02040081 CITY OF CUPE➢tTINO � '�� - ' � � •� � - -. . BUILDING DIVISION PERNYIT �ON'1'}LAC'1'�%2'LlVFOR11�'Aft�:E}N;�. ONWQJGADDRF55: � . PERMI'INO. WEET OA ST JUST WATER HEATERS INC 02040081 ONT'ER'S NAME - wPPUCATION SUB DATE JOHN KRUEMPELSTAEDPER 1764 NATIONAL AVE 04/16/2002 • PHONE- . SANiTARYNO. CONTROlNO. (510) 293-9901 � ARCHITEC�/EKGINEER:., , , BUILDWGPERMRNFO �u rr. BLDG ELEC7 PLUMB MECH yaj u �-i c.'� u S"� IhcrtbYaRrmEhnlDm�cenuEundeRpro�viiomofCh�P�r9(cammencini � IObD05CC1PT1071 ' Hf-W wi�hSa<iion]OOOIofOmsion3of�heBusinessantlProfcssionsfoEe.mEmyliceme REPLACE WATER HEATER.�C � Y f.- is in full lorte eM 2Rvn. rl N i4 L E D o L� Licrosc Cmsa ' Lic.N Dae ' Comncmr u O� ' ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION �y�5 ., I und�rs�anE my plans ilull bc used u public rtaoNs c[ � L� s`c'o u«�uarrore.s�o�m JCP O u 2��2 �„g� '' �� ONNER-BUfLDER DECLARATION '1 hertby aRem�ho�I om e.acmp�tmm�he Conuavmr's Liarnsc Law for ihc �'���� t i� foilOW inp muan.(Smion 10315.Busincu anE Pra&ssiom Cade:Any ciry m caunry � xG whicfi rtquires a pamii io mnswcc,olmr,imD�o�e,dcmolish,or rtpair uny nrunurt 63$ 'piw�onaissuarc<.�Isortquim�heeppliaemlorwchpeemi�mfikui�ncdu�mmcm -- - " ' " _ ' ___" ,__y_'_...""_ __ "_ - N6ijmii'lian¢Eqursuom�oN��D��'�sionso/seConwaorsLicenxlew(C�ep¢r9 .,, Icommerciab.xiaSectian90p0)ofDivisian7ofiheBufiMssandPro&ssiwuCOEe) !.('}!.;..i;��$��i!��.��;{r'•ii,(.'f(;:, Valuation or ihoi Fi ii excmpi itieiehrom ind�hc basis for�he ellegcE eAemp�ioo.Any violaion ' _ 'of See�on]0313 bY+nynpplioam fn o pnmi�mbjens�he upplicant m�aivil peaU7" ror�rmorc�n,�ma n��a�m aoua��ssom. S O l'APN��L PLUMB I ENERG1�cwpancy Type ❑I.asownerofNepropcny,urmyemployeeswi�hx�upcsui�eiraolecompensauon, _ -wtu�as�n�a�o�::w�:��i�a�.�o������a�a o:orz�rcarw�:�ic�cs�o:vou.... „ .�c::�,c< . „ �Busirie;s'eiiA Yro&ssionx Code:iTe Conwnw's Linnse law Eoes nm�ppty io w 5 0 7 - F I NAL P S�df$�J�pections• � . owner of propany who euilas m improvcs Jrzrcon,entl who does z�c6 wok himulf or�h�ough his own cmployccs.pra,riCeE Na such improvemcros�rt na imcnOed or '__'______'"_'__,. ._._ ..___..___-'__.._._.._.__....._"_'_",__"" oRcrM for iile.I(.howevci.�he puil0in or im �e e t is aold wiNin onc ._...._. .._... ___'__"'__"'____"'___ t Pmvmn yewof !'�f.IC..=Y>;0 ' ',0 �cdmplflion.�he o.vrcrv Wiider will Mve Ne Wrden of P�vin`ihai�e did na build m .. •. .". imPmve for Ourpos of nlc.). .. _.:_,_�:__...""'"_'"'__"_'__"_"___._._....'"""'_'___""'___. ___.._.__........_"'_"""'._______"__""_ _"_"-__"__"'__"._......_..... �_..-.- �',✓j: 4mownerof.NepropenY.���clusivalycommninpwiihlicaucdmmrncwrs�o .. . �' g�j:'�•:i.�---'-'"-"'--..- ❑ - mmwa�he projcn f5a.]OGC.Buvnux aM Prokssionx CodcJ Thc Conv¢�a's � n.;�'. 3EC'I, � 'rL i'..