26997APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO B11If:Dlasaw— ExcTRTr.At- APPLICATION /PERMIT PLUMBING - MP.CHANICA11 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING. PEOJE(n' IDENTIFICATION PERMITNO. 26997 BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO APPLICATIONSSffUBMI//T�IAL DATE CITM LOT# y a� OWNERS NAME: PIIONB: CO NT Cf0 'S M e LIC NO N/C CON IROh4 RCHITf:CDIiNGINEER: hIC NO: b G AU 'ONI CT PHONE: QTY, ELECTRIC PERMIT ^ FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MiiCH I/pe }s, M PERMIT ISSUANCE ZWZ 1400 tC U &;WE F'Z m m,Q, y OZ-0ARCHI7ECI'S OZ-0 FY� Irate/' ia` Jam► EN OR LICSED CONTRA 's DECLARATION Ihereb firm thetlem licensed unae Yo rprovisionvd Chepmr9 (urmmcnoingwhh fatf:dadefDivision 3ofthe Bminess end ProPoSSions Code, and my licenm is io full force and etfec Liden�Cmro Uwe G CTS D DECLARATION I understand my plans snort b< used us public records. APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL LOB DIi5CRI1'130N F - F ppprBlg UP TO 2M AMPS 201 - 1000 AMPS OVER 1000AMP5 SQ.tn'. FLOOR AREA E /SQ.IT. SIGNS ELE IC 6 • licensed Professlnnul peK6 KOa, u13 a -rn OWNER - BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contra, is License Law for the falluwin,misoa(Section 7031.5. Business and Pmfnsi s :sae: Any city or county SPECIAL CIR IS TEMP. MMIR NO � YE did z p' oLL W_N Za C t_-� a3— which mquind a Permit to construct, alter, improve, d olis or repairany ftmcture prionoitaismena ,also requimsthe appliamt for su permitofileasigneasmtement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions oft .moan Li,cmaLaw (halter 9(donaancing with Section 7") of Divism ofthe BUSlnea and Professions Code) a, her he is exempt therefrom a ad the b ordaml,lml. tkm Anyviolationof Section 7031.5 by any applicant f md".hj.t,Ihd.Pplice Doncivil pena0y of not nmmthan fivo hand,, ars ($500). ❑ I,as.wnnr mp <ny,ormyemployedwithwagemetheir lec.mperrvtion, willdn the and the atrunureisnm intendsd ororferW forsele 0s 7044, Business POW ER DE S SWIMMING POO .L VALUATIONdO OUTLETS- SWITCHES- NEW RESSIDENTIAL EL' FT. STORIES TYPE GDN$TRGCf1GN and Protects ms Coda "fh< Comm,mr Licmee Law t apply o an owner of pmpenywnr bwdamimPi.vea mere n,ona ^ltd rmaelrorthroagn His mPdye , pmvidWthatsachim LO 'ware rdmoffulO�orsNe. If. OCC. GROUP R&UNDS hnwever.theb 'I ding nr improvement ill it n ycm.fmnipl ticn,theownen holder will hav he Hurtle of provist�I t notbuild nrimpmvefortnrposeof vie.). ❑ Lasowrcroft Imp sivelyrnntractingwithli <enseJ COn.umoretn the yfoj„teke. and Professions Code:) The Commetor's TO Qom' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE MN Lmatrua icenselawdcesnot ap to ernfpropcny whobuildaorimprovesthereon ,end PERMIT ISSUANCE whocour ctsforsuch pro ets it, contra tar(s)hrrt, dpursuanuothe C.nnadams License law, c/ ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER (EA) FEESUMMARY ❑ [a exempt under Se . , B & P C for thii ress.n BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEWICE 'f Il% `P. SANITARY YN RECEIPT# Owner GRAINS- Fl.00R, ROOF,ARIiA. COND. WORKM COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑ Iherehyafr,.,hat l h ve a antithetic nfc.nsem to selGinsure,oracertificme of Wmkeri Cnmpcnvtion lnsu arecenitied copy thereof(Sm.38W. Lab C.) which RLCLIPTp FIVURES - PER TRAP PARK FEE N GAS - EA. SYS9'EM -I INC. OUTLETS covers all employee's under, rspemit. Polly# 1: 1'fp BUILDI DI ISIONFEES Company' GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) PLANCIICCK FEE - nifi Cy is hereby fumishrA. ❑ Ce M try GREASE(INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEM OR GRADING FEE ❑ Certified colt is fled with the city inspection division, CERTIFICATE OF IiXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASETRAP SOILS FEE SEWER- SANITARY -STORM FA. 200FT. ENERGY FEE or less.) WATER HEATER W/VRM'/ELECR I,edify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, l shall not employ any person in any manner s. as to become subject to the Workers' PAID z Z C Compensation Lawsof Corifomia. Data Applicant WATER SYSTEMITREATING pate NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, eOe, making this CenHE.td.f ExmrNmn.you should become suhjer 1. the Workers Compensation provisminaofthe labor Code. you must NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ, FT. TO t94�Fl ? forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed rvoked. BUILDING FI7E aQ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC 'EF ZIhereby L) O U affirm that them is a construction lending agency for the Performance of the work for which this Permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Lender's Name ELE R Lender's Address - QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE I TEF U Z 1 deniry that I have read this application and state that me above information is correct. I,.,. damply with all city and countyordinances and state lawsrclitang to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives ofthls city to enter upon the above- mentionedproseny forinspecti.n PERMIT ISSUANCE -C IC ,FEE ALTERORADDTOMECIi. CONS UCI ON TAX (We) agree to save, indemnify ecp s the City of Cupertino egwnn w liabilities' nB.coaEmdcxpe - 'ch any way accrue against said City AIR I IANDLING UNO(TO I Q00B CPM eeo granting of 1. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER IDWO CPM) - rgnawreu untracmr Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/pUCp PAID HEATING UNITGO IW,000BTUI I IAZARDOUS ATERIALS DISCLOSURE DaIA Receipt# Will theappli,ant.r future building acropom atom., handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cale, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety BEATING UNIT (OVER IW.(IWO 1) Code, Section 25532(.)? ❑ Yes ❑ No VENTILATION FAN (SING .RPSIU) Will the .cormorants re building by the Bay equipmen Quality Management it .thous air c.maminantn m defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Menagcment �istsin7 BOILER- COMP(3111' 100,000 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE ^ A 1'� ' BOILER SCOMP ER 100,000 BTU) i ❑ Yes ❑ No i�pV r NEW RESID i TIAL MECH. SQ. FT. 1 have -read the hazardous materials oa uimmems under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Coda Sections 25505, 25533 sand 25534. 1 understand Ihat I a46 8 19�� it budding does n.l curcmly have a adman, that it is my respmsibility m notify the occupant of the requirements which must be met prior to issuance of a Cenificam of I v f •yk/!- upancy. ISSUED BY: _ Owner mauthorimd'agem Date TOTAL: OFFICE