00100089CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT HUILDING ADDRI'.I'1!RMI'I' X59664 STEVENS CREEK BLVD ALLEN SIGNS No, 001.00089 OWNER'S NAME: SILK BEDDING 1982 STONE AVE APPI.ICAf1ON SUH DNFE 1.0/12/2000 PRONE. P, SANITARY No. CON Fluff. NO. . (408)280-6500 GLRC'EC17ENGINERR: BUILDING PERIII'r INFO O NhDG IiLEC' I'LUMIS MliCll r I ji. CENsEr) cost-RAMO R'S DECLARATION Job DL'SCPl ptl Il lemby ads rte mat I a:n Iicemcd under moki..n, of Chupler 9 (mon mein, Jlinn7(XX))ofDivisiolido!!beHminensanJl'ndissiamCodc.-nJmyllvcn.wsrrnlfrce and elle( /�UClaw 1 -f, f�4 ISh Commclor_ ARcjinifa"S DECLARATI N 1 undmmnd mY plans,hall he used as public rca,rJ, ' p facer ed PrvRss...... al - y OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 herchy arfrm thm 1 um &III' f tom the Conlraemf'I License Law for the a following ream.. (section 7031.5. Bminen, and P fir,,ions Cud, Any c:ly or county which require, a permit to motto., after, improve, demolish, or repair any mmcture ,g 4, pant .- Iso 1 the IPlicu .I p Fitt 11 leer.( runt L that he is licensed prsua t to the p a% of theContrrafcfne,Lc E (Chaper9 - Sq. Ft. Floor Ar a' Valuation !aro) fn,i. J nn B nes dProfession, Code) oaf s 'n Seel ' $2000 lir but he is exams therefrom and the bas.. fnr the alleged exemption. Any vmation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit object, the appficam u, a civil IMnulty I APN Number Occupancy Type ,if ao.:o...cmanEvnIf.ntied dodar,N50o , 3690E009. 00 '❑1,mowneroflife progeny.oranym„ lisec,widtwage,a,theirsofammpOmmion, - Required Inspections rill do the work, and the slmclure is not intanded lir offered for safe Isco 91144, aces Business and profession, Codc'Me Contractor', Licenm Wx not apply m an ,wriarorpmpanywhohnIII, lir impmvc, finenn, and who dart, nch work hiurw1f 101 — FOUNDATION or through his own employees. moided that such improvement, arc not intended or improvement is 103 — LIFER offered for nate. It, however. the building lir sold within one rear of ompledon. the ow:fepbwlder will have me burden ofpwving mal be did not build or mpnweforparl•,,cef.ale.). 104 — REBAR - ❑has°war, of me progeny. am exclusively contracting with licensed contractor, to 1.05 — ANCHOR BOLTS construct the project (See. 704ss 4. Busineand I+life., ons nXleo *fie Contractor: .cense Law Ill., u oro apply , an owner of progeny who hada,, or in fruve, merc:m. X04 — ROUGH EL T v EC R I CAL and who contract. for such pmjw % with a mntmctorfs) licensed pursuant to the 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL C...fl,cau, meo.eLaw. ❑ I .,if e,ema bad,, Sec. .11& P C for cid, reason 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS O.rcr Eric W'ORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of the following declarations: ❑ 1 base and will mumemn a Certificate of Consent to sellfinsum out Worker's Com,romion. ax provided to, for by section 3710 of .he IabCode ,n Ce. for the ' performmmc of life work far which this permit is k%ac,i, ❑ I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Crile, for .he plituou ante nf,he work fin which this peon;. is MY Worker', Cort,maton,Ifln,urene, carrier and Policy n°mMr arc: C. tie ,S Cr" r T1,.nLA Pnlicr Na.: 33z—t? CERTII'ICA ION OE EKEMPnONFRONI WORK COMPENSATION INSURANCE rfhls action need nal be mnmleted if the pmmi. is for one hundred dollar IS lat m 1e„ 1 I certify that it, the patornwnce of the work fnr which Ids permiI i, issued. 1 . .hall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers Co:npcn,i ah. of Calif....4 Date Applicant , NOTICHTO API'LICAN-E IL after making.his Cenlfcre of Exemption, ,.should bcconm subject an he W aacr', C..mpcnwtion pmvi,inn, it the lath... Gado, on mus. forthwith comply isith .such pmvi,ions or this permit shut[ he deemW revoked. CONSTRUE I' ION I.ENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that mere is a construction lending agency for the performance of the week to which Ilan, paunu it w,au1(Sec. 3897, Cu, CJ lander: Name GLender', Addrea, 7 1 ennify then1 base mad this application and state that the above inforrr:atiun is ecl. I ngrce,n..,n,ply win, all city and wanly mdimmee, and ame laws rcl.ili.g j) m building comwction. and hereby amhorim representatives of this city to enter upon ten above-nocali ed property for impeniun pamn,e,. y (We)agree o„ave. indemnify and keep harmless he City of Cercnlnn against A liabilities, judgments, costs and espen.w, which may in any way news, ...... I said ' Z Chy In umwyum¢c nl Ilia gnmting af,hlr pOnnit WITHA NON///'''OINT L 'Ov APP ANT U{�DERST NUS Afft,++���WILL COMPLY Issued by: Date - Re -roofs .'ignawrc fApplican liter seer Lime IIA' AI OUS MA'1'IiR1Al.5 DISCLOSURE wiRmeapprcam-amrcwimingoccapam.mmmnandleha�rdon,material Type of Roof 7 ax dc, by the532(a) inu Municipal code. Chapter 9.Iz, and the Hcahh ane Safe., . Gila smi.n 23532(.)7 ❑Yee �Na All roofs sh� I be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. W 11 the applicant orimure building no ..... I use eg.ipnmm or device,which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. I agree to remove tit lvalts nit com.min:un, as defined by .he Hay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with oY°s"° all non -point source regulations. 1 hall read the hazardous mamriok requircmmnls .niter Clmptcr 6.95 of he Cub fornia Heabh & Sudety Code. Section., 255115.25533 and 25534, 1 understand that if the handing docs not eurreonly have a tenant, that it Is my rerynn.ioiby to until, the I pant of.tie requircmcut, which must be met prior to issuance at a Cerfi icale of ecttpamy' 'l Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better awn=,ora mornedage ole U vrna.o