S 4358APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF DUPE RTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. MECHANICAL ' i'Ln1pltlJILDIN(;I•RWF.C'1'IDFNTIFICATIONti I; #Dili{'11L PERMITNO. S 4358 BUILDING ADDRESS: - SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTALDATH r O 1 s1,�ce S \\)eYNnP_ tan c� r o 1 `) L� Z - S F OWNER'SNAME:1 ` PHONE: V I'Va�N u�• CO RACTOR'S NAh1F: LIC NO, -7 (�' N/C ❑ CONTROL# AItCHIFEC'I'/IINGINEHIy; LIC NO: ADDRESS c) s�rawlle N. CONTACT: ptiONe: ;jjl,'1 BUILDING PERMIT INFO, ;p,'_ ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial)BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ❑ P❑ ❑ JOB DESCRIPTION LICENSED COM RACIOHS DECLARATION I heehy onrn Wet lam mixed ad pv,i nrchapter9(emnnenitg.„,l QTY.' �) 1 ELECTRIC PERMITtit I,/ l yli FEE(�'1,1�+ xftu)r r121r,. /r!�,. ..r .l�?��I, i..,t, 4317en¢fL2u YERMI'1'ISSUANCF; (SO ,injAcclimn](MMI)afl000ion Sof WC Bminemond Professions Code, and by, Rest •� 5Z i all force and cR e7 'ons Clsa Q Lie# Uma!' z N4 Cuntreemr ARCHITECTS DECLARATION - I understand my plans shall be used as public recordsMODIFICATION RESIDENTIAL' OSFDWL O KITCHEN REMODEL. ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE -PIPE. ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL 0INTERIOR OCHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑ SWIMMING POOLS APPLIANCES -RES I DF.NTI A I. PANFIS UP TO 20(1AMPS 201 LicmrveJ l'mfcasinnul 201 -loon AMPS OWNER-HUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm thin 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law far the billowing reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and lom essiorm Code, Any city or county 0BATH REMOD EPAIR 0I 1OLITION OOTHER OVER IWMI AMPS SIGNS ELECT RICA. which tcquims n permit to comonm, alm,, improve, demallsh, m repair any offset SPECIAL COUCH 17MISC. prior to it, issuance, alsorrqum, the applicant baoich per it m file asignedombalenl iF-- that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Conlaaols License law, (Chapter Y 'TEMP. MEITR OR POLE INST. _TS (cnmmeneing with Section 7000)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code)or t hal he is esnnpt them Quin aad Ileo basis fur the ulle,d exemption. Any vi mlani i of 0 NEW HI.DG/ADDITION 0 DEMOLITION POWER DEVICES Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjccE the applicant to a civil penally of not marc than Eve hundred dollars (I500). ❑I, as owner of the progeny, or my employees with wages us their sole camperismim. will do the work, and the slmcmm is not intmW W or offered Iia sole (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code :'I'Te Contractor's Limtuc Law docs brn apply m an owner of 0 TENANT FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT []OTHER SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUT LEIS -SWII CHIS -FIXTURES LIP— property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvemanlc am not intended nr offered for NEW RESIDENTIAL HLECIR SQ FT SQ. FI'. FLOOR AREA SRQ. FT, side. If, nowcve9We IF din,aimPnn'cmenlhenld wLbinuncycandcnntpletloq lha er-builder will have the burden n1 proving Wal he did not M1ulld or improve for pur- po¢oLwle.). 0 I, m r of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to TO rtabuct Wa prnjeer (Se 9(948' ,, dl r.! xCo.