58301 7780 Squirehill Ct. PLAN 410-B Trac} No. 4505 Lot No. 10 CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT �0 3 �� Date July 18 , Iq 68 Permit No. 0 Application is hereby made for a permit to Bui Id a 2 story, Type V-Resid tial B in / Use Zone a} 7780 S uireh i 11 Occupancy—T to be occupied only as One F ily Parking Space in accordance with Plans;Specifications and Plo I filed herewith. Fire Sprinkler Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 20JV/!/(/�/ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I s all not employ any parson in any manner so as to violate the workman's compensation laws of California. Ovn� J.H TER- . SOC.,INC. Address1175 S,Saratoga-Sunn ale Rd. Ry/ � ddress an ase, a. P29 ,<,/ /CORD OF INSPECTION JA Q Foundation ® r Frame XO A " Stucco��`� `� Finish �� 0-6 9 w WO! 89/Z !-08Z w+o� 13750I-7 # ezuao!l ssau!sng A}!o esor uvs vo!}eai!dde s!y} san+oy}ne A!+edold pup }oaga pup eo+o} in} u! s! 196C6i I-9 # asueo!l sjo}ov+}uoO viu+ MOO }o a}p}S s!4 }vy} s}sa}}v }ueoi!ddy El p0!If }eOwO}p}S 0 +auMO $v }upo!!tltlp Aq pew!ap Age+ay s! esuea!l s+o}ap+µop +o} p!wo}!!ap )o OMS +o} }uewe+!nbe+ wo+} uogdwex3