NO PERMIT NUMBER10432 Scenic Circle NO. STREET LOT NO. CITTOF C hF TINO APPLICATION FOR UI , ING PERMIT i A9816 B.F. SANITARY NO. 5 FILE NO. 1,214.1 DATE April 5 19 77 Ap lication is hereby made for a permit to 5—NHR (2117 sq. ft Const, PPlan "A" 1 a story,typeliy. &493 sq.ft. gar) to be occupied only as I-J Single Family & Gar. in accordance with plot plan, plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 71,000.00 229.00 FEE $ PLAN CHECK $ OWNER Saratoga Foothills ADDRESS S.J. PHONE 253-7050 Gordon Augenstein, Supt. CONTR, ADDRESS PHONE STATE LICENSE /'v/-7 7 APPROVED James H. Sisk/M BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE P TOR INSPECTOR FOUNDATION j / FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME JDATE 7 BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS - INT. & EXT. FIREWALLS MEMBRANE LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER -FLOOR TIEDOWNS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROU UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING r 1 ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING y, FINISH WIRING FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING & A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DAT INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS & INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH & FLUES & COMB. AIR PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE ) FINAL APPLIANCE 3 ROOF DRAIN & LEADER MAIN DRAIN 7 FINAL GAS O FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS ROUTE SLIP File No. Date to Location Subject^ Approved A3 f 77 Date . I Inspector CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE 'l-CIT.Y=OF CUPERTINO DATE 19L_L_ BLDG. PERMIT NO. L . THE BLDG. LOCATED AT I D V1 3Z �cc!thOc- CY/ I,P OWNED BY Sara�a fo-V i )'C HAS BEEN OMPLETED FOR USE A it ,�2e 5, 6- 'Car-(ALTERED) d J CITY OP CUPERTINO OFFICE COPY GAS SERVICE NOTICE I To You are hereby o Owner or Tenant At 1aVia-- No. of Meters No. of Add. Meters rized to connect the GAS service for New Service � Reconnect Move Sere Move Meter �7 PLUMBING INSPECTOR Jd/_ -.,7 F �„ z ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY (vti�n BUILDING INSPECTOR'S NOTICE CITY OF CUPERTINO (( 11 To , 19!� You are hereby outhaiized.to,Cannect electrical service for% _ Owner ar Tenant At No. of Wires Motor Load Heating Load No. of Meters No. of Add. Meters Ow to Size of Wires' 11 Size of Switch t bo K. W ( Llght %910 l(/1 Heat ' JOI 20 Power /`-•y� ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR More Serve BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Bldg. Dept. O1fire C.pyt� ❑ Backflow Device Sanitary Permit No. ( F ❑ Sewer Connection / Plumbing Permit No. t� r L 1 V ❑ Plumbing Final Lot No. f Owner or Tenant At r .-A ,, -\- ,. 0 f f- 1 Tract (� f Dote Connected - l `1 1 qai oM )ate Final 1 A'. T 19 1 --Jl \UAI. � tf j C" �s (3—�J P LOT NO. N . STREET .. CU'r�sTlt10 . C• C' --tt CITY OF CUPERTINO -AAPL(ICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1 1) Permit No. Date • 19� Fee E Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ��^ Use of work To Be �r ` _ /�^ ._J— Premis4;� Performed•�S�V 1+✓ l� / L `[' Ownp�y[�g/ Address Phon B a y Address �• ntrcsctor, Agent J Phone State License �• b "�% �CC� J Approved Electrical Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 0 1. ITEM I NEW I RPL I FEES Number of Outlets Number of Switches Number of Receptacles Number of Fixtures Ranges or Ovens K.W. Size of Main Service Number of Meters Number of Panels Signs - Transformers Dryers Motors: - H.P. Phase - H.P. Phase H.P. Phase Power Poles Misc. Permit Fee H.P. Charges Total Fees 0 c. LOT NO. NO STREET .Or cyo.