-, Ito Cnntmetor I wae Law does not apply t fp parhhild a improve. thereon dQTY ho contracts for such pts Jects with a conructims)Icensed parsuant In the Contractors - t_ p -t if"- "'turf i:' g 1' f!, of H'11PI,1JMB'ING PERMTT'��'it '�It'PEEII F:� I -.rl �._ i ,f H. )�- l.ih•n.nt PERMIT ISSUANCE Loeme Law. O lam excntpl under Sac. ,B& PC for this reason Owner Dae ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER (EA) VALUATION WORKER'S COMPENSA'T'ION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE 1 Tombs alliin coder #coolly of pujoi, ono of the, following det lenttium: DRAINS -FLOOR, ROOF. AREA, COND. I have and will maintain a Cenifivam of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Conger- cation, as provided for by Section 37M of the Iatnr Code, for We performance of the STORIES TYPE CONS 'IRUCS]ON work for which this permit is word, FIXTURES -PER MAP 0 1 frost I will Twin oin Warker'n Compensation Inaanmna, as rugti red by Section 31(M)ofthe Labor Code. (or the Performance ofthe work for which this permit is issued. GAS - ITA. SYS'I FM -I INC. 4 OUTLETS OCC. GROUT' APN My Workers Compensation Insurance artier and Policy number arc: Came,: Policy No.: GAS - EA. SYSTEM OVER (En) CERTIIICATE OF Ie%EMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASIANDUS9'III. WAST Ii INTERCBPIOR -g B1IILDING DIVISI(YN IY.dS (Thissution need not berompleled if the pe,mit is Lx one hundrod dollars (SIDE or less) GREASE '1'RAP PI.ANCHECK FEE SEWER - SANI'I'AITY- S' I' ORM EA. 2W 17. I certify that In the pertormamecufine work for which this permit islssued l shall nm employ ens person In any ,anter sops' hn tppexasceUDthe Workers'Contpen- Wu- Ca f /b FN EROY FEI? WATER HEATER WNENT/EIXC` t cation Tr `l Applicant 2— 7 /�� GRADING FEE NO I, , I 'r: IG a0cr .en a of Ex npt� �t� Lin, you should Manures )re, mthe Workels Compensation .... isionsof the LuMa Code. yoantmt WATER SYSTFMIIAHATING SOILS P'E' Gmhwi comply with such provisions or this permit shallMdeemed rtvoked. WATCH SERVICE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hcrebynffini there tan constriction kolimg agency for the perfatmmre„f NEW RESIDENTIAL TIME. SQ. FT PAID Dat Receipt# the work for which this parrnil is issued (sec. 30R, civ. C.) Lender's Name TOTAL: I.cnders Addrtxs TOTAL: BUILDING iE Iceftfy that l ha' duh' tipplictili i ad.tat but he M1 -f f correct. Iagree to comply with all its d N . county a ce t a I I i gt building construction, and hereby tuthoriu representativesof tti. city m enter upon the t I:Rn•'.b QTY. It. 1 "MECIJANICAI PERMIT 14+, i4 £ ' suds .I�ftfiT ert. SEISMIC :E PERM I'I' ISSUANCE(We) ELECTRIC i' -716 nhovo-mcndotied pm,ny for um,..lar purposes. agree m xme, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against Iiabilities,judgtnertH, emu and experues which may irony vayaccrucagoinst slid City I. consequence of the granting alibis permit. AUIF,RORADDTONIECH. PLUMBING Fz AIR HANDLING UNIT(T010,008 CFM) MIiCI{gNICAh ITE i APPLICANT UNDI STANDS AND WILISCO . WITH AL1, NON -POINT SOURCE HEGULA NS. HANDLING UNIT(OVRR 10,000CFM) CONSTRULTIONTAX ri,AIR urea GcaniA aroolicati EXHAUST HOOT) W/DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE ” I IAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLORE HEATING UNIT (TO RX0, 03111'U) Will the applicant or future building wcupam store nr anJlc h' a,dous anmenal as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health anti Safety Coda Scetion 25532(10'! HEA'T'ING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) ❑Yes []No PAID - nae Receipt # VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) BOILER- COMP CLIP OR 1NEWIU BTU) Will the applicmdinm,ihefinvg by fine H useoquipr Qunrdeviceswhich emit hvnnlons air ennumtinenta us JcOnuf by the Btry Arun Alt Quality Management Disaica^ ❑Yes No O - AL: BOILER -COMP (OVER 100.000 BTU) Alk CONDITIONER I hove read the bamNomntmerinlxregnlrement. undo e, 695of the Cali- Hama a Health & Safely Code, Sections 255115, 255�and 255 undemtand Ilett if the building AmvtoI cu tlyhmeomnan vt it ismy ins litytonntifyth.11pard ISSUANCE. DATE A / NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIL SQ. lie mqui mems ch must be p' Ce - tey1 y O tl ge I v Dat f TOTAL: ISSUED BY. / / OFFICE