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CITY OF CUPERTINO + tet s°'� e'+�.� s' !" c-. BUILDNG DIVISION PERMIT COP RA. ° 'QJ(JNFa!b MATI©1 '' BUIL1 G S: PERMIT NO. Tr� KESSANTA TERESA DR SAM PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION 08020012 SRS NAME: PERMIT LSSUEDATE HOLL JAMES H AND JANET M 915 GREENWICH AVE 02/04/2008 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHI7EC rENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO RE—PIPE FRM GALV TO COPPER BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH woo LICENSEDCONIT[k oa'sDEcleRAnDN Job Descri [ion +� 1 Imcby affirm Nn 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing p � with Section 7").f Division 3afdm Bud..and Profeuiuns Colo,and my license is n.�jn w in flit aroeR CL :93 License 3 Lie. ��3e q Dat: Comrscmr /n 0. asYl ..o ARCHITECTS DECLARATION v 1 understood my plans ahs11 be=it as public records 0 1C Licensedmarool cona OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION <� 1 herchy.(Tian on I I.S.exempt from the conianarn License taw for sire D O following mason.(Section IDnstrBusiness and at,de ons Cade:Any city or county $�a which requires a e.also r construct,alms I applicant forsu de ermit i or repair any ammture prlarmiu iwuance.alsu requites�hoisioof the Cohpcmi'rocensele a Lnedsammcm p Q that he is licensed Furnace in the pmvisiansof me Contractor's License law(Chapter Sq.FI.Floor Area Valuation y (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Colt)or Q $ that he u exempt dtemfrom and gas bash for the alleged exemption.Any violnfen of Section 7031.5 by any appikam for a jimah Objects the applicant to a civil penalty of APN Number Occupancy Type not mom than five hundred dollars(5500). ❑I,u owner of tM property.m my emplcycu with wage u thehmleeompemUGn, will do the work and the structure is notimewded oroncmd foraam(Sec.7041,Business Required Inspections and Professns ioCods:The Contractor's License U.dans rot apply m e an owner of 9 P pmlmM1ywhobuildsmimprovetiumon,ndwhodoesauchworkhi set(mthmughbio own empleyces,provided that such improvements are not imeMed reoffered fmsa4 if. however,the building or Improvement is sold within one year of completion.the owner- butlder .will Nve this burden of proving that he did not ddb or improve for purpose of sale.). ❑1.as maser of the properly,am amluaively contracting with licensed conmemas in convect the project(Sec.7(a44,Business and Profession Code:)The Conractor's U. cense law docs nal apply m an owner of property he builds car improve theroon.and. who contracts for such pmjects with a contractor(s)licensed pursuant In the Contractor's Lice.Law. ❑I am attempt under See ,B At P C for this reawn Dour Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I herby aahm under penally of perjury one of the following dmlwwions: 66 I have and will maintain a CertiOcate of Cinematic self-insure for Worker's Camper- satlon,as provided far by Section 3700 of the Labor Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Issuance,as required by Section 3700.f the labor Code,for the Performance of the work forwhich this Permit is issued. My Wmker's Coreprosso n Imus.carrier and Poll,number am: Carrier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Cfbbsmimucdmtbocompletedif Nepmmitis(manehundre dollars($100) or lest) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is owned,l shall not employ anypeuon in any mannerso as in bevypm O�tecuo ththaaWarken'CompanaNan Iowa of Cal in.Data - -->- / SG /. O.Y APPlkant = NOTICE TO ALI ANT.If,after making this Certificate of Emmption,you should become subject in the