� .iFt�1 Liccnx Law doe�no�opP1Y m en owner of pmpenY who bui1E�ar impmva�hcrcon. . . :., '' _�M.rM.mnuvcu.fa.�ucA.pvjxu.riNa.conwnoKa)-Iicer�sW.pufw�a.�o.�he. _ : . .•• ._.. _....._......___"'___...._"___"_'_'___"_'__"'-'-___�._._.:...'_":_'..'___"_"'_'___'_'__..._ _._, Conwnor�LicnueLnw.�:..;�,�...., .'�.'�. __.�_. . "'__.._._. . 1.. _,. , � , ,'.s," ;r. Uc::C:l:i"t'�;� . � _ ❑IamcumqunderSa;.•. .. '. 'B&P,CforJtisrtuon . � . ;... .. .. ... _ . . ._..'_.._ .. . °'-^ Oa,vcr:c'o'.'l!.:i;i� :.iar:an,p:���.�: ",." :...., .'"'. .. ....... , a,. ..., , ...., � - � "WORKER'S COMPFNSATION DECLARATION ., e: . �, .�,. .... .. . . .... . ..........._._.......... .., _..._..._.._.... � _.____. _... • �.� "�:. �1 hcrt �fli�m mder noR.o(_ .�_� , � Ne followin�Eeclve�imu:— bY 0� Y P�rlury aie o! ❑ 1 luve'wW will mainuin°a'Cenificem��o(Coacni��io ulLimurt far Worker'a . Compcwiion::rs provideq�fm"by-Scnian-A00'oPiAe 46orCotle,-lorNe pirfomueKe of Ne woh fw lueh ihia pemui u issueE . 1 _ ,., _ ❑1 M1 ve M will mainu Wakc Cpmps u� 1' 'ruK<,u rtq ied 6Y,�ian 3'I00 of the Labo'Cad f' m'pcAmmance of�Ac io t for h h tiis pemti�js . iuueC My Woda s Compensiuon Insunrce c'�er ind Polity ' hr ue.' "' . ,- . . ... nm _. : - ,__ . __r_ _ r' r. ' C� � � �.'S ' !J:,. .� .4'Poliry�o_ �1 : . :- : � .' I u ' " �'( " t � ` y '_ " ' �vi' ti�UCii. _'_ " _ . 7! �'�a1'IFICATIONOFEXHMPI'IONFRpM� OR�_-'— .. . .. I.t �� � \� S , t , r'. . . 1 �': r YI; ` '� �, COMPF1JSAilON QtSURANCE:" °'" � ,,,,. � , ___ ,. ...._.__,.�._----:,�--__-�.__ ......._.___.___.1...--- - - . . .. . . ,.__._._._W.._,.,. ._.___�.m__...._ �: , , ., �. � cm„Yn���ttu�o�n��dmvi«m�nne am,���.ra oo�n��aRe aai.R ... . ..i n� ,� r ... . t? r tr ' ; !;�i �• (slao)orlas.l. ,,.c�n � ._ , .� , . . , . x.. . .i I �. -. .,..,. ....�..."'__..._"' _ ""_ . ...,._._. .__ ., . . .,.�. . . . . . ..._'".._.. ._._"_' _.__.._. ••' 1 ttndY;Nat,in Sqpedomunh f ihd ork fw hkh Nu perm� s�uucd.I i - shill not cmploY�Y,G«n in uny mnnncr xo m io hcome vub�ca m�he Wohcn . .., ._ . .+p�... (1�. . , , Comp(wiion I�ws o(Califoevii Dne•-. . -�PPIf nm� '...':�.; ..�., �:':.._.. .... ,.., . .._._ . . � ..__, v.: ,a..:.,. � .. _.. __,._._. . ._ .._........ .. ._.._ . ._._. __. ._._ .. _� _ _. ' _ '_. "' "'" _ '_ _'_'_ 'NOIICETOAPPLICAM`If.efiqmbkinpihrsCenifn¢ofEempuon.YasMu1E `.�:�"�:�`i �:;"n..'.J Eecome subjccua Ne Worka s Compensaiion pmvisionx of ihe Isbor Cotle,you mun � z fanh�iJi cam 1 N'iuc�provisionx or Nis pertnii zlull be dmmed rtmked. '_'_��1...__. " PYwi Z 0 , .. . . . . . . '_"_ ' ' '" "' ' _ ___ " ' " , ,- �„� V1 " � � "'CONSTRUCf10NLENDINGAGEICY � -,'' � �'����- ' � '� a � "�� 1 hercby nR'rtn ihai�hert is e conswc�on lendiny egenq fw'he perfom�ince %�'�//��� ..:G �tC � � of ihe wk fo wh cM1 N s pchn t s iuueE.(Sec 1099 G C) t a_�._.... . -��-'�+'�"V'- �Y`�' y.Ll' .LendtsNvme... ,... . ... ..