S 1635r ev ADDI IreNTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY r .-.. ........ _ _ CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL. 13U�AING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJF,LT IUEN'rIFICATION PEga11T NO. J 1635 BUILDING ADDRESS: l To �v SANITARY NO. AT, LICATION SUBMITTAL. DAT 1? is-- 7 2 OWNERS NAME: - PHONE: CONTRACT'OR'S NAME: LIC NO: NIC CONTROLp ❑ ARCHI I'ECf/ENGINLER: I-[ —/W N% 20 ADDRESS: NE: CONTACT. PH/v% BUILDING PERMIT INFO (�-. �iI ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH ❑ ❑ ❑ 40Z +100 FK W F aVV Q i F ❑y ZGUPT0200AMI'S 4E"W CIE 6 all V LICENSED CON1' RAC TOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that Iran littnud under provisions of Chapmr s) (commencing whnsmnnnlXXO efnroi.imlq Done xa.nrexs and Pfefessions Gde, amd my heemse is in full force anJl terse c} Date nCl ss f.ic.N Date Cnntramr A C 1'ITCI-S DECLARATION 1 nnderelnnd in, Flaw .roll tw used its puM1lic reconlc QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑ SFDW L ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E)SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEL/REPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER �r PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL PANELS Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby alfient that 1 um exempt from the Contmaora License Law for the following reason (Section 7131.5, Business and Professions Cale: Any city or county 201-1000AMPS OVER I000 AMPS SIGNS 171 -EM RICAL ^ WOy which requires v permit to construct. alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure,h ehpconita,, Ble eignedslmemmrt prior 1. it, issuance, alloor,mes the applicant for.cma .✓k� a� SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. m W Q that he is licensed pursuant,, the provisions of Ne Contractors License Low (Chapter 9 TEMP. ME'T'ER OR POLE I - COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDrnON ❑ DEMOLITION f gq0q ly e (commencing with Section 7000) of Division] ofthe Business and Profasmns Caie)or that be is cwmpt Nercfmen and the hasis for the alleged exemption. Any violmior of LL ^,m Q REM '� Section 7031,5 by any n1plicum fore preano ubjecuthe.ppiieam m. civil peraltyof n more than five hundred dollars 185110). �1, as owner of the pmpety. nr my cmpinyms with wages ns tbeirsmle compensation, POWER DEVICES 0 air ❑TENANT ❑FOODSERVICE IMPROVEMENT OTHI?R SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC L 3 will do the work, and the structure is oat intended or offered for sale (See. 70a,L Business and Professions Cale: The Contmeturs Licence Law does not apply to an owner of who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through OUTLETS-SWITCHI6-FIXTURES progeny his own employees, provided Nm such inapowenume arc not intended mr oxbted for sale. IL however. the building or improvement is sold within one yearofcompiction,the NIiW RIiSIDBNTIAL ELEC''R 5 SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA vsQ. Pr. -owner,builder will have the harden of proving, that he did not build or improve for put. pore mf owner Fmtpeny,.E exclusively contracting with licensed conmteots i- I, as TOTAL the project i Cale:) The Cmmmdon, Li- Corse r the p ij m ]Bodo Business and whesedporimproves anti La ny wh builds cense Lawdoesinot.ppr teas apply QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE thethereon,and who commets insuch projects with n wmmmortx) licenced pursuant .the Contractor's withit PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law. ❑ Inm cxemgt ander Sec. . B & P C far thi, o Dan Owner Date WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby nl n under Penalty of perjury one of Ne following declarations: ALTER -DRAIN &VENT- WATER (EA)VALUATION D O dD NOCK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE i i ❑Ihavc and will l nary etion 37nc of thread, soar, fee for Worker.Cemf,hc amino: as provided for by Section 3](NI of the LuMrt Cala for the performance of the DRAINS - FTO(yR, ROOP,ARF.A. COND. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION work for which this permit ix issued FIXTURES - PIiR TRAP and will mountain Workers Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 37000 the Labor Cale for the peformxone of the week far whicbthis farmit is ixsued. GAS- EA. SYSTEM. INC. 4 OUTLETS OCC. GROUP APN CtIY I 4 nW Cnerlff My Wnrkc' Gmt and Policy nu er Cartier GAS-f?A.SYSfEM-OVERJ(EA) GRI?ASWINDUSTRL. WASTE INTERCEPTOR CF.RTIITC OMPE SATIONIINN FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION PEPS This section need not Be completed i flhc fiction is forone hundred dollars($]an) or Ices.) GREASETRAI' PLANCHIiCK FEE I<enify Nmin Ne Performance„Tube xvrk foewhieh Nispermit nissucd,ishill urn ampiny any person in any aram er so as in become subject to the Worker: Centpen- SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA. 200 FT ENI?RGY 12E WATF,R BEATER WNIiNt/ELECTR GRADING FEE Z O .