Town Center Condoss and MSPRINKLER CORPORATION LICENSE * C16-261706 •CORPORATE OFFICE: 0-197 5TH AVENUE ❑ 2959 BROAD STREET REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 (415) 368-3393 (805) 541.4566 TO C-ag r-- rLJ t1'► 0 I00 1b9tffL7 &/91 . GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU hop drawings ❑ Copy of letter PlAttached via the following items: ❑ Prints ❑ Plans / ►D Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Change order �I `.UUl ..MAIM i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: rz 11 #-For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submitcopies for distribution ❑ Returncorrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TOF—I 1 ,F,) SIGNED r��J(/(;� if .nOo.u...... nor ....r.d. wmdry notlry i CITY OF. ERTINO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAON Review b Public Works Department" fts PROJECT NAA(E �(,(�/`J( � FILE NO. NO. STREET ADDRESS ��f�-I% TRACT NO. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # PARCEL NO._ DEVELOPER d oAj ayy TELEPHONE 11 The following checked items -are require by the Public Works 5/82 Department: Contact at (408) 252-4505, extension 232. Date Owner's 2nd City Required Checkoff Review Released A. ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS 1. *Agreements (see "Remarks") 2. *Bonds 3. *Quitclaim 4. Dedication i / 5. Easement 6. Fees a. Storm Drain ------•---------- ----------- ------------ -------- ---------- b. Grading Plan --------• -------- ------------ ------------ --------- ---------- c. Grading Permit---------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- d. Retaining Wall ------ ---------- ---------------------- -------- ----------- e. Other (see f. Geological----------------- --------------------- -------- ---------- B. SUBDIVISION MAP REQUIREMENTS 1. Tract 2. Parcel C. STREET IMPROVEMENTS D. CENTRAL FIRE DEPT. CLEARANCE E. GEOLOGICAL REQUIRED F. SOILS REPORT G. SOILS LETTER H. CROSS -CONNECTION DEVICE Building Permits "/may not be issued as of this date: *City forms 71,316)�e White - Building - Final Approval Canary - Public Works - Final Engi eering Staff Pink - Building - First Check Goldenrod - Developer - First Check • KwanHenmi Architecture and Planning June 14, 1984 Building Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenua­ Cupertino, 95014 JIJN 15 1984 BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO ►x r** Regarding: Cupertino Town Center Cond miniums j �e-VV ,; �,Y4+ Response to Plan Check Comments JL1N R 1984 N A. Building Department TECHNICAL , Item 1 - All notes nd plans have been revised to 5/8'�N dr ��--._____.x._._gypsumboard on walls and 1/2" type 'x' gypsum IS, INC. • \ board on ceilings for 1 hour floor and ceiling assem- 4' blies. Item 2 and 3 - Plans now read 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board on all walls. Item 4 - Sheet A3.2: Items marked in red have been revised. Item 5 - Sheet A4.1: Details have been done on fireplace. See sheet A6.9. Item 6 - Redmarks on sheets as noted: a. AO.1 Detail and dimensions of trash enclosure is now shown on this sheet. b. AO.2 For clay tile roof installation specifi- cations, see specification section 07320. c. A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A2.2 - see electrical drawings for smoke detector and exhaust fan locations, (El, E2) d. A1.5 IC80 No. for skylight is No. 3710. e. A3.1 See detail 7/A6.8 for detail of gateway arch. See structural drawings for footing details. 1550 Bryant Street • Suite 601 San Francisco CA 94103 415/861-8866 epage two June 14, 1984 Planning Commission f. A3.2 See sheet A1.3 for access locations to attics at 2nd floor. See sheet A1.4 for access to attics at mezzanine floor. Insulation and fire ceiling assemblies have been specified. g. A4.1 See details 7/A6.9 and 8/A6.9 for fireplace detail. h. Sound transmission data - see notes on sheet A5.1. i. A6.1 See 2/A6.1 for minimum headroom of spiral stair. j. A1.3 and A6.1 Stair handrails have been revised to extend 6" minimum beyond top and bottom stair risers. k. A6.6 Double course of tile has been eliminated. B. Planning Department Item land 2 - See attached site/grading plan by Kirkeby and Associates. Sheet C-1 • Item 3 and 4 - Landscape plan will