Worker's Compensation provisions of site labor CoLc,you mine .J 0 forthwith comply with such Provisions or this permit stall he deemed invoked. Z y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [ti I hereby alErre Out them is a conswction lending agency for the perfmmmm of ai the work fur which this Permit is iuuW(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) ' W�Q Unitefs Name M z Undoes Add. V O 1 certfy that I have mad this application and aam thin the above information is ty corrom I agree to comply with all city and county inclinations and scam laws missing m -Q SV': Wilding conswetion,and hereby authodn representatives of this city m enter upon the above-mentioned properly for inspection purposes. RW (We)agree to ave,indemnify and keep harmkw the City of Cupertino against rA liabilides,judgmcruscosu and eapenset which may In any'w'ay ammo agalnstaud City V',Z inconsequence or the granting of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date 2�L, CJ SOU SEREGULATIONS –=4 GZ — _ -�- `�=W I sp Re-roofs Signers of pplican✓Contracmr ale HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the Oplicart or future building decupanWone or handle buallou name al deftned by the Copeman Municipal Code,Chapter 9.11.are the Health and Safety .Semon 29532(a)? g}Na All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Ye Will the applicant or future building occupant um equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit haurdous air contsmimants as de0ned by the Bay Arts Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? �/ ❑Ya 5 Nu I have mol the haONne mamrlatsmequirementt underchapser6.95ofthe Califon nh Hcal"SeetyCode,Sections 25505,25533 aryl 5534.Iundimmd thmif the building does not currently haw:a amen two it is my responsibility to notify me mcou am of the requirements which mustbcmaprior to issuance o(aC Gam of occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date � C/ti`s All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner of auN3nved agent Dam CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE/SEWER/MAIN SERVICE • CUPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN# Date: Building Address: i/ ic7 e Owner's Name: Phone#: ^� Hall , L/ (P - ,Z,? Contractor: Phone#: C �4Oc3 ) 39d' — SE o j< Fax #: 0 Contact: Phone#: q/S- ire en wic 1, Au .e Fax #: Contractor icense Cupertino Business License#: Job Description: Residential Commercial ❑ Valuation: 07 Green Building Check list must be completed and attached to this application. Green Building Points: Zf Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Grou 1PCSEWER Commercial building P 1CPSS sewer/sanitary sewer IBPREPIPE Commercial re-pipe per fixture P 1CPRP 1PGASCOM Commercial Gas Piping System P 1-4 Outlets 1BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial P IBSEISMICR Seismic Residential P 1PRSEWER Residential building P 1RPSS sewer/sanitary sewer CITY OF CUPERTINO REPIPE/SEWER/MAIN SERVICE • CUPEkTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1PRREPIPE Residential re-pipe per fixture P IRPRP 1BPWSVCS Water Service P ICPWSor 1RPWS 1PPRSEWG Private Sewage Disposal System P FE1PCESS Cesspool P p 1BPWATER Install/alter Water Pipe P / 1BPFIXTURE Plumbing Fixture P IPGASRES Residential Gas Piping System P 1-4 Outlets 1BPGAS Gas Piping System 5+ Outlets P / 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Fee Issuance P . 