~N.I 1^, LS�•11 lL 0 V �' 1'+ WLenders %1 U,ZZ. ..tion Laws of California. Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT IL after making this Cunneen, of Exemption, you should become subject m the Workers Compensation pmvisiom of the Labor Cole, you must I In ith comply with inch pram,inns or this Fenn, shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGIiNCY I fix, vs uh con Nm Nere is sued (Seconstruction0 lending agency for the performance of the work for which Ibis pemtit is issue] (Sec, 309], On. CJ U:nJer'e Nume Address WATER SYSTEM/TREATING WATER SERVICI? SOILS ITE PAID NEW RESIDENUAI. 1'LMIi. SQ. FI'. re Receipt # TOTAL: TOTAL: BUILDING F. 1 canify Inm I reverend I i, application and state unit the above ioformmion is cmrmt.I agree In comply with all city and county ordinances andsmre lows relating m building construction. and hereby authorize representatives mfthix city tuenter upon the above-mentioned propeny for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC FEE FEE Fain lities,judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way acme against said City in consequence of the granting M this ptPLUMBING ALTERORADDTOMECL AIR HANDLING UNIT(To Ho,00 I CFM) MECHANICAL FEE APPLICANT UNDE NDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALI. NON -POINT SOURCE GULL ONS SOURCE a AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER III,(NIOCFM) CONS '1'RUCTION TAX fignaturenf Applicam/Conuocam Date EXHAUST HOOD(WIDUC) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HA9ARDOUS MA'TERIAIS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (TO I0k000 BTU) WillNenpplicant or Col.. building mcupmamorem handle harecomus..¢tial as Jefirod by the Capetian Municipal Code, Chagter 9.12, and the Health and Safety "Cods. Section 25532(a)'f Yes DEALING UNIT (OVER 100,010 BTU) PAID VIiMI'IIAI'ION IRAN (SINGLE RESIUI Date Receipt# Will the applicant or future building occupant use ryuipmem or devices which emit hazardous air comaminams as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management BOILER -COM 1' (3111' OR 101,000 RTU) TOTAL Diaoict^ ❑ Yes ig[h: BOILER -COMP (OVER 100.000 BTU) AIR CONDITIONER I have seat Ne hazardous materials requirement under Chapter 6.45 of the Cali- Tanis Health & Safety Code, Scotioms 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand thin if Nn buildingdoes nm cntremly haven tenant, Neu it is my respomibitiry m ratify the mcupanu //''---- ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. PC earn rain' mems: ¢ cost he me prise set issuance of. Ceniaeme of Oce toy. _. �_ `iCyL r_ ISSUED BY: 09 D TOTAL” net orauthorized agent Op OFFICE N FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: I y WALL LEGEND (FOR SPECIFIED AREA OF WORK) C-� EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN F_= _ _ _ EXISTING NON-BEARING WALLS TO BE REMOVED EXISTING WALLS WITH GLASS i. II14 t f LOCATION MAP ZOJ ECT DATA CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V NR, FULLY SPRINKLERED OCCUPANCY: B2 OFFICE CONTRACTOR: MIDGLEN STUDIO ASSOCIATES 831 MIDGLEN WAY WOODSIDE, CA 94062 SCOPE OF WORK -- REMOVE EXISTING NON-BEARING WALLS -- RE -SWITCH EXISTING CEILING LIGHTS TO ACCOMMODATE NEW LAYOUT NO CHANGE TO EXISTING SUSPENDED CEILING REMOVE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS FROM REMOVED WALLS NOTE: NO CHANGE TO EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER LOCATIONS, EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEW LAYOUT Al Mkim;oft CUPERTINO OFFICE BUILDING 10000 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Y2 . OFFICE COPY u, i kw& uur i MA'f 7 - 1998 BLDG. INSPECTION CITY OF CUPERTINO MAY 5 1998 THE MIDGLEN STUDIO ffil WILLIAM ARTHUR PATRICK, AIA AKIRA STEVAN PATRICK, AIA ARCHITECTS LICENSE C4940/ C17920 831 MIDGLEN WAY WOODSIDE, CA 94062 415 / 369-0416 FAX 369-0417 "NONTNWOOO' . �SELMPN' hF I ; AR �Nl� ' W 3 L. OIUNGE AER.. APPLE THEE aA _PEMT ULL I u : N 61 6f: j }� r•� .p ��qq{{ - 3 . FOBESI VALLCO ' eaENM�_ 8S NO� �i SORENSON �. loll; PNICE �SG1� ` LMEE ZOJ ECT DATA CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V NR, FULLY SPRINKLERED OCCUPANCY: B2 OFFICE CONTRACTOR: MIDGLEN STUDIO ASSOCIATES 831 MIDGLEN WAY WOODSIDE, CA 94062 SCOPE OF WORK -- REMOVE EXISTING NON-BEARING WALLS -- RE -SWITCH EXISTING CEILING LIGHTS TO ACCOMMODATE NEW LAYOUT NO CHANGE TO EXISTING SUSPENDED CEILING REMOVE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS FROM REMOVED WALLS NOTE: NO CHANGE TO EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER LOCATIONS, EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEW LAYOUT Al Mkim;oft CUPERTINO OFFICE BUILDING 10000 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Y2 . OFFICE COPY u, i kw& uur i MA'f 7 - 1998 BLDG. INSPECTION CITY OF CUPERTINO MAY 5 1998 THE MIDGLEN STUDIO ffil WILLIAM ARTHUR PATRICK, AIA AKIRA STEVAN PATRICK, AIA ARCHITECTS LICENSE C4940/ C17920 831 MIDGLEN WAY WOODSIDE, CA 94062 415 / 369-0416 FAX 369-0417