23143 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES— USE BALL POIfiIT PEfN ONLY tlulldin Pro'catlJentlflnHon PF.NMITNO. 9ullding Addmae: ^ ��y� Z 314 3 I b3 WI��P2��f� l�R- �` �f' mr�e!ame: one: q bOVCh(G"r - C17YOPCUPERTIN66UILDINCDIVISiON � � c°"�°�"'"'°:��u � � ���.N�: APPLICATION I PERMIT Z�.� U � BUILDINGFIF.C'IRICALI'LUMBINGFfFLHAMCAl CAT�RY COMROLM ArchitM/Englneer Lic.No: Q'rv ELECTRICPERMIT PEE BUILDWGPERMITWFO Addmc: PFRA9TISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LIC[NSED CONTRACTOR'S Df.CLAMTION 1Lercbyafltrm�hatlamllcmud�MerpmvlsloneofCA�pter9(rommen �1Pf73ANCFSRESIDEM7AL ]OBDPSC ON IngwltASeRion70W)ofDlvlelon3oftheBuelrieeeandProkeslw�Cade,andmy ' �� � lircnceleln(u0loraeanddkG. PANFlS ' '� LlmneeClan Lk.M ' Q Date Contractor ARCHITECI`SDECLARATION p�'���� �Z lunden/andmypla�uelu116eueedupubilcrecardw OVERIODOAMI'S' �.R.FlOOR A §/ .FC. OC '�� Licenxd Pta(mla'ul 9GNSELEC7RICAL A L E D �< OWNL'R-9UILDER DECLARATION ��7pLCIXCUII'/MLSC {�/J P U T E z�.,,�' Iherebya(firmtFut7emexemptfromtheCommcmr'eLkevel�wforehe (ollowing reanon.�Senion 7Q11.5,Butlnma anG Profevelene Code:Any dty or O F.� 7EMP.ME'1'hIiORP04HINST. / /�/�� �� ewntywFlchrequlrteapemJtlocoeutrvct,dMqlmpmve,demolbh,orrcpalr �'� �§ anyatructureprlormlmbaaKe,aleorequlmtheapp0antlwwchperMtro �W�p�� r ��a � Ole a tlgvcd shrement thal M b IlmnaM pun�anl ro tM proWlom of thc ��,� Contnctori Gce,ue Iaw(Chapler 9(mmmencing wlth SeRbn 7000)o!Divl- ' ����� 30 ve�3olthe9uelnenamdl'ra(mbroCodc)orthetheleerem tAeretmmand SWATMINGI'OOLFJ.CCfRIC ypLUA770N ��yd S the basle for tAe alleged e�empllan. Any WolaHon o!5ectlon'9Q11S by any �Q� appllcentloreperMteubjnTetheappllnnttoadvllperultydnMrtnrclFan ��'E�'SWITCHFSFiXTIl72FS llv�undrcddollan( �. . �WxEqpp,MIALELFGTR_$Q.FI. y7pW[S 7'ypE�pNSTkUCTION � I,ae owner af 1he pmperty,or my empbyen with wagea es lhelt wle rompenaaflon,w111dotMworkandlFeatructurel.�no[intendedorotfemd(or � O vk(Sec.76iq8uelnescandPmlenbreCade:7heContncmreLlmmel�w 5� docanolapplytoanownerolpropertywhobuildeorlmprovntMreon,and , p�C,CROUI' ' RFS.UNITS who dcee euch worQ hlmvel(wthraugh Na mvn employeee,prwlded tM1at ach improvemente are not In4nded aroflered foruk.It,M1owever,�Aebullding w Tp7p�,; improvemenl h eold witM1ln oneyea m(mmpteHan,the mvnervbullderwlll Fave ' tt�urdeno(pmvingthatFmdidnaWlldorlmprovc(orpurpoeeofule.). Qpy, pLUMBINCPERMIT �E WppD7ANE APN U L ae awner o!Ihe pmpcny,em eaclueively mnwning wilh Ilmnxd PERMIT LSSUANCE D mntnctam to mwwR the pmjeR(Sec.7044 Buelness end I'rofeeelone Codc �� Thc Contnnofe LI¢nee I�w don na�pply to an owner o(property who AL7i•R.DRAIN 4 VEVf-WATER(EA7 builda or Improvo thereon,and wFo mntnRs(w such p�ojnb witM1 • FEE$UMMARY cqN�acTor(s)IkenaMpunuenttotM1eConhanoY�LimnmLaw. BAQCFLOWPROTFGT.DEVICH .Lf 1 am evempt under See B k P C far thb rcaaon D2VNSb7.00RROOF.ARLA,COND. SAM'fARY Y� N �'�« Date RECQPf N WONIQ.tANCOMPFNSATIONDECLARATION FIX,NRFSPEIt�RM Spi00LTA% Y_ N_ ❑I hercly a(firm thal I have�mni(lote