21735 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bulldin project ldemlikeion Or �� PE3tbDT NO. Building Add� U re�Z: —1 - 21735 La W C10 1-1\l-L. �OJ T \'Lfa 4 L.�T� a Name Crtc�uq,'( GrOJ S n5.- orae. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION '1 _ Z _ G \ Cmtntgr'e Name: LIB Net APPLICATION if PERMIT BUILDING-n ECTRICAI4PLUMBING-MECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROLM Arch /1Inglnnr. . Glc N¢ �F BUILDING PERMIT INFO Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE Address PQib9"f ISSUANCE LICENSED EO CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I henry affirmthe lam Bcrosed underprovblon.of0upkr9(mmrrsmc MIsLI JOB DFS In ere.t Setbn 9lIW)ol d efegn3otmeBuCrcssandlarvlewmuCode,andmy 1!!! 114411L RIPTI II¢nm b In fv8 f d effect P Lben.Class�Lie.. ��OOQ t Dale Contractor an KA J Vel/ W ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 90-1 �Wqou0QQ7 ]uMerelaM my plane shall be used u public rMOrdL OVER1IXp AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. < Licensed Professional SIGNS 4 5 �<< OWNER-EUI DER DECLARATION SPECIAL CERCUIT/MI9C to„ I hembyafflrm that l am exempt from the Cmdractot.License law for the 67 following re..(Seerim7MI5,BuCn®and PmfessloaCodr.Anycityor TTNHa,SER OR IOLEINST. m oatntywhich require.•permit tomestruct,alter,improve,deoWh,orrepair �[ anyeructurt prlortolbw larre,also requle rmcen eappllt toe such pemut to K 5 file a signed gatemen that k It,Bcrosed pursuantPOWER to the provisions of the WDEVICES 1- Contractor's Lfc,.lawfCWpmr9(mmmendngwith Section 7000)of DM- E,�� sioo3 ofthe Buslnem and Professions Ced0orthe he b emnept therefmmed SWIMMING IDOL Fd.ECTRIC VALUATION the bib for the alleged ee,mption. Any violebon edSection 70715 by any p applicant fora permiteubjets the applicant to a Wil peruoy,of not room than OITTLETSSWEICHESFIXTURFS ` C�4 rj 41] five ndmddoll.WEs0). as vomer of the pmperty,or my employee whh wag..theb sob NEW RESIDENTIAL FT R2111 SQFT. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION mnpeeseion,wnl do the w¢k,and the em=m b not Intended or offered for Osalr&t.70t4,Bueoeaeei Pmfmbnscede:Thec mouctoe.U¢veiaw don rot apply to an owrcr of property wh.W ild.or improv.therms,and S.. OCC.GROUP RES UNITS who Mmse dedcrcugh hlaors e.lIhc qp ,the uhatuch Impmvem m are riot Intendedo rof o forsale.14however, Mer WWgve TOTAL Impmvemem bsdd wohIn orcyvrofcomplellorn,the own,bullderwW have t"mien of proving the he,did not bund or improve for purpose of soak.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE LI L as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with 11¢rued FLOOD ZONE APN mntracton to mvtrut the project(See 9OµBuaInessant Pmfealo.Code: PFRMITISSUANCE The ContnctoY.License Law don nes apply to an own,of property who Funds or Improve thereen,and who contracts fur such pScjens with a ALTER-DRAIN VFM-WATER(W �Ifact¢(s)b¢nxd puraoanitothecontractor'.Li¢nae law. BACK Flow PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I sen exempt under Sec B 4 P C for this renin Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,CONTI. SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEIPT. WORIO.TAN GAMPENSATION DECLARATION N PFR TR" SCHOOLTAX Y_ _ ❑I hereby affirm that I have a¢rtlficee of consent to seR-IwrtFIXn1W5 ,or RFLF N uomf.m.fWorkeri Compensation lnauran¢¢.