68382-F7449 Stanford Place Tract No.—Lot No. CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEP. _ APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date S 19Per it lo. Ap ication is hereby made for a permit to a___L_story, Type `1T Buildjng Use Zone at 61 Occupancy�A1 Parking Space to be occupied only as ' " ,. , i p kler in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plo#feigf ,Elect. �— Estimated Value of Improvements, I certify that in the performance of the in any manner so as to violate thew kn Owner_F%"/H�_1`✓s 7 45; Stucco E for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person ompensation laws of California. 1,aAddress 74/u�Y �fi9�e.%Dr r�%Re., Address OF INSPECTION 7449 Stanford Place Frame Finish 4 F. Orlando WOL o[/5 L -08Z w�o� 0 # esuaaij ssemsne Aylo osof ups •uolypaildda vO 5e2uo44ne APedoid Pup yaaJya Pup eauoy lin} ul sl esuoal1 sJoyopiyuoo plum}lleC) }o eyeys siy ypyy sysegp yupoilddy ❑ Polu yueweyoys ❑ uau.0 se :yupalldda Aq Pawlpla AgoJa4 $l esuea11 s Joyopjyuoo jo} aluuodll'O yo aypyg +o} yuowennbei wou} uol4dwas3