-ftrtv� , I 1) CITY,OF CUPERTINO 1977APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT P Permit No. Dote Application is hereby made to the Citytof Cupertino for.o wiring and/or fixtures' cis listed on the reverse I "side hereof, wiring and/or fixtures in. accordance with. the provisions of 'City of Cupertino; o4oll other laws applicabi thereto. Yuseof t Work To Be Premims Perform Cwn__15"Av_ �167 Addrr/P*SB .�,"z Phone / q kill �62.4QAddContraaor Agent 1 Phone State License 7 Y. El COMP I AGREE'I,:WILLNOT'�VIOLATE�'A.�'Y,6F THE COMPENSATION 1—. .1 . 1. EN ATION LAWS- OF,�THEySTWE OF CAt permit to install electric6ij and agrees to install said" the. Electrical Code of the A IC ^'ITEM NEW RPL-. FEES` Numberroof Outlets` i -:Number of Switches :2� - _ 0 8j0 'Number of Receptacles'+}," .--Number, of Fixtures -. k3 . Ranges or Ovens K.W Size of Main Se`r.vviice _ w k 7 Number of Meters' Number of Panels'.,_- �s v e - `Signs -Transformers r ��..- Dry',ersr'' v H P. Phasei; > H.P. Phase s :,H.P:.Phase- �,'i, Power Poles ° •k' V. f Permit Fee H.P.. Charges, I- , t Total Fees - "RG g ® c. - Zs LOT NO. STREET cTT t' ._flWa CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT JUN I -19?T"""4 All / Permit No. Data •� �.1'.?�+ , 19� Fee 3 j Application s herebry) made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. IUse of work To Be Premises` o-z Performed IZCA%✓G 4 r/,c% A/ 7,/4 OwnersA•pu7_ 4 f 71.'// Address V•!l]• .BaSAdA T�- 5�,# Phone � uyJ3-70Sd By ACO/,'/l/ i Sh 7h eTa� a�L gddress/J D licx 7o G S vaAT A C nira<toq Agent Phone 2 State License-16-2V %V Approved �— Punrbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. LA DOME APPLIANCE II UNITS I FEES TO 1.000.001 B.T.U.'S NOT PERMIT FEE TOTALFEE LOT NO. 1/ tl:10 �_,V"3TREET —n�] /7 MAY 11977 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT P A I D HSanitary No. ,19 �� Permit No.—-- Fees .J O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of jJ Work To Be Premises Performed Owner—� �t Address Phone Alacos PLUMBING INq, By Address 266 MCGLINCEY LANE Contractor, Agent C'AIV1P CALIF. 9500111: Phone PHONE 377-1137 State License � � '7 o Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S LA COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Unitsl Fees Units Fees Water Heater Gd Size - 'j" Water Closet ycO Material Bath Tub ( r% ck To Curb Shower a�6 To Prop. Line ✓ Lavatories ri06 To Existing Kitchen Sink Not Conn. Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine wD Size - WaterSoftener Material Bor Sink To Main Drain Comb. Sink 8 Troy To Curb _ Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM - Size ant Sink Material ' ap TOTAL FEES Fixture Fee cJo ain ffSystem Main Drain Fee ,zj oo eader Storm Drain Fee r System Water Sys. Fee alue Gas Feeaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee "sj co Total Total Fee Goo /L NU. Jlltttl '• CITY OF CUPE'RTINO CAP. { SAL -- a APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT t FEES z w Building Per. No. z Dggte 1g_. 3 � E', ".- Sanitary Per. No. O Q h"eiiaby made for` a,.permmiit to �Ri%r /IApppliicatio'n'is t aPt ya oic?�Type�,t�[� -PA 071��� -sty Structure 0 w O o 13 bepccu ied only as / MP y .7� r%�/XACS�' Potions l�f�i�I in accordance with 'Z w Plans, Sped and Plot -Plan filed herewith. a ,a ? Estimated Value of Improvements, a LL PI Ck Fee $ _O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the w Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee $� p a other laws applicable to the construction, location, and Z use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee $ zz complied with. 3 wL- '/'6(I�//� —-do OW ERR /PHONE J- ADDRESS Q Q CONT�OR AGENT —AZT- A ES — U111 PHONE STATE LICENSE BUI IN I ECT R