1PLMBLNCK Plumbing Plan Check P 1PLMBINSP Other Plumbing/gas Insp. P 1TRAVDOC Travel &Documentation Fee B 1BUSLIC Business License B • • CITY OF CUPERTINO 5 ITEMS OF 9 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . : 35626025 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 02/04/2008 RECEIPT #. . . . . . . . . : BS000003836 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08020012 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 11201 SANTA TERESA DR SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . : OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : HOLL JAMES H AND JANET M ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 11201 SANTA TERESA DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-4729 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : EUNG SAM SEOK CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : EUNG SAM SEOK LIC # 23680 COMPANY SAM PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 915 GREENWICH AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SUNNYVALE, CA 94087 • TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 396-8184 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1BPWATER UNIT 1. 00 40.79 0. 00 40.79 0. 00 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 7, 000. 00 0.70 0. 00 0 .70 0. 00 1PPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1. 00 40 .79 0. 00 40.79 0. 00 1PRREPIPE NO OF FIXTURE 1 . 00 10 .20 0. 00 10.20 0. 00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1. 00 40 .79 0. 00 40.79 0. 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 133 .27 0. 00 133 .27 0. 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CASH 239 . 83 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 239 . 83 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- • -------- ---------- ------------ 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 502 FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 507 FINAL PLUMBING ' • INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE - INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE • CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMIT INVOICE OPERATOR: patg Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . . 35626025 . 00 INVOICE DATE. . . . . . : 02/04/2008 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08020012 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 11201 SANTA TERESA DR SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : HOLL JAMES H AND JANET M ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 11201 SANTA TERESA DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-4729 CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : EUNG SAM SEOK LIC # 23680 ' COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : SAM PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 915 GREENWICH AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SUNNYVALE, CA 94087 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 396-8184 • FEE DESCRIPTION---- ------- DUE FOR ------- AMOUNT DUE ------PAID - BALANCE ----- ------ --- --------- INSTALL/ALTER WATERPIP PRINTING PERMIT .40 .79 0. 00 40.79 SEISMIC RESIDENTIAL PRINTING PERMIT 0 .70 0. 00 0.70 PLUMBNG PERMIT ISSUE PRINTING PERMIT 40.79 0. 00 40.79 RES REPIPE OF FIXTURES PRINTING PERMIT 10.20 0. 00 10.20 TRAVEL & DOCUMENTATION FEE PRINTING PERMIT 40.79 0. 00 40 .79 ---------- ---------- ---------- 133 .27 0. 00. 