S 2106 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PE'SIITNO. 2106 1 O w BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT• PLUMBING-MECUANICAL \V 'LJ I�.1� BUILDING PROJECT'IDEN'I'IPICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SURMITTAI,DATE ZO-135avavt 31v�. Ste. n —/-9� O R'S NAMG: PHONIi: CONT A 'I OR'S NAME: LIC NO: `iRPW`^kD GOC-01.3 COL NIC CON'I'HOI.a ARCHITECIRNGINFFK Tl LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ e— Cr1O�1INMACT. /k itONI.: BUILDING PERMIT INF 2-0-7-M ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) nL ELECT PLUM MliClI ❑ ❑ LICEJJSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION QTY EL_4CFRIC PERMIT FEE I ficachy union that I am Gceoaad under provisions of Clmprar 9(cmnmenaing JOB DESCRIPTION OOC) whn9ecwan 7rero)dDM,ion3.fda Rosiness nod Prof siou,Codeaa.tyncanxeix �� RHSIDENTIAL: WOO a PF:IIMIT ISSUANCE F�.+ n full force and affil f� .-kms ❑SFDWI. ❑K I'I'Ct BBN REMODEL �UF Linn l.,s Lick cTC7-\S L 6 U _�-�—�— APPLIANCES-RISIDEN'T'IAI. ❑ADDITION ❑PLUNKING R6PII'F. N Q a Dalc TIS DE nr 1 a7 F,Ow ARCHIT[CTS DECLARATION PANELS ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑MOSTRUCTURAL O ZOy Zz l undcrsmndmy dams,boll.load as public nxortlx MODIFICATION OZ—W UP'I'0200 AMPS [I INTERIOR ❑CIUMNEY REPAIR F4F"W Licensed Professional 201-1000AMPS IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS a s1 mJ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION OVI?H 112 AMPS ❑BATH REMODFUREPAIR El DEMOLITION �y�1 C eG 1 Inmhy of iml thus I.,it oxontlt from the Corms.' .License law for me yj a F following reason.(Smninn Ztl3 L5.Ru,incsn anti Pmfwsionx Cndc Any cloy nr county SIGNS ELGCfItICAL ❑(YI'115R y which q perm n construct.uhc P f m li M1 p Y l trucwre I-"�O issuance al req _the SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. frit t t .. 'prT I f .recto i signed Chaplet')em 4f (fail cori licensedpursuantI th p mon. fob Contractors I 's (Clo,10in W-p0 teat be is ingwimSeat mfirou.ndthba,is nr tof he allgad tesn,Wop fia'suAny,i CxleJ n' TEMP METER OIi POIJi INST CQMMERCIAL: Q.a n K that io i.exempt tway.,n and for .Osis for me alleged exempnt to Any violation nl ❑Nii LDG/ADDITION ❑FOOD LITION SERVI m Section 7031.5.y any afplicant forapermil whjmts the applic:unmacivil Penalty of IroWI?R DEVICES noununnor,that live hundnedde1W,Wild). IM ANT ❑FOODSERVICE I,ow owner of the t IMPROVEMENT ❑ the shoclum is intended wimwaagel tcale(See 7044. SWIMMING POOL ELECfItIC F will dmaework.Code.cbeCorcisrmtia Livens Cavi doesrsd rant.,,[, anusciar oc ❑0'fIIER W 3 and,"y whionv CNo:'Ilac Contractors,and w Law dace,not apply man owner ofgh O(1'l1.FT5-SWITCHES-FI%'I'I1RF_S x 7 property who e,...or..kclvth thereon,r and wlua Anes such awork intendhionsOled nreard Ra his own wa,oarecs,provided that such improvements um nnl intended or.lido. fur NEW RF:SIDEMI'IAL ELIiCB SQ Ff. sola.if,however,nhehuilding or imprnvvntcnFls wild within one yawr ofenmplcnion,the SQ.PT.FLOOR AREA $ISQ.FII wnarvtluilder will have the burden of proving that lie did not build or impnme for poo- Esse of m]e,). I,nc owner of the proferty,it.eeahaomly a norwaing with liatoed contractors m OTAI enavuoa the pmj¢cl(See.90.14,Business and Pou,,,inns C dal)The Cnnvacan s Li. cause Law does not apply to an owner of propeny who buifids or imprnvcs marcor,and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who contacts for such projects with a contrumorfx)licensed pursuant to the Contractors Liccva Law. O-DRAIN SUANCE ( O ❑ I um oc ula under Sm. .it X l'C for this rc ono O Da RAIN de VENT-WATER IRA) O VAI.UA'IION WORK17R'S COMPENSATION OECLARAI'[ON (RECTI DEVICE / O O I archy nlGrnt under panalyol'peJury oe of the followlag daahnations: l�J❑I have and will maintain.Catifimtcuf