be submitted on June 26th, after ASAC review has been submitted. Irrigation plan will be submitted 2 weeks thereafter. Item 5, 6, and 7 - See letters and drafts by owner. Item 8 - See plans for solar chases, sheets A2.1 and A2.2. Item 9 - See draft CCR'S'by owner. Item 10 - ASAC has reviewed the architectural modifications and approved them. (meeting of May 14th) C. Public Works Department Kirkeby and Associates has provided tract map to the Public Works Department. D. Central Fire District Item 1 - See note 29 on sheet A0.0. Item 2 - See note 30 on sheet A0.0. Item 3 - See note 31 on sheet A0.0. The above items will be completed when fire sprinkler contractor • applies for permit. • page three June 14, 1984 Planning Commission Item 4 - One hour floor/ceiling assemblies are noted on sheet A5.1. Item 5 - All walls are 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board. See plans. Item 6 - See note 2 on sheets A1.3 and A1.4. Item 7 - See sheets A3.2, A6.2, and A6.3. Item 8 - See detail A3/6.1. Item 9 - See sheet A1.5 and detail 2/A6.9. Item 10 - See sheets E1 and E2. Item 11 - See note 32 on sheet AO.0. Item 12 - There will be no locks on the main patio entrance gates. Item 13 - See note 33 on sheet AO.0. • Item 14 - See note 34 on sheet AO.0. E. Plumbing and Mechanical Item 1 - Plumbing plans will be submitted by DeAnza Plumbing contractors. Item 2 - See note on sheet AO.2. Item 3 - See sheets A2.1 and A2.2. Item 4 - Water heaters are electric. Item 5 - See plans El and E2. Item 6 - Mechanical Item 1 - See sheet A6.9. If there are any further comments, please feel free to contact me. Si n q I i Sylvia P. Kwan • Principal • 11 International Conference of Building Officials RESEARCH REPORT Filing Category: SKYLIGHTS AND SMOKE VENTS O'KEEFFE'S BUBBLELITE SKYLIGHTS O'KEEFFE'S INC. 75 WILLIAMS AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94124 1. Subject: O'Keeffe's Bubblelite Skylights. II. Description: A. General: O'Kecffe's Bubblelite Skylights are fab- ricated from acrylic plastics covered under ICBO Research Reports Nos. 1084 and 2576. The skylights are produced in various models and are available in sires indicated in Table No. 1. The typical skylight consists of an outer dome and may include an inner dome. Also produced are skylights with a pyramid shape. All models are supported by an extruded aluminum frame of 6063-T5 aluminum alloy with a minimum thickness of .062 inch. All styles of O'Keeffe's Bubblelite Skylights are designed for installation over a curb as required in Section 5207 (a) I of the code. Skylights up to and including the 48-inch by 48-inch model are mounted on a frame as illus- trated in Figure No. 1. Models greater than 48 inches in both dimensions are mounted on frames as shown in Figure No. 2. B. Installation: O'Keeffe's Bubblelite Skylights are installed in accor- Report No. 3710 December, 1982 dance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and Figures Nos. 1 and 2. C. Identification: O'Kceffe's Rubblelite Skylights are identified by a pressure -sensitive label displaying the name and address of the manufac- turer and the ICBO research report number. \\ III. Evidence Submitted: Manufacturer's brochurgs, load test reports and descriptive data have been submitted. l Findings IV. Findings: That O'Keeffe's Bubblelite Skylights described In this report comply with the 1979 Uniform Building Code, subject to the following conditions: 1. Skylights are installed In accordance with Section 5207 and the manufacturer's installation requirements. 2. Live or snow loads do not exceed 20 psf. 3. The skylights do not exceed the dimensions Indicated In Table No. 1. This report is subject to re-examination in one year. TABLE NO. I (All Dimensions are In Inches) MANUFACTURER'S DOME PYRAMID OUTSIDE FLANGE DESIGNATION RISE RISE THICKNESS DIMENSIONS 24 x 24 6 7 .125 26'/4 x 26`/4 24 x 32 6 7 .125 26Y4 x 34 Y4 24 x 48 6 7 .125 26Ya x 50Y4 24 x 64 6 7 .125 26/, x 66'/4 24 x 72 6 7 .125 2694 x 74`/. 