( SLA, h v1 i00at PM ioure Charged To Project, 2' Nuclear Density Tests ` _ PRESENT AT SITE F OF O'r3r; ry --iekJ Task Number Concrete Cylinders u Zr, I, OF r (Zrol- i'HE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: "(Dr 5 tC O fCChc(P"IfC( �G(_ �GYJ! r�C�oSLYy)G1 ) C.11 �G/"3 ¢ B• 3F ^� 3FS G3 + G� h 3G n QYPG 1 = `��oKe eI- t1;n . K', rj-) -rt ia S• 3 1d 12e 1- 5- 2 } ct"'ol 5- 38 . T- o�Sc°.R2JPr� rl! i=Ctr/7'n�,.S ;n {—p Flrr✓1 Ccrvi�.�7tI-C,n. {- 51-r'u.i^ Ij�ua I oil 1, Ni- Gt 6•Y' ,7ReA 'S 'S)� ccC �Lu � � ICCI ��rRG, IIG�G� doz-.o" -� ✓� C Cti�'3Q n r-�I '-r-G�P,C.I— �1Q ^ 1 `i G i�d `�i?P-I'` R P C6 /-)C,) -� f'- l S G i n GING r` fi Y'G�2�•LGG (AJ i f'ti'") (,eA I' r' r, I�F.6� t i i C l Y G(` ry lf.'VA Ot G /"7 C') 5 '� ('C.0 c�^I LOA f01 i 1IC, SItIr C ti �;� .^ Iix.'hnGS �✓ Ch^ �7J �C��( vP1P (� rL ( Pn�u G /50 GF r^PG S �e i4t.r � i:� Fy lire � 1A ) II tJe QC�a�n.S7crJ .rruY 7TH r _,Yrrrr rr rTt i I )p TD SIGNED 1 dBPAFN SIPGROUP t k Burke Im: Jim Rlploy(SMTP:rlploydgQpaCbeii,not ,t: Monday, March 08, 1999 2:26 AM .PAT ©URKc 2)ock OAK VALLEY I 4rulic, CA. :VGiloy Vv erencw Linear parkway planting, ianlings w;lhln Iho linear perK oro cons,s(enl w;lh Iho langagapu llr icilon documents prepared by !his office and reviewed by the city 'arch 1998 and c0nf0rrn wllh Iha prullminory approval doumonls, as A. Ripley ay Design Group, (nc. FlNAL PL AN19ING SIGN ®� U" ®ATE .3 ov SIGNATURE r v� t a Xyy�1 I�3'4.• 1{y �'Y.:1 rY ykyt - { j t I,.rte V krrr 1 �WAY, SUITF.200, S.dh MATEO, CALIFORNIA 004,217T6LGPIIONX(650)377 0300 FACSUICLG 161o)349.2442 C1. zlf Mnrv`h I, 1490 --� MAR-02-00 11 34 FP.OM:COAST INSULATION SAN JOSE ID+408 288 3788 PACE 7/8 �v • COAB'f tr�.Ac�o^. c,Drrr�ca-�. Iry INSULATION CERTIFICATION 7m N. 1-,-n s. • Sar! Jose. CA 95112 .z �e"`;r that: su;aton has beOr installed in conformance yr th the current energy regulations. A. :-iylza ;ve Cade, TRIe 24, State of California, the building located at 7hicknessRype y�.�:�.•gr OMYE)(S CORNIN(i(�_ ll'neknes9l?ype r� v `3� R-F' 7 Lam--•.der pyrE.4tS C.ORNIN(i/N1V Thicknes&Type t � R-value l =�±`� !la^+.tawse: OYMENSC4FSIy1NG Thicknewrype a -- .. R-Value ,`�i0 _ — sq. Ft. Coveted Q5'D * GSgS used SEA:-kk: :NE-ALLED: YES NO LICENSE 0 TITLE: DATE COAST INSULATION CONTRACTORS, INC. LICENSE # • 9Y: _,_,TITLE: DATE • y LoT 5 - 37 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 1 of 4) — CF-6R • Site Address Permit Number An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided on this form is required;ho Hever, use of this farm to provide the information is optional.) After completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department(upon request)and the building owner at occupancy, per Section 10-103(b). HVAC SYSTEMS, - Heating Equipment Equip. N of Efficiency Duct Duct or Healing Heating Type(pkg. CEC Certified Mfr Name Identical (AFUE,etc.)' Location Piping Load Capacity /J7' heal um and Model Numbe__ r _ Systems__ jtCF-tRvdud (attic,ate.) it-value fBN/hr) (Btuthr) r�?00, 7Z -- 1� UP � �L.�—y/� - .�.6L� AMC,CI:L 7.9 Cooling Equipment Equip. CEC Certified Compressor Nof Effeleney Duct Cooling Cooling ' Type(pkg. Unit Mh Name and Identical (SEER,eta)l Location Duct Load capacity heal um Model Number systems 2CF-IR value attic etc. R-value (Btu/hr) turhr ZNI) 5AD. _L .L¢.£i�Y r ,am 1. >_reads greater than or equal to. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: t) is the actual equipment installed,2)equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (FotTn CF-1R) submitted for compliance with the Energy EJ/iciency Standards for residential buildings, and 3)equipment that meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices(from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Pari 6), where applicable. ��. ul a=zr-s� tiro ur Signature,Date [nstallmg Subcontractor Co. Name) OR General Contractor(Co.Name)OR Owner WATER HEATING SYSTEMS• Distribution If Recir- Nof Rated' Tank EM. External Heater CEC Certified Mrr Type(Sid, culation, Identical Input(kW Volume cleney' Standby' Insulation Type Name&Model Number PoinW-Use) Control Type Systems or Stw%r) (gallons) (EF,RE) Loss(%) R•value 2 For small gat storage(rated Input ofless than or equal to 75,000 Btuthr),electric resistance and heat pump water hcaten,list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters(rated Input of greatsr than 75,000 Btuthr),list Recovery Efficiency,Standby Lou and Rated Input. For Instantaneous gas water heaters,list Recovery EReency,and Rated InpuL Faucets &Shower Heads: All faucets and showerheads installed are certified to the Commission,pursuant to Title 24,Part 6, Subchapter 2, Section Ill. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listec'above my signature: I) is the actual equipment installed;2) is equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF-IR) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings;and 3)the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices(from the Appliance Effreiency Regulations or Part 6),where applicable. gnature, ate Installing Subcontractor(Co.Name)OR General Contractor(Co.Name)OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department Building Owner at Occupancy