Conxonnusalf-insure forWokera Cnanpen PLO ,ROOF,AREA,CONT. STORIES TYPIE1CONSIRUCIION ,mina,as provided for by Section 3700 of me LaMn Code.for the performmore of the wnrk for which this permit is ismd. S-PERT P ❑ I have and willainionain Worker',Compensation Ins.mnce,av requir¢d by Seatin 3700oftheLaborCoic.hrthe 1,11toawneeoflhe work fn-which this periali ix issued. .SYS'I'IM-I OUTI.:'S 01GROUP MIN My Workers Compensation Insurance lamer and Policy nu rdarart:Cartier: Policy No.: .SYSTEM-OVERCGRIIFICKI'E OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' INDllS'FRI.WASTE . EPTOR COMPENSATION INSURANCE BURIDING DIVISION FFFS (Thin section need not be completed ifthe tannin is for one hundred dollars($100) OR BASE'FRAP or ]as,.)(This I4T I certify that in the Knorm.nce ofthe work for which this permit is issued,l shall $IiWER-SANI'T'ARY-S'IORM EA 200 R. oat cmPloy any pervnn incy Ioun."-sau t ,lq hum c su 1•M mt in e Worker,Compun- ENERGY FEE OZ Wlinn Lawsof California.Data �e� `- WA'1'ERHENUERWNEN'UI?LEC'1'R z O ApPicanl NA®A GRADING FEB NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after makin6 this Certificate of Exemption,you should WATER SYNTEM/fREAI'ING E~ ^ ca,.n.subject to the W ak,es Congen...too provisions of the Lu.or Coca.you mal SOILS FEE forthwith comply wiIhwch prnevanm rte this permit shall hu dccmul revokal. WRPCR SERVICE o. CONSTRUCT construction [ON LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL PCMB, SQ,PP, PAID U� work which hit.allhereiancolNay.Nn lending.Kency for me pertinmanca of I re Receipt the wont for which his nems.is issued(sea MP)7,Civ.C.) U. F" Lander,Nam¢ L: SLenders Address L: ( F.li 1 certify that 1 have read Ihi.wWpliention and mate that the above infomtalinn is If 1 Q F.I (n carract.l name mcnantly wimau ciayund urunly nrdtnanmvnnd-swtoluws ralatingm QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT" F`EE U z huilding ennstructinn,mid hereby.01 rctrcmnmtivesufthis city menncfupon the SI!ISMI I!li 1� shove-mcmioned prnpcoy for inspection purrytscs. PERMIT ISSUANCE (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harndess IM1e City of Cupenino against ELEC PCI: Ilahilitics.jndganenq co<fs and expeneas which any in OnY w.ry nttmc uguin.0 said C'uy AMERORADDTOMECiI. in concequenr'e of the grunting ofthi,permit PIA 1 NG II?I! „ APPLICANT UNDCRS'FANGS AND WILL COMPLY WITU ALL NON-POINT AIR DANDLING UNIT('ID BLEBI CF.Mb SOURCE REGULATIONS. MFC NICALFEE AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER I0,000 CIM) CON16RUCI'[ON TAX Signature of APPEcara Centractm Dale EXHAUST IIUOD(W/OUCI) 110 . NGMITIGATION PER HAZ.ARDDUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will theapplinmt or future building occupant store or handle hamrdnm marerial HEATING UNIT(TO i XE00I BT U) as defined by the Cutcrun,Munle 1pul Code.Chafe,9.12,and the Ilea,.and Safely Coda Section 8532hd? 1I17.AI'ING UNIT(OVER EXI,11(XI RTU) E3 Via, [I No VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RE-SID) PAID )al¢ Receipt is Will the applicant or future building occupant eau equipment or devices which ¢min hamnlons air cnnmminants m defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Mnnngemen ROIhF.R-COMP(JI IF OR Ig1,000 Il'R77 Dislria? 11011 ER-COME(OVER 101%000 BTU) ❑Yes L]No Ilmve prod the hen..,mmynirrnen under Chn taried,r is o,695 oft he Gal h AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DAT_, P Gamin Health&S.fety Cole,Section,25505.25533 mid 25534.Iunderstand that if the NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIL SQ.FF. building does not currently have a mount,that it i,my resrytroiion ily to unity the occupant of the raquirentams which mum he ran priouo ivu.act of.Certificate of Occupancy. Q Owner or enhanced agent Dale TOTAL: ISSUED By: r OFFICE