02030145 OF CI BUILDING u D NG DIIVIIISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 1133 STAFFORD DR WATER CLARITY PLUMBING 02030145 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE JEN LAI 193 BARNARD AVE 03/26/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 275-9300 77 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w O BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION v Y I thereby aRnn that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(Commencing Job Description in t: GAS LINE EXTENSION. is f, with 5ecilon]8001 of DivisionJof the Basin nd Professions Cale, ad liana in II tpp:i unrliliCGt o u u Latera a CI L:22� L"'a 7QO 13 a.it., �-�N-�i Comm ARCHITECT$DECCLAARATION gI untlersmnJ my plmrs shall he useJ as public«cards IE:p, Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION w 1 hereby oM.thin 1 am esempt from the Contractor's License Law for the C?a following tenon.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county $1200 E F C which requires a permit m concoct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure „th6i w i i c Iso y d pions of or Con p tr to icon k ted na.pt e,9 (commencing f e pdp Section the pro sion3o theBvsnorsLiccnutswonsCrar9 $,e s��ss7IOppI pp��gga sy a. Valuation (comment 8„ thSm ]000)of On ion3af,hc Busncsp and Proles tonsCMd �kf.` L 136L(�15(7;1`4::;�lTVg3.„1IC1i A. ^ or Shot be is 335 b,,Shcrtfrom and the basin fonhe alleged exempuan Any violnaon -of but mo 703E5 iv any hundred d ll for a permit subjects the applicant too civil penalty or rwt more th.n B.emamrea aml,rs(55W). 106APN li4� & WATER r"( r-r. Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compcnsmlon, will do the work:and,he structure is not inteided or'offered'for sale ser:76f4,' 'Business and Professions Cade no Contractors License law does na,apply,o. 301 - ROUGH P24411&j[Mspections l" _,.1 owner of property Who builds or improves tremor,and who does such work himself atered nhis own however.tpropdinmatearn v,om a.solaarehinoneMapr 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER' -bEcrid�r"vlc.IL nmvevm,the a,ndm __. tis ante wimih�oa�-ca er - ._. ..-_. ._... ...... ....__. __... _.. .. :..._. I, builder will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY .t;�l ` ' ompc n,,he owner improve completion, _ _506 - GAS TEST , -f]i,osuwnerrojec property.am Business Professions CWe;;) h Contractor's onor otsm 51)7.. .-...FINAL PLUMBING _....___ ._...._.____..._.... _. ------- construct the presto(Sec.]I?L1.Business and Professions CMe:I mThep.Centre nor's andwho Law docs nm apply,o an owner of property who milds m improlat Merton, and who conoaas for sProjects with a.commea(s)licensed pursuant m the. . .._ .. _. _..__ .._.__.... .__.....__.. .... ._ ._._ ' - �- Contractor's License Lou.la . ❑Ium exempt under Sec:' , ., _ b `,B&P C for this reason Owner- ” Date l WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby M.under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations. F 1 1 aA) L E D Js ° I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's PMAR /� 1 2002 v` Compensation, as provided for by Section W of the Labor Code. for the perom uncc of the work for which this permit is issued. L 01 have and will mainmin Worker's Compensation Insuranre.as required by Section J]W of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work%,which this permit is BUILDING issued My Workers Comone in.Insurance carrier and Policy number sm i,y NoP29-OZ f�L28417 f._,.r ' t t , • e„.1j l,Sit ;f^ .CERTIFI ATIONOFEXE MON OMi !. e.l h. \ ..r COMPENSATION INSURAaCE .'..;'•n :” (Ths sectmn teed net ho coinpined ti the permit is for one hundred dollars ''i'�' °•,.v _--—_ — ---- ----1-_ _ (S 100)cr less.) I certify matin me n in a once of the work fnr whieh this'permit c isaed.I J d" shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become iubjcn m'�he Workers' ' Comicaion Laws of California. teiDate NOTIC beeomeETOAPP6ICAN WormrLalmrmnsing xatkm is Cesionsocam ofE alkarron.you se.younould . R;.. z Qbecome s compl p id Workers visom nation Amit&hoof the labor CMc,you mus, fonhwiN comply with ouch provisiona or this permit anal)be domed revoked. Ir - `CONSTRUCItON LENDING AGENCY t F 1 battery rifiturch.,these is a construction lending agen y flutist perfmarmde W'.> of,trc o k for which th permit_ s issued(Se JW]C C) r - ' I QLcndcrs Namc',.. .. .._. ._. .. _ ....... .. . ..... __. __. . . .. n' Loider's Address"'•... 11 11 V • I certify that I have read this application and state that above information is tiered: I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and nam laws relating O: to building construction.and hereby authorize ck'presemative>ofmis city to enter upon ,.ythe above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. . (We)'gree,to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenini4itunst -y liabilities, uu,Q(8gmens,coxa and expenses which may m any way accrue against said V City int slquente of the rigg (this pecan. .' . ' ... _ " r APPLI T UNDER ND WILD COMPLY WITH ACL NON DINT S D s _ f Issued by: Date O rt PPI;an to T :'^. i gate - ';' Re roofs is a s�o the tar«ni rebepal pdeCnapte9.13 aMtneH hn ndStJty _ Type of Roof..... .. HA2 DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE g pant stow handle haraN s m .... .. .. ,r 'i.... '.'d' . .� I�t, it+t{:t}s '1 •'1: ) .. . °Ye` N. "'�, All roofs shall be Inspected-prrorj-any_roofing material being,installed.--,_, _, _ corm pplica t r t bu 'ng occupant equipment or devices whim If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspecttoh;I agree torremove emit hoz d cont i s nM by he Biiy Area Air Crain,Management D':mtr- all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will+comply with A °Y03 ���"'***"��� - . • 1 all noir-point sorce regulations. • ), �k -1'h read Nv2e Trdons material qui«ments'under Ch pmr 6.95 of the Cilifomia Health&Safdy CMB,Sec,i s 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understand that ifthebuildin oesnmeurrtmly ve nam,hatitismyrtsponsibili....inotify the act, - ce,ofa Cc ircar,of " upy t of a rtyuircmen t be mt ry of m Isp Oct. a " . - u " Signature of Applicant_ _ Date o ncrpraa a agent ane All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better ..n '. 1. .. .OFFICE