of coneent�o w141narc,m a '�� RECEQ'f M mnlflra�eofWorkenCompe�uatlanl�uunn¢oraceNlflMcopythemaf(See GASFA.SYSfEM-1INC.fOU7LEfS PAFtICFFL Y N 3800,I�b C.) Coman �',ASPA.SYS'1'CM-0VQR4(EA) AECII['PM � � Y 9UILDING DIVISION FC[S CeKitledmpybhereby(umisLed. GRFASH/WDUSIRI,WAS[EIMFJiCQ''fOR PLANCHGCKIZE Ceni/Ied mpy b(iled wlth Ihe Aty IrepMion dlvlslon. C[RTIFlGTEOFIXEMPI'IONFFOMWORKHRS' G�SE�r PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCf SewFR�snM7.naY sroa�t2n mou� Da[c RCtt'I t# (fhleaeRlan need not be complMed i(the perMt�farorm Fundred dollare �1001ar1ei.) wnrner�ewrQew/vFxrio.errrzrz ENERGYPEE Y N ]ani(ythatlnthepeAormanmo(thewmk(orwNch�FlepertniHebeued, ' — — I aFall not emptay any perean In nny manner n ea ro bemme a6jea to tM1e WA1•FA S,S.fQ.f/7.REA,nhG Warken'CompenaallonGw�afG11lomh.Date . �/��p � Z Applicant ' ' �dEWRF9DEN'I7ALPLAf9. :n}T. DZfC RCtt'1 �N Z � N017CETOA['('LICANT:I(,�kermakinglh6CeniflrateofEvemptbn,yw � eM1auldbecomesubjectlotheWoeken'Compematlonpmvbbiuo(Ihel.abor TOI�AL: � N Code,youmurt(onhwlthwmp1yw11hauchprovlalovorlhbperMtahallbe > dremed revoked. DI G �� �.a 0 coNsraurnoN�womcncwcr . SEISMICFEE I hercby�(Orm ihat therc b a ro�t�ucUon Iending agencylor tAe perforrrv ELL�R�C�� � Z anceoftheworklorwNchtFbpermlt0lawed(Sec.3097.CIv.C.) TOTAL: 3.(1 (� Q t<�e�r.N,� - PLUMRINGPGE 3 D LLF ��deraAddmw � QTY. MECHANICALPERMIT �E MECHAMCALFES OW ImnifythatlFavereadlhbapplloHonaMpa�ethattheaboveln(orrtutlon , a bmncn.7agrrerocomplywitM1alltltyandmuntyaNinanrenandpamlawe rmnfrrLssun,�ce FBESPAID: } N relalingtobulldingcoriatevcHon,andherebyautFotlzercpreeentativno(tFb � Z dtyrocnteruponlMabovo-mcmb�uNpropertyforWpvcHanpurpoun. AL7EFIORADD70MFLH. Da12 ReC21 I# ti — (We)a lo save,indc Ify an d kecp A�rMen the City o(Cupenlno agaln me.,wa �m,�..�a �penxawhlchmaylnanywayacaue aRHANDLINCUMT(fO]O,OOOCFM) SUBTOTAL: D Id Ity� e �hc amingWthleperMc - AIRHANDLINGUMf(OVFR70,ODOCRM) CONSTRUCI'ION'fAX SI a Ap nt/ ontanor Dnoe ocruusTH000cwi�ucn - CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA7ARDOIIS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WIIlthcappOcantor(uWrebulldingoccvpamatoreorhandlehvardoua HFATTNCl1MT('N100,OOOOIIq �Jate RCCEI fN maMrlal as delln d by tM Cupertlno MuNdpal Code,Chapler 9.12,and lhe HealihandSaletyC Ion75531(a)7 FIGTWCIIMT(OVCR100,IXpB77J) TOTAL: , Bj1 ❑Yea No Wllltheappll�anlor Nrcbulldingottvpamuwequiprrenlardevlm �FN77LA770N�AN($WCLENESID) ISSUANCEDA7'E whlch emit ha>urdaue alr contaMwnle ae deMed by tM Day Arca Nr . Qu IIIyMavgementDist In7 �ILER-CAMPPf�'OR100.IXqBTIn � �e 4Yn No �u� � havereadtFeM1u. ematerlalsmqulremenbunderCFapkr6.95o( 110ILER-CONP(OVER100,OOON7U) ' Ihe GII(omW Health k Sil�ode,Seniav 75505,25537 and 2S53d.1 ��� �O ��� unders tluHfthebWldingdoceno�currentlyM1avealenant,tM1a�itlemy �WxGS1DFN71ALMfiCH, SQ.Ff � Ililylo he panto(thercqulrcmenbwAlchmuct6errct rlo Ma e Occv nry. i�O'_L( � «jI �Y' I' �YUrCFfIIIVU 1 � 1— OwneroraWharludagenl Date ���pg � 11�TA1.: OFFICE COPY