133 .27 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 502 FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 507 FINAL PLUMBING • Sifigle Family GreenPoint Checklist dotal3/ '/0� Build It Greed • The GreanPolnt Chedtllst Is basad on the various green features Incorporated into the home and is the '=� Smart Soli fions From The Ground Up heals for the GreanPoim Rated program.A home can be considered green 0It fulfills the prerequisRes, ttt---------��� eams at least 50 points,and meets the minimum points per category:Energy(30),Indoor Alt Oualltyf Health(5),Resources(6),and Water(9).Please contact Build H Groan for a list of qualified Gre riPolN f Raters H you are Interested in pursuing third-party verification. The green building practices listed below are described in the New Home Construction Green Building Guidelines,available at 5lnvw.but1ditoreen oto. - - -- -- i > B ENTER PROJECT wO 7 i e w� m c t e 3 el 6118 Points Available Per Measure 1.Proteid Topsoil and Minimize Disruption of Fsisting Plants d Trees ❑ a Protect TopoB from Erosion and Rause char Construction ❑ b.Umfi and Delineate Construction Foolpdnt for Maximum Protection ❑ 2 Deconstruct Instead of Demolishing Existing Buildings On Site 0 3 3.Recycle Job She Construction Waste(Including Green Waste) ❑ aUnimom 50%Waste Diversion by Weight(Recycling or Rouse-Repaired 0 p ❑ h.Minimum 65%Diversion by Weight(Recycling or Reuse) - ._ .. _ _.. .. _. __. .. ❑ c.Minimum 80%Diversion by Weight(Recycling or Reuse) 0 2 UseeJlDgg rgp*ntAggregalt(Minimira75%) _ - ❑ aWaikway and Driveway 0 ----__- ,__ _ _ El b.Roadway hese -- - — - 0 -- — ---1--- Too[Points Available inShe=12 0 B.POUMDATION Points Avallable Per Measure 1.Replan Portland Cement in Concrete with Recycled Ryesh or Stag ❑ aMinimum 2D%Flyash or Slag 0 } ❑ d.Minimum 25%Flynn or Slag -_'.-- D } El 2 Use Frost-Protashtl Shallow Foundation in Cold Areas(C.E.C.Climate Zone 16) 0 3 ❑ 3.Use Radon Resistant Construction(In At-Rick Locations Only) 0 1 4.Design and Build StnseWrel Pecs Controls ❑ a Install Tennle Shields a Senate All Exterior Wood-to-Concrete Connections Mate)or Plastic Fasteners/DNidars 0 t to.All New Plants Have Trunk,Base,or Stem Located At Least 36 Inches from Foundation 0 1 Total Pointe Avallable in Foundation=8 0 C.LANDSCAPING Points Available Per Measure • 1. s.Construct Spade, Landscapes ❑ a No Invasive Spades IJstetl by Cal-IPC Are Planted 0 ❑ In No Plaid Species Will Require Hedging -11 - 0 } C.75%of Plants Ars Drought-tolerenl CelXomle NeHves,Medtertaneen,or OMer Appropriate Spades p � t Use Fire-Sefe Landscaping Techniques 0 1 9.Minimize Turf Aron in Landscape installed by Bullock ❑ a.All Tull Will Have a Water Requirement Less than or Equal to Tell Fescue(50.8 pard factor) 0 ❑ b,Tutl Shell NN Be Installed on BlCpes Exceeding 10%a In Areze Less than B Feat Wide p 7 ❑ C.TO a Si0%a Landscaped Area flint 2 points) - - 0 ---"-'--'--'-""-- - "--"-'---- ❑ d Turt is 510%of Landscaped Area notal 4 pants) El 4.Plant Shade Trees - D 3 ❑ 5,Grou Planet by Water Ncetla(Hydmzoning) 0 2 E.Install High Efficiency Irrigation Systems ❑ a.System Uses Only Low-Flow Drip,Bubblers,or Low-goo Sprinklers 0 2 El b.System Has Smart Cordite .._ _.___.__.._.__:__ ._.._._..". ___._..... D 3 7.Inoorporep Two Inches of Compost In the Top 6 b 12 Inches of Soft 0 3 El a,Mulch All Planting Beds to the Greeter of 2Inches or LDNI Water ONinsnn Requirement p 2 B.Use 50%Salvaged or Re cled-Content Materials for 50%of Non-Plant Landscape Elements - 0 1 ❑ 10.Rstluro Light Pollution by Shielding Fixtures andfor Directing Light Downward 0 1 Total Pants Avag fn 1 0 D.STRUCTURAL FRAME R eING ENVELOPE - - 9 Points Available Per h4aasure 7.Apply optimal Value Engineering ring � ❑ a Place Raiders and Studs at 24-Inch On Center Forming g I 1 _.._ ❑ b.Size Door and V7ntlmx Headers for Load ' ❑ c.Use Onty Jack and Cripple Studs Required for Load 0 1 2.Use Engineered Lumber ❑ a Beams and Headers - - g ❑ b.Insulated Engineered Headers 1- - ❑ c.Wood Wastes or Well Trusses its Floors -- ❑ d.Wood I-JDlab for Roof Rafters -- ❑ d.Engineered