857I pt W m FOP OILDIN ;PEk IT t1t r % _:.;'No a t-' M& -Other ::,S Sep �fJ!Inxll ra' RIBA S p. WAIT ' Anne J: ME PERMITNU c OF OCCUft . . . . . . . . UILDZATE�: Ms W Ap royl,:; ...... l mmly 1 1,1 MFM.M the 'StTAUfA PROJECT ' 71 t1It� t Data ' v6Y Calc6 Struc E narg Elect, , co ga� 'De�v l p1lIACCh oin: Tia 'd .. Date 0d By ... 8ncfipllonoI;W0Tk i6t's,ir(ocL, niproVefinerit on Parcel Yes 'Np:. .. Date llmll; Date ? P, ef [ores Use Cil' in i Jalgaliopp of Projqcl- 0novn6r: .. ...... 0..$ . . ........ . Cbptrs( tor'. fixcity B 't Ad,dress;) ii),_0- 1. Y.4,j F Is rij, nii ­ .0 :�'RCL' S_ c ontlactor 'Elocirical: .............. ..... ... .2.... ­N'us no$! an ........ -.7 S e6 City Permit -5 Healing and 0661ing_, _ City BusinesG License ............ Wa ter Cqqn,�'Fee i AnNioct Designer- . ...... ..... ..... Street , fr ad. Fee S * " 'Engineer. r.. . ..... .. ..... , IPUP,. 2. DIVA.. Load., EX'Ilsi R1_ ING PERMIT FEE (plus I, . a . nalty _:.;'No a t-' M& -Other ::,S Sep �fJ!Inxll ra' RIBA S p. WAIT ' IuNal'UAE OF APPLICANT/M;1HEIF; I,PdEM. e A J,cedify. That as the applicant'( and xe Other C p ..t w'.nd Wither lassi, "I.. , � - m- . ......... w .. .... W Ap royl,:; ...... l mmly 1 1,1 MFM.M the C.n . if top Parkin irnilt A,;­ Variance • 9 $Pf1CP3'_ Load., w.; (Mate asst I t I eiyd land nde, I - x., I P,— k% t 1,;$?:o6 5/S with'il ell V;—) :r in ....... r. ftl y and keep 20 n,mcio,56 1 c 1001;1+ . 0; ,a V1, Grall E8s0itl6ni nse ue Ce apart e; on' n., Fee s ...... ... ff:CPM,'?l0li0n of/Puthlic Works lMpr' bVements, F Is rij, nii ­ PERMIT INSTALLATION r NO EAC.H' -.9e& -MEN Wow. UgN Outlets Sw;t,che$.,,, . . ....... z", PE T. K, A -7 L ! TION ------ _ 'GoW'SYWMA VII Up 10 5 Chlbelk,". TOTALNUM612R(lesclharl)i:lopwints) . A '50 Range Cooking U nit 0 n. -1 2.uo Water S Dryer. Garb. Disp.,., Pist-h, 2.00 �siern.(lrislo lation, All: or Plop �SERVICEQFIEMP RARYP at r of localf .'Willer 4 d Tr h 100 Mr P/S 5:()0. 2 00/57 . 0 0' .50 59.00 800/520M: 12 01$40 00 R1_ ING PERMIT FEE (plus I, . a . nalty PQrfnit Fee 3 0.n TOTAL ELECTRicA FEE 1pltjs' pon I '"I ty I ;app. Y - (Bach 'ower an ;G.arb .3 IT. A uo i ' MOTORS, Ceip r i rs.�. 61clers, eatar'S.� r over 1 OOM CO, 3 Mort, C1J.0llmd,,Unil An ton/HP . I __ . : %; ....... fumbling Giotfrid Work ...... .... I h Elec"tric'si . ... .. opg e tl 00 x., I P,— k% t 1,;$?:o6 5/S to 46 ton /HP .... ... .. ....... an ation,/-ullorgs, . ... . ... LOW" pttAklen. Sys, 6.00 Da. add sys� $2�.oi rea is ....... ..... .. .. v hi,riift.� kil�lnqm. Bath 20 n,mcio,56 1 c 1001;1+ . 0; Hood '7 anto k;_ Floor: SmIkl r166( Draln' 4 So Signs with I XrMR . i ' . Fee (plus pgnoll! Onal:!.: inter .00 Each bcd,lionni XFMRMme Clobk . 2.00 53 pr 'JUM Ing% pip ,turn I Jul 'Ivilhout Annurd Eleclrh-nl I-isontenance ortrill, Fee Omar lsqv Uf�inanca Currentj� a .. It V R1_ ING PERMIT FEE (plus I, . a . nalty PQrfnit Fee 3 0.n TOTAL ELECTRicA FEE 1pltjs' pon I '"I ty I ;app. POO-' li� 151ALU\T ONi .3 IT. Forced fur Urnt,;_ '101mm. j Forffis Faundal* i on, By:. r over 1 OOM CO, 3 Mort, C1J.0llmd,,Unil An ton/HP . I __ . : %; ....... fumbling Giotfrid Work I h Elec"tric'si . ... .. opg e to 30 10�111­11?_: rarrie --PlUftjbjnq and H a t a Frig to 46 ton /HP .... ... .. ....... an ation,/-ullorgs, . ... . ... PAQe i a for ,.: .... Wall Hooter;, r FR163'- other Illaniubove Teat q....... llporary PoA'pr 'Ins t, ..... .. .. v hi,riift.� kil�lnqm. Bath Hood '7 anto o f, 6-ir -L"Ht ,i boo Ifi I Permit . Fee (plus pgnoll! V