35137 1220 YORKSHIRE 'DR —/ 4 Building Permit Confirmed Not Required 0 CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS gPIPING PERMIT Date_--------------------- ------ 19........ Permit No--------7-i�3.7 ................ The undersignedhereby makes application to the Plumbing Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit to ins}all plumbing fixtures and/or pipes listed on the reverse side. Exemption from require nt for State of California for Contra .is License is hereby claimed by undersigned:- s ov net ����£}arnent filed ❑ Undersigned attests th t h"Stale of Califo/rdie Contractor s L¢ense # is in full force and effect and properly authorizes this application. f� San Jose City Business License # L��� 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this pe�issued I shell not emp oy any person in any manner so as to violate the work/men's compensation laws of California. OWNER —T—a_, /r LA ADDRESS IZZOhrgsllgVeDn, Ca, Iylb Lot No. USE OF BUILDING V lW en / Signed _._...---" '- - - --'-~.-"-----.....----- 1220 YORKSHIRE OR OWNER 280-401n c Wc � N1F yc NSTOONFFFF 7cr NOoFF a' o p � A p " � _ N O ' " q 2 C IE " - O T m m p m A A m m a N =• O _. Z7 v v m m - m - a Z 0