or Flngar-Joimatl Studs for Vertical Applications 0 ❑ f.Oriented Stand Board for Subloor - -"-" - o' } ❑ A.Orlemetl Slrentl Board for Well and Roof Sheathing - 3.Use FSC-Certified Wood ❑ e.Dimensional Lumber,Studs and Timber.Minimum 40% 2 ❑ b.Dimensional Lumber,Studs and Timber.Minimum 70% i 0_ " "' '- ' " - -" 2 --' ❑ c.Paris Products:Minimum 4D% I� 9 �] -"-0 -' - _ - ❑ d.Panel Products:Minimum 70% 0 " CQ0p -_p"' -"' - - 2- - 02007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPDIM Checklist 2007 Version Pana 1 of 4 ENTER PROJECT 4.Use Solid Wall Systanw(Include,SIPS,IDFs,A Any Non-Stick Frame Assembly) ❑ a Floors —0 2 2 El b.Wails 0 z. _ — 7 _ El D.Roofs 0 _—_ _ _"_ 2 S.Reduce Pollution Entering the Home from the Garage ❑ e.Tightly Seal the Air Barrer between Gal and Living Area 0 ___ ____', 1 ❑ D.Install Garage Exhaust Fan OR Build a Detached Geree 0 1 Lj B.Design Energy Holz on Truaee, 76%of Aide Insulation Haight at Outside Ede of Exterior Wall 0 1 7.Deal n Roof Trueaes An Accommodate Ducasotc D 1 8.Use Re tied-Comant Steel Studs for 10%of Interior Well Frariffing 0 1 6.Thermal Mau Wells:fill-Inch Drywall on All Interior Wall$or Wells Weighing more than 4D ItelMl 0 1 10.Insall Dverhangs and outlets ❑ a Minimum 16-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 0 ❑ b.Minimum 24-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 0 1 Toted Pointe Available in Strucluial Building Frame and Envelope z 36 p E.EXTERIOR FINISH PDIn16 Available Per(Measure LJ 1.Use Recycled-CommM(No Virgin Plastic)or FSC-Certified Wood Docking 0 Z 2.Install a Rein Screen Wall System 0 2 3.Use Durable and Noncombustible Sidin M512 0 1 —--17 Selep Duroble`endNuncomFURIIbIa Roodn MeteneIn -- -" ` — - '- -- 0 - - Z Tote)PDhm Available M Exterior Finish e 7 0 _ F.INBTILATION Pointe Available Per Measure 1.Install INUi don with 75%Recycled Content ❑ a Walls endrm Floors D 7 2.Install Insulation that Is Low-Emitdng(Certified Section 01350) ❑ .a Walla artier Flows ❑ b.Cabins —D ❑ 3.Inspect Duality of Insulation InVolludon before Applying Drywall D 1 Twat Pei=Available in Insulation•5 D G.PLTIMBING Points Avallable Per Measure 1.Distribute Domesllc Hot Water Efpc artily(Maximum 7 Points), a Insula%Hot Water Pons ham Wrier Heater to IDtehen D b.Insulate M Hot Water Pipes 0 7 ❑ a Use Engineered Pal Prying D ' ❑ d Use BIgIOBBmd Parallel Piping with Demand CDmmes Clmemdon Loop 0 ❑ B.Use Sbuclurad Plumbing with Demand Controlled Circulation Loop _0 _ _ I _ _ __ 2 ❑ I.Use Central Cam Plumbing 0 ] 1 2 ❑ 2.Install Only High Efficiency Team(Dual-Flush or 512a Sol 0 q Total Points Available In PlumbingNotal 72 0 H.ABATING VB:NTII.,li R AIR CONDITIONING Points Available Per IAsasure 1.Design and Install HVAC System W ACCA Manual J,D.and 5 Recommendations 0 4 2.Install Staled Combustion Unit ❑ a Fumaces _0 _ _ 1_ 2 _- ❑ b.Water Healm 0 2 3.Install Zoned,Hydronic Radiant Heating with Bl$b Edge Insulation 0 1 1 4.Install High Efficiency Air Conditioning with Envlronmenmlly RespModbie Rohlgwanm 0 1 S.Denign and Install Effective Ductwork ❑ a Install HVAC Unit and Duolwork wilhin Condi ll Space D_ _ _ 3 ❑ b.Use Dud Mesdc on All Duct Joints and Seams ❑ c.install Ductwork under Aldo Insulation(Buried Duds) D ] ❑ d.Pressure BDBDCB NB DedWOA System D ❑ a.Protein Duds during Constradon and Clean All Dude before Occupancy D 1 6.Install High Efficiency HVAC Filter(MERV E) 0 1 ❑ 7.Dial Install Fireplace or Install Sealed GU Fireplaces with Efficiency Rating Not Leas Then 60% 0 1 using CSA Standards 8.Install Effective Exhaust Systema In Bathrooms and IUmhens ❑ a Install ENERGY STAR Bethmom Fans Varied to