02020123i ' :CITY'OVCUPERTINO '' - — . • . ' " 'CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: :'sun.DrNG DIV' PERMIT.. BUILDING ADDRESS: ' - - f; �;;,t;,i -, 1-� PERMIT NO.' 20.355',VIA,VOLANTE.'. ,, „' JUST WATERrHEA.TERSI.INC• „."'' ;..,,.•02020123 .. �, 'OWNER'S NAME::•"^•.,__ �x-._.�.__....,..-.._:. ._. ..._...-_.... .... ......... ._..._._.__APPLICATION SUB DATE... .-......_.. ....._ _ CHEUNG'.GREGORY=Y-KING AND 'SO H .176'4''" -NATIONAL AVE" 02/28/2002 PHONE: - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (510)293-9901 I ARCHITECT/ENGINEGR: BUILDING PERMIT INTO O.D ❑ BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 5 u Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 3`t.withSection7")ofDivision3oftheBueinnsandProfessionsCode.endmylicense 1 hereby vfrom Thal I am licensed under provisions of Chapter, 9l commencing REPLACE 50 GALLON GAS WATER HEATER 2_i is in fall force unJ cRcn. ere 6 License Cioss Lic. M ' -n Uma - Cnmrnctnf I 3 ° g ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall Se used as public records • '. " .. �. _ . e o o Licensed Po4cssin od OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 5 .1 hereby d6on that I am exempt from the Committal's License taw fm the ] ? < following reason. (Section 7131 5. Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county .• ., ,$ 11 •% 1 e D wnicn rcgoirca a permit m cncomel. chat. improve, demolish, or repair any structutn ,. r. :::'. , ". .. „ .. .- . _ .. u 3_ , pm t t e. al 9 d ppLs.ant farmeti Format fl g J t cement _. -.. .... .... .... j ,aCa1yp �3�1��1VJ.Y Valuation gran T sedP rs antt9thsprm nxoflhcContrvcmr L rtsefa (Chapter9 Sea 11 IDn of the B,u,me MPmf< oaCude) mcco un<ing Ih c.7 aan,l mc or that he fa <nempt therefrom aM tha,b'isfor. cite mlegetl neapnon Any .iolm,on \ - office , by any vpplicam for a Permit subjects the vpplicani mS civil pcnahy , aft;nfmaathan fivehundreddollars ($5oo).S024pN"ArL ;ENERGpccupancyType PLUMBIN -' 01 aso flit p peer > ploy with 8 th...'1 a scion _ , k' .", .. ... .. , "` "' '507 =" F INAL' P S�Q65Pecnons - p will do the wu k d the structure s not intended sar offered f I (Sec -704W Biomass and Profess area Call The CmtitmZomTLicinFc Law dues not apply In an L., wner'thematic.propsay Who builds or improves then. and who does such work himself I o y 'offered n nployces. provide) ohucM1 improvements are not intended or' or through his owum .c for sale If h Ihe,u Id n8 p i Id - Ih o Ye f .. .... ...... . —..._. ._ _.. _ _ _ completion, the owncribuilder willh the den ofproving thth did notbuild o p f t rpmse of sale ) \ O I of property, exclusively vothattan, tit licamccl contractors t p el (Sec ]m B and P (c Code:) Th Contractor'. COnStMCt the project License ow dines not apply man owner Lir 5 who num hoproves m whocontracts for such p j ccs with a comiracmgs) licensead,purcusum to.do . ..... - It �/O w. Cm' S1. ❑1reason, derB&PCfor this ( , -. pt Owe I Dae - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby Off,. under penahy of perjury. one of the following declarations: - 01 hive .ind 'will'ormhoin a Cehimcam of Consam to self -insure for Worker's Compenimion, aa- provided lin by Section 3700 of the tabor Code, for the 'performance of the,work for which this permit is issued. 01 have arod'will titanium; W Ae Compensation 1 c req 'red by Section 3700 f Ih 'L Mir Code. for the perfuncrource of the k for which this Permit is •1 I . _ issued My Workers Compensation Insurance cancer and Pnl cY be - .- , - .... r ...,d G ... e .. ... 1-e ls' X41, • rte ,{' CERTIFICATION OFE%EMMON FROM,NORKERSj; 'I COMP8NSAl10N INSURANCE -`-` A,(T hs seclton need rot belcnmplueJ if the jarmit isfor onehiadred dollar, ' 1-• .:. (3IW) nr less.) ', • , .. 'a•" t on I c n fY Ihaiin Ih performaim f,hl o k f which N pcTisW..ad 1 �.... -� � ,... r. ,., ,. h .. .. �... ., : sham not emplay',ny p rson to y -m noel w m to bdtmle svb7m m the Wodm' .. Cto part in laws of California: Dare Applicant._ _._ ...-.. _... NOTICE TO APPLICAY I if. after making this CeniEcme of Exemption. you should, ` become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Wlwr Code, you must Q O fonbwith'cmmply with such provisions ahis permit shall be deemed next ked, ^' � •.' ••"'""t"'CONSTkUCi'ION LENDING AGENCY - 1barony eRnn that there is a conamucdon lending agency for the performance o7•t 'of the wolfs for which,his permit is issued (Sec 1097 Civ. C.7 -' aQ -Lcndcis Namc'_.-n.-.. :., .. _ ...,t .. :.... r. _.:. ..:.-..J. 1 ..._. ..._. _. .- ... _ _ .. w7•Z Lcndem'6 Address ,, C.1 Q W [^r Q V I ccnify than have mad this application tradition that the above infonnauan is - cavi. 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating m building conshomian, and hemby ambodn teprescinaJves of this city to enterupon' i' W ,the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. .. E..0. (We)alime io save, indemnify acid keep hamdessthe Ciiyor C.Rmeoagainst !n liabilities, judgments, costs and expenms which may in any way accrue against said V. Z City in consequence of the granting of this permit.. n , ^ 'APPLICANT UNDERSTANDSAND WI, COMPLY WITH' ALL NON -POINT' Issued by: ! SOURCRREGULATIONS. .Date y' Re -roofs ' - sig ,_ l'AppucaaUCnnowty,...,...' , Datc;v;.:':' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ' Will Nc applicant or future b6ildtngoc up-ttm or, handle bunhous material t ,;� Type of .hoof- V ... •as ticfi ed by the Cupertino Municipal Cade Chapter 9 12, d the Health and Safety Cole Seclo 255321u) 7 J ,.. I r f �•, + I: '�. f 1 , - ;. ' �! , •• . All roofs,shall,be.inspecteci pnor'to any material being installed.,.--... W 11 the applicant or future building occupant use equipment odevices which - -roofing " . If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Quality Manngeent it com ta as defined by the Bay Amen A Q m m t h r,ardo mman eDist let? "„ - . r , all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with "'.., all non-poirtsource regulations :. ..... ......:....r._ , ;,,.....,.. 1 have and the haaallousmetoridls aciamom ccs under Chapter 6.950f the - edifomiv Heahh&Safety CoJe.Seciiuns25505.25533 mr,25534. I undersandlhat„ '- ifthe building does not currently have a tenant, that it is my responsibility to notify the ove.pam of the iequirentenls whlth must be met nmr to issuance Or a Cenifcoa of - °"upancy' " Signature of Applicant Date 11:�' All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better 'G madaed oma Qu'ne gen 5 , . r; OFFICE