>._ ...,....... .. .... _�__. . � - '__' '.� LeMv�Address . .. . . . . -r ..-. - n�,� ;� _. .... '_'_""_"_ """ UQ , ... � ' . .i-� - . -r'. ..,..-�... , . 1 cenify�ha I lu e rtM ihrs npplinuon enE nn ihet�helbo e nfortnnion is k+�F. ioirtct 1 et�m complY:wiih all ci�Y Md coumy ordinencn md au¢lawn mle�mg 0.O �oWiiEin;ronvrvciion.�nEhercbY�iuNoriiemprcscnuiiJuofiLisciiy�oen¢rupon . �'�,]' tAe�Cove.memioneE.O!oP�!!Yforinspenionpuryoxy,._.,,.,.,, :," '"_ �.L.. IM'c)�pree io vevq inpcmnify ind kcep hdmlus Ne Ciry'df Cupenirio ejeinse 'h lia4ilities,jud&menu,cosu�M upenses x�hieh mey�in aoy wry,¢cme epi�u�uid U;^. Cuyme'nseQucncedf�h5[1�mnYof�hispertne '. . ' .,.. - _ APPLYCA�?l'�DERSTAT'DS��D�t'µ SO�1P V��'YTHALL�O��-POL�tT�t,: � � Sovace aEc�i=>'no.s ^F 4� ,• �, Issued by: Date Sijnamrc of Appl cwVCont a �'�l:rh ' .."' +' t r ��o i.:� Re-roofs � - i ., ' -HALI0.DOU5MATERIRSDISClOSURE� � .,7? .'� ::i�wnuk wi����am� mm�e a���:�� n,�,m n,.,� m mil .TYPeofRoof-.. . __. .. .._. - - ----'- - -- - ' u defi d by�he Cupavno M c pd CoAc ChaOicr 9 I] md ihe Ha1�A nE Sa(ry "" . � .'... � - " '..' . Code5cmn7S532(q f���Ct .' -: �L ' .� r v ' r ''�' : �� ,'a'• t � e ':t'ti'l\ � } 'f ��'i;; i;,ii.. ,' � ..•• .... .•.. � ' ❑Yts' ❑.�e �j�! � 4 .`4x L ! . . f . . .• -,,: ,, :. ,;, . ,+.,, r , . ,;._.�, . . '•: _ .A1Lroofs.shall.be mspected.prior.to.any.roofing material.6eing installed...,__,__,,,. '. . C�Williheipplrcim�mPommWildinpoccupmiuucquiPmrnrordo�icn.which .^V . ���� •- • : ...,• .. -. •• �.�in,v;ab�s:o-�o��:m��,��s�'een�weym�e:YM.n;,Q,�;���yM.�.i�m��, If a roof is �nstalled�ivi[hou[fus[obtaining an�mspec[ion;-Fzg'ree[o-ieinove o�s^�<� .� � _,all new�naterials.fqr.inspection._Applicant undersiands.and willsomply,.with_,__,_, �I.-OYes' , OTo � i ' T ' . � � , � y, F �;' �' s , i�. , all nompomt source regulations . � - • .� �n. ., ; , � _ , C Iilomu H eIN R S�Ri Cod Secuon573J03 25737 and��r Chep1en695'of Ne . 1 A e.rteE'��he luz Nws ma�cri�ls q irtmsnu u 33�3a ImMemendNe� _.."'___'... ..__.._....._.... _..__._. _ .... _.......__...... ............_ ._.. . . __ ....... .___...._. . _ ' _"_' if ihe builCing dw nd�curtently have�knanC Nn i�la my rtcponsiLiliryto noufy,the . _ occupmi of Ne eG eimcnu h ch.must be �p m m issuance o( Cmifium o( � �� �- � '� " � «���Y. h ." � . . . . . ,. ., , . ' ;` ' .. .. .._.Signature of.Applicant_._ ._ _._..... .... ..... . ..Date . . :. - „ _ . . ..__ .. Ow�cror a�non:�d�o¢ t l i r r one�;� All roof coverings to be Class��B" 07 bC[[CI ' �..a�.. � ... . . . . .. .::. � � , .. .�., r:: . � _�.. ........- OFFfCE - ..__.__,. .--'_- -- -- '. .._ .._. __. ._ .. . . . .._ _ . . . ...__ ,�i -��;r � - � -' - -' - ., . . . '. , ' :it � il , i. .9.. .�...._ : . . ' i i r�:t..y:p r. '., r: �. C