25077I–ItI'!la"1'mx relfase .MG Istare'All Alli Meeh LInC1• II7IT.." Y... 1 Ye_n tl1YLa CITY OF CUPERTINO PLUMBING -MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT MI'TNO. O BUIID NO ADDRESS: SAND'ARYNO. API'LICAIIONSUBMITI'ALDA'M ` UNIT LOTH WN AMB: g PHONE: CO CTOR'S AIR LIC NO: �/ N/C CONIROLN 1CHITECfEN IC NO: ADDRESS: P ONE:ffanw CONTACT:MINIMUM ILDINO eIT"�M1,4�xAfrc.� BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE 0 ❑ O d )O �y I^ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DEC'URATION a M1ye mthellunllcemd undapvvbiomofChapta9( onmesncing with APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL LOB DFSCRIP ION / sennewe �w . rA lU--Tei\! exa Salon 7000)of DivldonJ of the BWlnessend Rofwloas Cade, and myllanW lin fuliforce do Licence ass Llc. N DueConuaclo ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understand my plain shall W and u public mods. PANELS OF TO 200 AMPS 201 . IOW AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. Fr. FLUOR AREA SISQ. FT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL c t Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILD ER DECLARATION 1 hereby .Iden Net 1 am exempt frmn the Contramis License law for then SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. y „' TEMP. METER OR POLE INET. d %M following reawn. (Sec em TRedolentS, BWirand professions Code: Any city orcounty which requim a Permit to comme4 situ, Improve. demolish. in repair any situation Prim m is inuwwe. alta requires theappllu i fasWh permit b file s aipadaa.1 Nal MIs licensed pursuant to [be pW indeluof the Conesude License Law (Chaps 9(commemhg with Salton 7001]) of Division 7a1 the Bullnw and Profession, Code) 1�,�+ 0 V Pp POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC LUATION I ;y 3< ,p a that he is exempt lheafrom and Ne basis for Hes alleged exemption. Any violellon of Section 70315 by my applicant JimmBm . pesubjects the applicant s civil penalty of not mate Nm Rve hundred doll. SfW). I.uaroflhepmpmy.mmymloywwlNwMuulhlrWlecmpwaUm, JIT' Of1TLBf3- SWITCHES-FIXTlIRE9 DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEI—SQ TOR IO [$ writ fa TO N, camas ode: and It fusion. Cade: Ties ConeWtds Ucmse law mica nm apply lf rt owWr Contractors U.Lane do in .,I, ior ern, h bas s papmyloyw., mvim p l.uhied cmmuwho monsah workmoffmdfw.ithrough hi owncmployes,provided ImpmvemenoeraofImendedmolfertd for Ne.IL RO UP TOTAL: I. m - proven however, ngalmpnomeing Wldl did not build of completion, Neowe of Wildest will M1ne Hro buds of provlry the M did not build m Impoe for purpose of We.j. ❑ I.0 onuumono N(See.744, ealY FLOOD O APN the Prefoongwlthlicensed cmaoat w Project (Sat. TUU, R.I.hesu and Profwlaa Code:) The Cee. and HRreco, and LswdonoRapplyWmewaumer peaywMsed PERMIT ISSUANCE w1mco pumimpovu wheealLess. f4 WCM1 p0)eCla MINaCMtlal:lar(f) IlCtllad pYfNmlla Hie L•mWaCla/a License law. r �.fp, �} "F,PEe SSU MAR apt''' � •. }.' ALTER - DRAIN R GIA) A) [3T.m uempl undm Sac. , B k P C fm this rtewn BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE SANITARY Y N Ovener —thin— BOOP. AREA. COND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATIONDRAMS-FLOOR, SCHOOLTAX YECBIION N O I hereby affirm IM11 Mve a mtlfiule ofconemm to Wlf-Wemrt, as astOWle of Norkere'Cempcm.d. lmurano or sonified coW'Ihuaf19a. 7800, Lab C.) which FIXTURES =PER TRAP RECEIPTN PARK ME Y_N ' coves all employees under this permit. Policy OAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. OUTLETS RECP.IPT N BUILDING DIVISION PEPS Company OAS - RA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 UDO PLANCHECK FEE ❑ CaliBed opy Is hereby fumhhed. GREASF41NDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE .❑ CeniEd copy, is riled with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASE TRAP SOILS PER SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 230Fr. ENERGY FEE (Thio suctions hedeo becmnpletedifthepamit is forune hundred dular.(S130) or les.) WATER HEATER wrvRNTpJwm I mudfy, NY In the peefamurm of the weak for which this result is issued, I shall not employ my Pawn In my mmrcs W a W become subject in the Wakere PAID w Compensation laws of Cllifmnla Date Applicant WATER SYEIEM/IREATINO Tote Receipt y NOTICE TO APPLICANT.- If. after making this Costliest. M Exemption, you ahold becomes subject W d. Workers Compenntion Pmvhloru of the Lahm Code, you must NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ. Fr. TOTAL: w fmthwith comply with soh previsions in Ws permit shall be deemed rtwkox. BUILDING IEE .- a CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FPR Ucorrect. raj I hereby sGl. Hm theme fix maeation lmdiN Racy la des Pesfornance of tiro work for which this permit H focused (Set 3WT. Civ, C.) Lender'. Name Address ELECTRIC FEE t PLUMBING FRT..lenders t 53 1 salify that 1 have red this sPplic.d. sued some that the shove informed. Is l epee a comply withall city uem county odlnmae tial este laws wising to Wilding consovcHan,Whveby avmhorla rtpmentulvn of Nh city to ill upm mM above-maHoresd property fa Lupeclla purpm. (We) spam save. indemnify and keep Mmiw Ne City of CLpsnion again M PERMITISSUANCB AMR OR ADD TO MECH.CONSTRUCTION MECHANICAL FEE TA% Ilebilificald rossamdeapeneu whlchmsylnmyw accru.,aiml said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000CFM) In coneequeo III, pwtdn of thio 11. 9 AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000CPM) Sign um ofA IonDak o EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCD PAID IIRATINO UNIT (TO 100.030 BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE We. Receipt N Will Hee sppllcmm in future building commercial or handle hazardous milder in &RnM by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter %12, tial the Health sued Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER 103,000 BTU) AL: Code, Salto 25372(.)1 ❑ Yea 13 No VENTILATION FAN (SINGER RP$ID) Will the applicml afumm building aeaepinl use equlpanl mdevices which emit BOILER - COMP (7111` OR 100,011() RTU) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER-COM(OVER 100,000BTU) hax dous air conumirww an derived by the Bay Am Air Quality Management DlslduT 13 Y. ❑ No h r A I D NEW RPSID! AL MECH. SQ. FT. I have red the haadmes mtuoille requirements under Chapter 3.93 of the California Health R Safety Coda Sections 25505,25533 and 23534. l uodmmuM Nat If the building alms nm cumnmly Moe a Ienml. tlul II b my mponslMlity to nmlfy the MAY 1419 occuent of the req.t.ts which moa W mil prior to Ia emec of a Cicalkate of Oy. Cid r IHgy .. ISSUED PY: Ownerwns, or a WNmised agent Date TOTAL: