NO PERMIT NUMBER10145 I ` . Swan Oa'k ,Lane No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO 6/15/71 Date 196 Lot No.. 62 21017 Sanitary No. 7406 File No. 51231.1 Application is hereby made for a permit to Construct a 1 story, Type to be occupied only as Single Family Dwelling in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewitk Estimated Value of Improvements $ 16,000 FEE$ -51-00 Plan Check $ owner Shapell Industries Address '1000 Scott Blvd. Contr. Phone 247-38ol 252-3831 Address State License 169863 Approved W. D. Benevich/h APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIITT1, Date a96 FEE$ - Contr, Address 011 Phone State Lice /_1/ APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PER" U Dotel S1 33 ) 196 - �Z GAS FEE $ / PLUMBING FEE $ _ �i d'a ele Contr. Address Phone — oZ Sf .S��`7�01 SAO State License Approved 14 APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date' 9 / 1967/- FEE$ n,,,�y �(�� ins i Contr. e"'—`'�"�'�'Jtddress c Phone —a %/—_7 K, O S State Licensee //1110�/F-2-.� Approved (Ns -Z41 Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING n ATE INSPECTOR MISC. PAD FINAL FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR /yy FRAME LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG.' ELECTRICAL ATE 15 TOR M C UNDERGROUN ROUG FINISHED WIRING % l FIXTURES I— MOTORS- FINAL'S OTORS FINAL 1 PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REQ.SM S �3' �d SANITARY NO. 11 UNDERGROUND ROUGH J7/ PARTIAL ROUGH ROUGH COMPLETMAIN DRAIN FINALPLBG. lQ FINAL GAS FINAL APPLIANCE r •a:,+4l,. DATE.' INSPECTOR �� � MISC. MISC MISC MISC 9 6ti RTIFICATE OF COMPLETION' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ' CITY OF CUPERTINO 7 ate .........':c.. .d...........__...... 191......... Building Permit No.. The Building Located at Owned by Has Beentered) For Use As: ............................._....-..............:.- - '- .......................................................... .................J................................................. -j .............................. BUILDING INSPECTOR CITY OF euees;T"IEMPORARY GAS SERVICE f3O V ': 19°7,fi _ ATE................�.9�%1.........----................ Fee: .. .... D ,A I _ OWNER: ............ .... ..... ........ AT: _....... -C �i // �J /......... LOT: .... r?.�.....�'..f��i��c.c�� ................................ REASON:------------ ----- - -- The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the gas service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, City of Cupertino. Phone-----e!K7 380 / INSPECTOR TENANT OR EJt 117 1/63-500 TEM`PORARV ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATE: ..'"i.p-rl'',...�..^L.4..r.._L.`�.7/.......... Fee: ...o ..-�-,»...---._. ov OP �UPEGTINrO- ..._.d..... NOV O 19I1 LOT: ........ ------ .......... REASON: ..... .... ...- .....__.... - ............... .... The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the electrical service at the above location,. until thuilding is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, City f/ upertino. Phone....'..^�..-..�..8.a..�.....--------- .- ...... .....r... _ .... �' 116 1/63-500 INSPF.0 /OR T / Inter -Dept. Route Slip File # Subject - 14 A4 ubjectAA Requested by Date � � 0, 7 Date ROUTE SLIP File No. Dattel/�19-7/ Locationl/i/'CST�"ill��L -- �• !02 Subject Notes Approved Date spector 1- - l0 ,] Bldg. Dept. it Office CDPY ly (vY'�` BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO �\ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ...... .._...------ Plumbing Final- Plumbing Permit NO. S( v- / Lot No. ........... 42,c...----- Owner or Tenant At Tract Qls U-21 CITY OF . CUPERTINO OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE TO You are heregyttezed to connec electrical servicq,-tor Owner or Tenant At- ........... No. of Wires ..................... Size of Wires .... .......... Size of switch Motor Load ..... - .— ....... Voltage ---- .... — Phase ....... .......... Heating Load ........................ K. W. ...... ................ Voltage ...... ---- ........ No. of Meters ....... New Senicu ... itetwinect ..... ........ .. No. of Add. Meters...._Heat ................. 220 1-h �V. Mme Power ......... A :LTR!c E L INS11F 0s GAS SERVICE NOTICE , OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTIN O &., ISI.. To You are hereby authqized to conned the GAS service for Owner or Tenant .. New Service ........ No. of Meters......... ........1 Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No, of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ........................ ...................................... .... ................. PLUMBING INSPECTOR ROUTE SLIP File No. Notes Approved-/ xle, tea, Date / ,Inspector 10145 Swan Oak Lane r z No. Street Lot No. 62 CRY OF CUPrMp APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT A JUN 15 1971 City of Cupertino sanitary No. P-7406 Date May 25, 196/-Zj Permit No. PApOhcJiorD hereby made for a permit to construct 14 U U `o v A N s w 0 3 0 0 6 E E U a I - story, Type Building to be occupied only as Single Family Res. in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee Estimated Value of Improvements, $ / �o/ O O O = Fee $ d? d� It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will m ed with. Owner S e ustries 3000 Scott Blvd. s Address'Santa Clara, 6ar_ r By ess ne 247_3801 Approved 11 ILLIAan State License 169863 Building Inspector - ` z