26817APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION/PERMIT BUILDING DIVISION PLUMBING -ELEMIMECHANICAL ;{^jRD11.DING PROJECTIDENTIFICATION- - PERMITNO. 26817 LLIDIN//GG�ADDRESS : SANIT ftY NO. APPLICAATTIONSSyUBMITALDATE 'V VVV UNITM LOT# —/may {• OWN' SN/AMF.: PHONE: 1` `s / CTOR'S NA LIC NO: C_, N/C CONfROLM ARCHITF.CT/ENGINEFR: LIC NO: DRESS: ST—Qans�J th/ 'ONTACI': PHONE: /siTy n�I ELECfRI�CjPEMqm �RM�ITrIC ` S -�UICDINC PERMIT INFO- . rvBLDG PLUIa1B MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE \L�J1R�'' Lek LICENSEDCONdunder CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby eRmnlhatlem licensed underproviaimsofChapter 9(commrncing with APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL TOB DESCRIPTION Section 7000)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and a t. PANELS License lea Lies LCL-wZQ rn UPTO200AMPS Cmtmmm 201 - 1000 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall bd used as public records. OVER IOW AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA E/SQ. FT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. 1 hereby affirm that 1 un exempt from she Concoclo's License law for the following mason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or cowry TEMP. METER OR POTS MST. which requires a permit m comvuct, slur, improve, demMish, or repair my ma.m. #dor to its issuance,almrc,.a. theapplicant for such Femur to filatidinedsuument POWER DEVICES that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Conrracmfs License Law (Chapter 9(commmaing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION or thin he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. My violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicwt for a Femur subjects the applicant to a civil pemlty of OUTLETS -SWITCHES -FIXTURES not more than five hundred dollars ($500h ❑ wrk,andepropactum wrnifor NEW RFSIDENTIALELECfR_SQ. FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION imy intended oro o the will dothework, andtheamcureisnotinullede deforseta(Sec. 7aA. Bulinus ado(Sa 70,PI.ensiness and Professions Cale: The Contractor's Licensee Lew does not apply m an owner of Law property whobuild,mim on,cithereon,andwbodcesauchwork himselforthrough his own employces,provided thatsuchimprovemenlsarenotimendedmoffemdforsale. If, OCC. GROUP RE.S. UNITS however, the buildingor improvement is sold within one yearn(completion, the owner- builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of TOTAL: sale.). ❑ I, osownerofthepropeny,ameadusivelyconbecting withlicemedconwcNrsu lux n±p – .•wl y Ye ser a*M IT(' PE&'n FLOOD 20NE APN construct the project (Sao 7(s44, Business and Profeuiam Codd:) The Contraaoh License Law dors not apply munownernfpropeny wMbuildaorimprova thereon, and ERMIT ISSUANCE le on whocontracts mrsuch pmjems with ecmtmcmrts) licensed pursuant a the Con—vu, License law, I R P COn1P FEE SUMMARY ❑ I em exempt wader Sm. , B & P C for Nis reason cP wi�AA V E •O�a� Wee I gANITARY Y N Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION 'oWk 'A ND' RECEIPT# SCHOOLTAX YN ❑ thereby affirm that l have a certiEcam ofconsdnno self-insum, m 4cdnifisauofWWI,,RECEIPT# Workcr%Compensetion Insurance orocesdfiea copy thereof(5x.3800, Lab CJ which covers all employee's under Nis pemtit. Policy If ar,a a S'A C PARK ME Y N_ RECEIPT 0 BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company CICenifiedcopyisherebyfumiNed. Jr. Il' PLANCHECK PEE GRADING FEE ❑ CmifiM copy it filM with N<city inspaum Nvision. GREASFgNDUS CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' ILS COMPENSATION INSURANCE Max section mordant he completed ifthe Femur is foronehunduddollan(SIM) SEWER -SANITARY EA. 200FEE or less.) I certify that in Ne petformsnce of Ne work fm which iMs permit is iuuM, I shah ECI'R 11 not employ any person in my mummer so u to become subject to the Workvi PAID Compensationlawsof Califamia. Dau WA 0.SY5 LDate Receipt# Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT'. If. after making this Certificate of Esemption, you abroad PLMB ij SQ. FT. TOTAL: become subject to to Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you roust fanhwith comply with such provisions or this Permit shall be deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that them is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC PEE Lender's Name ✓p7�y Landds Address Q 7 21 CHANICAL PERMIT FEE - PLUMBING FEE 1 certify that 1 have read this applicafion and state that the above informations torten. l agree to comply with all city and county onfinances and sue laws mlalingN ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE building conamuction, and hereby aathorize upmunudi eaaf thisciry u rnterupon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We) agree to save, indemnify and kap harmless the City of Cupertino against limilitmajudgmenu,coats andexpenseawhich may in my way acameagainst said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) into nee ofN ting of Nis permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) PAID igm um of Applicm o minor I Data EXHAUST DOOD(W/DUCD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I MATING UNIT (TO I W,0(1(1 BTU) Data Receipt# TOTAL: doas etmN Will the applicant or future occupant sum or handle hawm az defined by the Cupertinon Municipal Cade, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.1100 BTU) Cede, Section 25532(a)7 11 Yee 11 No VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE. RE81D) ISSUANCE DATE Will the opplicmt or future building occupant use equipment ordevices which emit BOILER-COMP(3HPOR 100,031 BTU) huzardoaa air ctimaninmm as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management Dunictl BOILER - COMP(OVER IW.WO BTU) ❑Yee El No 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. FT. p Y California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505.25533 and 25534. 1 understood that if the building does not currently have a mount, that it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the mquGements which must be met prior to issuance of a Certificate of _ U(G n _ AUG Occupancy. / F' ISSUED/8V: u Owner or amhmized a gent Data TOTAL: OFFICE "'r#d