the Ovinde pI_ ] ❑ h.All Bathroom Fans Are on Timer or Humidisted 0 7 ❑ c.Instal(Itchen Range Hood Vented to the Dutside 0 1 P.Install Mechanical Ventilation System for Cooling(Maximum 4 Points) ❑ a Install ENERGY STAR Calling Fane A Light Kits In Living Areas A Become _0 ❑ b.Install Whale Howe Fan w0h Variable Speeds ❑ c.Automatically C Mrdad Inmpremd System 0 2 ❑ tl.Aummaticelly Controlled Imeprstatl System with Variable Speed Control p 3 10,Install Mechanics!Fresh Air Ventilation SyMem(Maximum 3 Points) ❑ a.Any Whole House Ventialion System That Maete ASHRAE 622 _ 0_ 2 _ ❑ b.Install Ahrto-Alr Heal Exchanger that meths ASHRAE 622 0 1 2 —77 11.Install Carbon Moncside Alarm(s) 0 I Total Points Available In Hearin,Vail len and Ali Cond[loning=30 0 02DD7 Bu lid It Green Single Family GreenPoim Checklist 2007 Version Page 2 of 4 ENTER PROJECT we - 4ME 9 C m E U • I.RENEWABLE ENERGY Points Available Pal Measure LJ 1.Pre-Plumb for Bolo Hot Warr Healing 0 4 77 2.Install Solar Water HewingSystem 0 S G 77 3.Insted Wiring Conduh for Future Photontteie Installation a Provide 2DDKM Bouch-FacingRoot 0 2 4.Irumll Phwavonalc(PV)Panels ❑ e.30%of elects needs OR 12 kW(toll 6 points) D E ❑ Id.60%delectric needs OR 24kuV(tetel 12 points) D E '- ❑ c.aD%a Discord need OR 3.e kW(site 16 points). - D E Total AvaOeble Pants In Renewable Ene =2B 0 J.BUILDING PERPORDSANCE Pants Available Per Measure 1.Diagnostic Evelue5ons ❑ A.House Passes Blower Dor Test 0 b. use Passes Combustion Rafe so set D 7 2.Design and Build High Parformenm Homn-%soon Title 24-minimum 15%Required 0 no ❑ 3.House obtain ENERGY STAR wRh Indoor Air Package Certification-Plon Meesre Rotel 45 Pointe;read mmmmq 0 5 2 Towl Ave0a61e Points in BuildingPerformance an =39 D E.FINI6F�S Points Available Pet Measure —'—'1'DesipnEn7ryweys to RetlueeTne�¢din Cdrit amnriU— 0 2 Use Low-VDC or Zwo-VOC Pain(Mesfmum 3 Follow) O n Low-VDc Interior WaREdi Pat=(d0 gpI VOCs(Flap and 450 0 VDC&(Nm-Flap) D - ❑ b.Zwo-VOC Interim WakCa00 Palms(d go VOC&Fiat) ------- D __ _❑ 5.Use Low VOC,WMer•Besed Wood Finishes(0511 gpI VOCs) 0 3 0 2 7j-4 Use Low-VDC Caulk and Construction Adhesives(c70 gpI VOCs)for All Adhesives p 2 ❑ 5.Use Retytled-Contem Paint D S S.Use Environmental Preferable Materiae for Interior Finish::A)FBC-Certified Wood,BJ Reclaimed,C)Rapidly Flammable,D)Rerytled-Convent or E)Flngr"JIiiJointed ❑ a.CawoMa(50%Mirdmumt 0 ❑ b.Interior Trim(50%M!Nmum) ❑ nSheNing(50%Mlwnum) El d.d.Doors(50%Minimum) ❑ e.Countarti (SD%Minimum) ---0 '- • 7.Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish(CA Section 01350) ❑ e•Subfiow a Star Treads(SD%Minimum) ❑ b.Cabinets 6 Cmrdsrtops(5D%Minimum) -7- c. O c.Interim Trim(50%Minimum) ❑ D.6hehdn (50%Mmimuml _ 0 ❑ 6.After Inctalle5on of Finishes,Teat of Indoor Air Shows Formaldehyde Leval c27ppb 0 3 Tots]AvaflaMe Paints In Finishes•21 0 L.PLOORINO - poinis.4vallable Per Measure 1.Use Envimnmantelly Prefeabte Flooring:A)FSC-CemGed Wood,B)Reclaimed or Refinished, C)Rapidly Rmewa614 D)Rerydedlontem,EJ Esposed Constrict.Flooring Adhesins Mum Nero 6Ugp1 VOCs. ❑ ILMinimum 15%of Floor Area ❑ b.Minimum 30%of Flow Area 0 0 7 ❑ C.Idlnimum 50%aFloor Area �-'—'-" - ' ❑ d.Minimum 75%a Flmr Arca' - 0 D ❑ 2 ihsnnl Mm IDare:Floor Covering Omarmen Mon 50%W Mon of ConMw Floors D 1 ❑ 3.FlooringMeeh S&cgon 01350 or CRI Green Ube]Plus Require wm; 5D%Minimum 0 2 - ToW A41able Poims In Flooring=7 0 M.APPLIANCES AND LIGATING Points Available Per Measure 1.Instal Water and Energy Efficient Dishwasher ❑ a.ENERGY STAR gral 1 polnp 0 1 ❑ b.Dishwasher Uses No are than 6.5 Gallon le(Ictal 2 oirrts D 1 2lnstal ENERGY STAR Clothes Washing