404 LOT NO. NO, STREET, > i rAPPL.ICATI %�OR'`BUILDING .PERMIT' .•. ,. i :.,r; ;, `. 1�Gh � CiCUPLRTINO;, , � ' �y �Date �95 l:a;� Permit No n 'Application is hereby,made for a permit to �� a story,Type J l°+M . ;, r r. ' Bulldingatr t to be occupied only as 11 in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed,herewith. ;. v! wstitnated Value of Improvements, 'Fee �rri .. t'is'hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and _ all,other laws applicable to the construction, location, and,use of buildings within the City of upertino will be complied with. NOwner c i '• L'a Address—• 'rel ,.•.k'. By' Addres's_� c'�✓ i'' - ,r•. a• ' CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone 47 e-� 0 74IJ. Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECtAPPROVALS FOUNDATION -- • O TII R FRAME D TII R LATH and PLASTER __� — — DA ❑ I�SPI!CTOR FINAL BLDG. "PIT INSPECTOR'07. / FINAL ELEC. TR V If SPECTOR FINAL PLBG. /t 9 1i1 DATE INSPECTOR f �,� ,J ,. '. FINAL GAS /J ` — DAT / / INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMP-L, TION „ q BUILDING INSPB_ OI T F CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... ........................... 79.:.1 . r Building Permi o. ..... [/.�T.... 'The BuildingLocated t . - J '� Owned by ....:�. . .✓.:�.7..'r'„!... . . .: . .. .t.-.E.�^�.rid°'`�y. .�'��.......................... (Completed) Has Been (.�^. For•,Use As: ... .. . ... ................................... ...................................................................................................:............................................ .. .............. ........... ............................................................................. ..,., .@�Y" ............ .. 1 y ✓ WILDING INSPECTOR . 102 7/19-500