¢hBledt mpythereof(Ser. GAS E.A.SYSI.FM-1 INc4 OUIZES PARR FEE Y N 3B W,Iab c) RECEE]PT Pesky. GAS FA.SYSTEM-OVER 4 MAI Co���rrrn aaanv l .,.sit K.I PSI. BUILDING DIVISION FEES wertlfled copy b herebyfutheeft. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTIXCF11OR PLANCHECKFEE Certified ropy,b filed with the tlty Inspection didsion. CERTIFICATE OF IXFMPTION FROM WORKERS CRE'S''s'E TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCESEWER-SANITARY-STORM FA aIQ,.f. Date Rtt i t# 1 5.S O (11d.sedio.ntedn¢beconpleed ifthe permit bfor..hundrtddollue ENERGY FEE Y N ($101))or tro.) WAT'ER]-WATER W/VENT/ELEC7'R I certify the In the performance of the work(or which role percent le bored, I shall not employ any person he any,manner n as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/1REATING Wmkun'Compen.elnn Law.ofOWomla.Date PAID Q = Appllom NEWRF�ENTIAI.PLMB. 9Q.Ff. __Date Recti t# Z NOTICETOAIaPLICANT:R,aft,nukiryted.C,HflvteofEzempnbn,yw should become em),et to the Workers'Corrpensanlmm s pvbbv ofthe Labor TOTAL: N Code,you forthwohm plywithsuchpmv Wmorthbpermitehallbe OUILDING FEE l2. bO W `� deemed revoked. CON them Is a ONLENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FTE 13.brj CL eofthe linerthat orl,f.twhhert bamvtvctlon lending agemyfor the pegorrry TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE 3.t-2, 0 Z Le'", erre for whkhthb pe b belted(sK 3(/97,civ.C) - LL O Ieed,:Addr ��`T"n PLUMBING FEE "13.13 LL I<naer.waare„ QI'Y. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE 3 .l O W 1¢Clfymatl love readthb applivtlonard Cate that the above Infornution S Mating to unylmreprmanaCstelaw. PERMIT ISSUANCE FEE All). N city to gtobuilding pontheconstruction,abmw-crentim hereby eultrortyfeelI rtpreanpurpoi of this F Z city to theabove-membrcd keeperty(orw to Cr purpose.. ALTER ORADD'IOMFSH. (eat)agree m save,ledements an d.per which the coy of Cupen cal D to ReO t# V agawnhabWtl.,)udgmew,cents IM ezpene which may to any way amue AIR IiANDllNC UNIT CN 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: against said Cry In mnsecI m.of the granting of this permk. aao3Z5:D I AIR HANDLINGHANDLINGIt NG carr(OVER lo, cFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX C CONSTRUCTIONTAX PAID- HAZARDOUS of ApplHAZA DO Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DIK'I7 HA9A RDOUS MAT RIALSoccopa DIt.,or RE Will me applicant or future building omvpant Ston or hnrdk havrdous HEATING UNIT 100,000 BTU) Date ReCel t# rruterial as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.17,and the I leeeth.M Sanely Code Smticr 95533(.)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: 1 5 5 L. RY. No nithe appllnnt« .,ebuildinguccvpantu .Nipment cedevices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE IHSD) ISSUANCE DATE which emit"Hous ale mnbmlnants as defircd by the Bay Area Air Quehty hfanagereent District? BOELER-COMP(311F.OR 1000N BTU) Yn F❑'o No have read the hav7wsmaterials requlrtmenb under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVfR 100,000 BTU) pIPW�pMf the Calltorets Health h Safety Code,Sections 75505,7:533 and 75530. I , understand that irthebullding do,s trot currently have a tenant,than It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH SQ. FEB 241991 responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which most be met price to i mane,of a`C,ertifiate of Ocmpanry. C- .� . iJa �asv Ownergr aim agent Date P ern/ A� . Vl� ISSUETOTAL: 'eV ' OFFICE COPY