Machine with Wale Factor of 6 or Lm El a.a.Meets Energy Star and CEE Tier requirements(modified energy is=2.0.Water Factor 5.0)(tote 3 poirds) 2 ❑ b.Meets Energy Star and CEE Tier 3 requirement&(modfied energy factor 22,Water Factor 45 r less) --- "- " "' -.. oto 5 oims 0 2 3.Install ENERGY STAR Rehiga saw ❑ a.ENERGY STAR Ouaified a c 25 Cook Feel Capacity 0 El b.ENERGY STAR Qualified 6<20 Cubk Fact Capacity -'0- --- 1" '- ---'-- — 4.Install Bunt-fn Recycling Canter D ❑ e.Buln-In Rerymmg Center ❑ h.Built-In Composting Canter - - - -- �- ---- 0 S N.OTAER Total Avalleble Points in Appliances and Li Into =12 0 ❑ 1.Incoryonte GraenPoint Rated CheeMiM in Blueprint•RegmPoints Available Par Measurered 0 � R • ❑ t Devdpp Homeowner Manua of Green FeasrreslBsnefids 0 1 1 1 3,Community Design Meesu se;a Local Priori&s:See the Community Planning a Design section In Chapter 4 of the New Home Guidelines for measures.Mealmum of 2D p0ims for suggested measures.Local requirements may also be listed hare. 0 2007 Gulid It Green Single Famlly Greari Checkilst 2007 Version Page 3 04 ENTER PROJECT NAME Einer description hen,end enter points available im measure In appropriate umponm to the night. 0 D D D D Ener i1mripem here,ow enter permit available In measun'm appropdae catagmee ID the right. 0 O D D 0 Enter i1mriptim hen,end enter perm¢waeable he measure a apprgnime unat min to the right - __D D 0 0 D Einer tlosmiplim hen,end enter perms evaeede for measure in appropriate categories ro the right 0 _ D D . D .p D 4.Innovation:List innovative measures that meat the preen building objectives of the Guidelines.Enter up to a 'Build If Green Cheddists and maximum combined total of 20 pts.See Innovation Checklist for suggested measures,using the link 10 the right Guidelines Innwmim in Community:Ener destit lim hen,and enter points svelleble lm measure In appWiahl can mise 10 the right 0 _ D _ 0 D _ p _ 0_ Innwetim In Energy:Eine descrptim ham,and arrive ambble fm measure in appropriate cele odes to de _ _D D _0 _ _0__ D 0_ Immv52n in IAGAlmtlh!Enter di crplltcn hen,and enter powds WaIIAW to meenn in gipinipflare caleittides to the MOM Innwelim In Resourm:Einer desmiptim here,end amp available Int massive in aMplifialm can Dries to the dgK D D 0 _ 0 m eatlm In Water..Enter daschptlm here,and elder perm weileble fOr meatwe In ap{npnde calepDriei ID the right _D_ D D D D 0 .. Tinel Avellahle Perris in Dther•19 D Total Available Points In Specific Categories* 4+ 96+ 42+ 66+ 43+ Minimum Points Required In Specific Categories D 30 S 6 9 Pro)ect has not yet mot the fo4powtng recomnsended minimum regpllmmants: • Total Project Score Of At Least 50 Points •Required measures: -A-'a: 50% waste diversion by weight -J2:15%above Title 24 -N1:Incorporate Green Point Rased Checklist into blueprints -Minimum points in specific cateoories: -Energy(30 points) -IAQ,'Health(5 points) -Resources(6 points) -Ureter(9 points) ' 02007 BuIld It Green Single Family GreenPolnt Checklist 2007 Version Pane An!4 Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue t 4L Cupertino CA 95014 b Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 UPEkTINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # /�-2o a20 �2f OWNER'S NAME: PHONE # C, ) GENERAL CONTRACTOR: FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: �-/ +,/ o -9- Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the followinginformation: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing • Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum/ Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock S Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date