08030070YpC n<<�b p u�z gad 4oc n -u FC ' e55 Z zC L CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT kCON7t, 0TORhINFORMATIO,N < BmLp1t+Q,�pQR PERMIT N0. STEVENS CREEK BLVD TBD - TO BE DETERMINED 08030070 W NlER''S NAME' PERMIT ISSUE DATE KCR DEVELOPMENT 06/27/2008 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Chapter o lb Description 1 hereby affirm Nde 9 (commencing at I ate licensed unr premiums of Milt Section 7")of Division 3 of the Busioeu and Profession Code. aM my license is - DEFERRED SUBMITTAL -TRASH ENCLOSURE in full roue and effccL License Class Lk. k Dab Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I undemonnd my plana Nall be used as public ecords Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby wiire out I am exempt Imro the Cmmriemr. Liana law for the following ewon. (Section 7031.5. Business and Pmfescom Code: Any city or county which mquires a Permit or construc4 alter, improve, demolub, or repair any sbuctum ! poor to its icswnce,,lsu requires the applicant for such permit to flea signed statement he i, licewed to ft ofdb Contranmrs Uccnao Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor AreaValuation that purmant provisions (commencing with Section 7") of Division 3 of the Busineuand PmrruCodc) or $40000iow ! that be is eumpt theref oro and the bwis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Occupancy Secdan 7031.5 by my applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a coil penalty ofNumber not more dm fiw hundred dolim($5W). 36906008.TYpe ❑ I,uawne mf the property,ocmy employee with wallassdse'v sole compnuadon. Required Inspections will da tW wo& and the structure u notinueodc l or offered forsak(Sce. 7000,11usinas and Profe.tiow Code: The Coromeme, Lice. law doe rot appy b m owner of property who builds or i mprowa thereon, and who docs such wart himul f or through h u awn employ., provided Nu inch improsemmte see not intended oroRered foraale, if. Immomr, the Wilding or improvement is sold within one Year of caopkdm. the ownm- Wilder will haw the Innocent of proving that he did Out Wild or improve for Fortune of sat.).. t] 1, as owner of the properly am aciuuwly contracting with licensed wmraega b construct the pmjco (See. 7000. Bummn and Professions Code:) The Contractors U. cewe Law dons nm apply at an owner of property who Wlbs. improves thereon. and who contracts five such projects with a eonuutar(s) lice ned pmmant in the Conuum'. License law. ire eaemp, untln See B 6: P C for this moon Dam Fee"1 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm under penalty of perjury rine of the fallowing decimation ❑ 1 hire and will maintain aCeruftamof Coroentto self-iwurt for WorkersCmmprn. ,anon, an pmvided for by Section 37W of the labor Code, for the pothormene, of the wort for which On. permit is issued. ❑ 1 haw and will maintain Workers Compewation I.... as mquited by section 37W of the LaWr Code. (Or the pertmm r cc of the work for which this Permit is luted. My Workers Compewabm insurance amu and Policy number see: Carver. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ibis seed. ted m, W compkmA Bede permit Is formic hundred donna ($100) or less) 1 ouni that in the performance of the work for which Nis Permit u imm,d, l shall no, employ any potion in any m um%7as to the Workers' Compewti. Laws of California. D. �66Wpmt�subject GGffii/f ZZ �f Applicant NOTICE TO APP Co : If. after making this Cerdbwm of Emmmi., you sbould become auhjec, b Ne rkers Compcwtion provisions of the labor Code, you muse faMwith comply with such ProAimme - this Permit aha116e decmW evoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby aRm this there U. cawtruN. kndiog agency for db perfamaue of dre work for which this permit is ummul (See. 3W7, Civ. C.) lender's Name Lender. Adores - 1 certify that I haw mad this application and sub d u the aWw information u cmmcn. I agme to comply with all city and county ordinances and auto laws relating m Wilding convection, and hereby authorise repumate s of this city m over upon the tlloYe-mentidned pmpCM1Y rm iwPeNmO purpowhich (We) agree to sew. Indemnify and keep hamlets the City of Cupertino agaiwt coati and expernoter a which may in My way amue,guwttend City inconseqencejudgments, in conugwmc of the granting of this permit. N APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCEREGULA NS. --Z,:7 G67/1-9 Re -roofs Date SignommolAppli=US AT MATERIALS DISCLOSURE _ of Roof WIOyteCupmtsur (Muni Wildinge hnd hrurdousmaterial ��— n tleBned Chaptr9.1m the Cupertino Municipal Codc. Chapter 9.12 roti the Health roti Safety . cede. Section 255324n? ❑Ya ErN. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the spplicnot or future Wilding occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit bacmh w airconuminanu to defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. DimicR � D sec. ❑ Nu 1 haw mal the h»ardonsmabriau equimments under Chapbr6.95 of the Califon. iia HalNkSeI yCade,Seevau25505.2533md25534.Iund dNuifthe Wilding doa not cumndy haw a tenant. that it u my rapomthiloy b.dlY tW a¢upant of db rtquirtmcnt mwlW tprimrbintrmamracenifiabafQr7r2:7kA l(/11 (o Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class 'W' or better Owner or,mthnri> gem b