07120220 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISIONPERMIT t#CONTRA CTUR"IIVI`QItMA.TION ' „ BUILDIGADDRESS: PERMIT NO. `i...i N STELIANG RID LANDMARK DEVELOPMENT 07120220 NEWS NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DAIS AS i'AIVAS STELL:LNG I',LC 1307 S MARY AVE STE 120 09/03/2008 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, ARCHITEC IFNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO NEW TWO STORY TOWNHOUSE BLDG eLEcr PLUMB MECH 2399 upQ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION ' O O 1 bmeby alUrto that I w li¢,vW under provisions of Chapter 9 frnmmcrring Job Description with Swan 7").f Division 3.(the Based.and Pro(rssio,♦u`Code.and my Ikena 4 4 fullrand and cffec,. Z/83 3 T 9 n� License Clang Lie.# e� Ds¢ g_n-n_-�P Carmner L dnO Jar-1 IK WL W_ —c�ARCHnWrS DECLARATION� V I mdcmand my plans shall he used n public records 1.0 EQ� Licensed professional `y3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ai i f I hereby alBon that 1 am cnmpt from dao Conaamo's License Law for Ne p o following,comm.(Salon 70313,Busucess and Penfessiom Code:My city or county e m whish requires a permit on cnmums after,improve,demolish.Or repair my suatum prior to its issuance.amuquiru Ne.,licant fmsmb permit to file a signed uaNmcm that he is licensed'urnwto the provisions of the Common's Ucense Law(charmer 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation 1- (commcaing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Profesiou code)., that he 4 eaempt therefrom and an,buds for tiro alleged<xmptiaa.Any violadan of Sermon 7031.5 by a"applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of APN Number Occupancy e rot mom dun five handout dollars(SMP y ZYP L asowner and phesunu , emY empleyees with segsorNeo03c.campeuzasts will do fe workd..ands: swmum ds m's Licens or offered wa cat.(ps.70th,Buzwner o. ma stoy whom Code:The canaxmn License Law does not apply lf an mvhar is Required Inspections property who builds orimprovesch improvements mp,arm who denssantwok himself ulNmugM1 his Own employees.er.mWiprovided dun such imprm id wit am not intandW moeered for mover. however.Neowth Lmimprovement4mid within at Wild or improse for the owhar. Wilder will h.ve the WNen of provin6 that he did non build m impend for purpose of sine.). ❑1,u owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed mnaacmm N construct than project(Sec,7044,Business and professions Code)The Contractors U. . come Law does not apply N an owner of property who W ilos or improves daemon,and who c.naams for such projects with a canamNr(s)licensed pursuant N the Canuacton License Law. ❑lameaennin-mm5m. ,B&PCfm N4maon ncr Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION " I hemby afBom under penalty of perjury ane of the fallowing declarations: ❑thaw andwill main Section 3dm of the Lalarxcia,fumhe Wooten Compeer nt(on,r provided for mi Section 3700 of tirc[sbm Cade,for the Performance of the went far which this pcnlnil is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Worker Compensation Insurance,as enquired by Sermon 3700 of the Labo Code,far d e pe,f..c..f the work fm which this pandit 4 issued. _ My Workers Compensation Insurance cassia,and Policy number son: Caniv. %EM Peliry No.:Yr( L�L111 ERTI OF MON MOM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section hand rot be completed lithe Permit 4 fca n:AunNed d.Oan(5100) or tas>) I catry Net in the pesformaae of the work for which this permit is issued.l shall not employ any person in my mamterm u to become subject to the Worktrn'Compon-don Laws of Caifomia.Data Applicants NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.spar making this Cenifiute of Exemption you should become subject N im Wmkers Compensation provisimu of Ne LOor Cade,you mw ,7 Z fanhwith comply with such Pmv4loas as,this permit"I W damrA mroked, Z O CONmucrION LENDING AGENCY [-,,•+ I hemby slfrm that Nem is.,ch nhcdon lendingagahay far Ne perfmmaaeaf Q: the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) Lenders Name z Landers Andress U O 1 eerily that I have read that application aM sesta that the almm infmmation is . [g. P emotes.I agree N cmnply with all city and county ordinance and sum laws relating no OU Wilding construction.and hereby authorise representatives of this city to ohm upon Ne, [A move-cs,pea property for i hsea. inspection whic H LL (We,)agree to save,indemnify and kap homeless the CITY of Capcnino against fn Iiabilities,jWgramenu.costs andexpeeses which may any my acLllne ajainst mid City U z m co mote of grmting.(Nis i F-t APP ER ANDS LL OMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date esu 5. �46 Re-roofs dare of ApplianuCon l.r Data HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will tis applicant or far.Wilding occupant some or bundle basallous m,,r.1 u derhad by Ne Cupertim Municipal Code,,Chapter 9.13,and Ne Health and Safety Saaan 25532(.)+ / All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Yes �T. Will the applicant orfutureWilding aceupanl tax cquipmenl ter devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit hmirdom air commutations as de0had by Ne,Bay Area Air Quality M...gcamm all new materials for inspection. District? P Y. Nu I have mad thehdmduus matarlalsmgvimmcntsu der .Chaptard.95oflbe Czli(or. .I.Heal"SafclyCode,Sections 25505,25533 eoW 25 .I understand NU If the Wilding dna anent a tan L tis m IIItyN notify tie oaupant of the myquw u;hmhm mel asrcc aCcrvBcaN�JOOpanry. Ovt, Signature of Applicant Date w..,.r,..benrcd aErnt Data All roof coverings to be Class'%T'or better