00120062ry OF �NNO CI'BUILDC IVISI INDIVISIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING At STEVENS CREEK BLVD DPR CONSTRUCTION I lLRIvafNO 00].20062 -OWNER'SNAME: SUN MICROSYSTEMS' 555 TWIN DOLPHIN RLICAr1ONSUI4�Vt11/2000 TS PHONE. (650)592-4800 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO ARCIII'TECT71iNGINmiR: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLD ELECT PLUMB MECFIi LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I herehy alffm, that lam licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing - wlthSection 7(g))WWV1,Im 3"1the llusincxanndPrnrcovionsCtdcvadnrydeensc TENANT IMPROVEMENT is in mu force analegfect. ro .jj Licen�s;e p/�Iro.>s�' Lic.py� � Date Commcwr 11ML�.LI:II2�j , ARCIII'1'ECT'S DECLARA IN FIIVALED too dcmm�ul my plans mall M usN as public rtamis L kenwd Professional M. OWNERm BUILDER DRCI.ARA'1'ION 1 hereby amthat I inn ceemp, frothe Cnntracrors Lice., Law for ,hl, AUG 3.0 2001 following reason. (Section 7031..1. Be,ine,, all Prom ,tnn, Gds Any city orcnanty which requires a permit u, mndrua, alter, impnwe, demnlidt or repair any swoon•. prior to its issuance, all, require, the applicant lar such permit Indite a signed smeme,n Sq. Ft. Floor Area DING V146160000 that lie is llccwmd pursuant to the previsions onhe Conwctnrs License Law(Chnorr9 (commencing w'th Seefon Md) ai Div' a 3 ol'dm Business and ['mr.,sim Cud.) car that he is exempt therefrom and the halm for lie alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70315 by any applicant for a pem,it mhjects the applicant to a cis it penally W not mora than fine late red dollar, ($500), APN Number 369@ 1029. Occupancy Type 00 m dw,ole compensation.. 0 Las act of ,he ppcn, or my employees with wages s ir /pRj�lryl�i{�Q},�i ylQ�Qe� 1100E will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for vale (Sec. 7044. Bu,incs and Pallecsinn, Code:'I'he Coutwonr's Li-nve Law does .,at apply to an owner, of property Who builds, mph, cs thereon, and who docs such wild himself - 1 @ 1 — F❑ V I V lJY1 1 1 UIV _ fir though his own employees, provided that such impamements are not intended or hnwc..r. me building napnwc is 102 — PIERS on'ered to, ,ala. If. ,, lora sold within one rem of am,mpletion. the nwna.buimer will have The burden of Proving that To Banat build or 103 — UFER pmae fspurpo,enr,me), 01.a ,,nanTthe prulwrly. out cacln,ivdy ronna,ir, with luen,al coaramor, to 104 — REBAR construct the project see. 7044. B.,me., and 14efe, unt, Code:) The Contownr. 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS License Law does urn apply to an owner of property who build, or improve• theme. and who (mnaels rot such prijces with a c(ntrnama) Ilaused pu'>a;:m m the 1,06 — SEWER R' WATER Contractors Liccasc law. D l am esempt ander Sees . B K P C for this 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING O."c' Data 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL WORKER'S COMPRNSKI ION DECLARATION 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME - I hereby ammo uudet panahy of padoD n„l, fir The following atlormia„, 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION 0 1 have and will natation a Cenincate of Consent In self -insure for workers Cninpcn,atin t, m pro. ocid tit by Section 37a) ret he Labor Gde, far the 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING gerfor narec of the work for which this Permit is issued. 302 — TUB R OR SHOWER 01 have and will mamtam Worker, Compcus:mon Insurance. a, acquired by Section 37(4 it be labor Coale. la, the ",tor ame of the work To, whim ,hi, peril lr 303 — ROUGH- MECHAN I CAL issued. MIy�W�crker�Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number arc: policy No.: t:U C titsio CC\ / •� 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL ca,rier.e�'�y'li.(?_ CIeOpic IDNopI.xiLMlsllONFROMW(IRKISRS' 305 — FRAME CONIPENSA'I'TON INSURANCE 306 — HOLDOWNS 1'This ,emlon aced of Ill nn alleled it he permit is far one hundred dollars 307- INSUL suknonea,.) I cen,l, matt it the lennnnmaa of To, weak fir which this pernm is i„uai 1 308 — SHEETEL .hall no, employ say rym,a in say manna w, a, ro nerome subject I,, he worker: 3@9 — EX TER D Com, region Laws ill California. Dale NOTICE TO AI'PIJCANT: II, alter nn,kin¢ Ihiv Ccnihcnc n[ taannnion, yau,hoodtl 31.0 — v INTERNOTICE beconm subject to the Workers Compction.. provisimry of the Luber Ede. you mush,rmwhh 311 — SCRATCONS' amply w an such pnvi,iomor this Kinnit halI The decanted ra,'nkm. I'RUM[ON LENDING AGENCY 313 _— ROOF 1 herehy atmos "hat there is a conewction lending ageacy fn the performance 501 — FINAL if the xnmk for which this par nilIs „sued (Sec. 9097. Clv. C.) Lender's Monte 502 — FINALNERGY Lender'. Address 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY I ready that I ha,c real hilappheahon and, mm anut ihenbovc infonnalioa is. elaaar. agree n, aompp with all city and countyowinances and slate It., mlwlag 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY to building conntntaiun, and hembv authorize representatives of this city u, enter upon do,d,ova..nenam,ed prol„,ly for,,,,6aa purposes. 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL dea, a City of'Cu edho against (WO agree to save, ina innify and keep harnLh liabilities, judgments, curls and expenses which may in any way accrue agaiaa .aid 506 �� T�E,S� I City In camcquence of the granting ret thia,rnnit. p q r� AI'PLIC N' UNOFi. A ISANDWILLCONIPLYWITIIACT N N -POINT Issued by: � 7 �/F7NfaN'KIL'(Jh1BIN(ba SOURC UI % Q it uM .. /Cnntraca I me s r �� nAZARDOUR MA11iRIALS DISCLOSURE Re -roofs 509 — r FINAL GRADE van the applicant on Now, building oecupmnsore or hemlle hvunhu,material Type of Roof ,,dermcdnytlaeCnlnlnlMmdciedOde.charvero.laaotheBeaehandSafety 510 — FINAL PLANNING Cale Sectio„ 25532(u)'t []No,'FNa All roofs shall be i15A&ted-prRTINAlny lg1iQteW@%AF, installed. wmmaaprlicamnr aluraIndd,nOo q,ama,,.q a,aaordwviraswmn, If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove anis htu.,dnos air cnnmmiwnp a d!- d by the Bay Arca Air Quality Managanent District all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with D Yea N” all non -point source regulations. hall,d thmm uirec, under Chapter 6,95 of de I ,ca e hardou, alerials reqrrm Cold ria IIcahh&Safety Gala, Section, 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that If the huilding doe, mot canant ly have n cans,, lout it is lar ........'allay m ootity The ucupan, of ,he rep, I hich onus, be met prim m i,vi amre of Ceaiu ,te 11IF �)reapaary 1_ �3 61 Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to he Class "8" or better naso um 'sJagcnt „e OFFICE