32 x 32 8 9 .125 34Y. x 341A 32 x 48 8 9 .125 3454 x 50'/4;' 32 x 64 8 9 .125 34 Y/ x 66Y4 32 x 72 8 9 .125 34Ye x 74Y4 36 x 36 8 9 .125 38'/4 x 38Y� 48 x 48 10 14 .125 50Y4 x 50Y4 48 x 64 10 14 .250 50R x 66A 48 x 72 10 14 .250 50Y, x 74 Y/ 48 x 96 10 14 .250 50'/, x 98`/4 48 x 120 10 14 .250 5OY4 x 1221; 64 x 64 12 18 .250 661/4 x 66'/4 64 x 72 12 18 .250 66'/4 x 74`/4 64 x 96 12 18 .250 66'/4 x 99Y/ 64 x 120 12 18 .250 66Y4 x 122Y, 72 x 72 14 21 .250 74Y4 x 74Y4 72 x 96 14 21 .250 74'/. x 98Y4 72 x 120 14 21 .250 74Y4 x 122Y4 96 x 96 20 28 .250 98Y4 x 98'/+ ICRO research reports are issued solely to provide informalion to Class A members of the organization utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Research reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject report. This report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant. The ICRO technical staff has reviewed the (es( results and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make an independent verification. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • • Report No. 3710 2 0 x4 0_M_D FIGURE NO. 1 Vie" x 'h" TREMCO 440 BUTYLRUBBER TAPE 2'-0" x 6'-0'_M.D. TOP AND 'A" x lb" BOTTOM (TYPICAL) NO. 10 x 1"P.H.S.M.S. ALUMINUM PHILLIPS WITH NEOPRENE WASHER AT 9" O.C. 1 PC-310 GLAZING CAP 1/4" WEEP HOLES AT `_ CORNERS AND MIDPOINTS TAPE OR SEALANT----_ \ (BY OTHERS) L PS-2 PERIMETER SILL r --- MITERED AND WELDED NO. 14 x 2" R.H. WD. S. WITH GASKET AT 24" O.C. STAINLESS • _ - - 2 x 4 WOOD CURB (BY OTHERS) FIGURE NO.2 'A" CLEAR -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE '/a" WHITE -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE ''A" x lk" TREMCO 440 BUTYL - RUBBER TAPE AT BOTTOM PC-250 SNAP -CAP 'A" WEEP HOLES AT CORNERS AND MIDPOINTS TAPE OR SEALANT (BY OTHERS) PS-3 PERIMETER SILL MITERED AND WELDED NO. 14 x 2" R.H. WD.S. WITH GASKET AT 24" O.C. STAINLESS 2 x 4 WOOD CURB (BY OTHERS) Ve" CLEAR -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE 'A" WHITE -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE E International Conference of Building Officials RESEARCH REPORT Filing Category: SKYLIGHTS AND SMOKE VENTS O'KEEFFE'S BUBBLELITE SKYLIGHTS O'KEEFFE'S INC. 75 WILLIAMS AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94124 I. Subject: O'Keeffe's Bubblclite Skylights, 11. Description: A. General: O'Kecffe's Bubblclite Skylights are fab- ricated from acrylic plastics covered under 1CB0 Research Reports Nos. 1084 and 2576. The skylights are produced in various models and are available in sizes indicated in Table No. I. The typical skylight consists of an outer dome and may include an inner dome. Also produced are skylights with a pyramid shape. All models are supported by an exuuded aluminum frame of 6063-T5 aluminum alloy with a minimum thickness of .062 inch. All styles of O'Keeffe's Bubblclite Skylights are designed for installation over a curb as required in Section 5207 (a) 1 of the code. Skylights up to and including the 48-inch by 48-inch model are mounted on a frame as illus- trated in Figure No. 1. Models greater than 48 inches in both dimensions are mounted on frames as shown in Figure No. 2. B. Installation: O'Keeffe's Bubblelite Skylights are installed in accor- Report No. 3710 December, 1982 dance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and Figures Nos. I and 2. C. Identification: O'Keeffe's Bubblclite Skylights are identified by a pressure -sensitive label displaying the name and address of the manufac- later and the ICBO research report number. Ill. Evidence Submitted: Manufacturer's brochures, load test reports and descriptive data have been submitted. Findings IV. Findings: That O'Keeffe's Buhhlelite Skylights described in this report comply with the 1979 Uniform Building Code, subject to the following conditions: 1. Skylights are installed in accordance with Section 5207 and the manufacturer's Installation requirements. 2. Live or snow loads do not exceed 20 psE 3. The skylights do not exceed the dimensions indicated In Table No. 1. This report is subject to re-examination in one year. TABLE NO. I (All Dimensions are In Inches) MANUFACTURER'S DOME PYRAMID OUTSIDE FLANGE DESIGNATION RISE RISE THICKNESS DIMENSIONS 24 x 24 6 7 .125 26'/. x 26Y. 24 x 32 6 7 .125 26Y. x 34'G 24 x 48 6 7 .125 26Ya x 50Y4 24 x 64 6 7 .125 26Ya x 66'/. 24 x 72 6 7 .125 26% x 74'/. 32 x 32 8 9 .125 34Y. x 34'/. 32 x 48 8 9 .125 34'/. x 50'/4 32 x 64 8 9 .125 34'/. x 66/2 32 x 72 8 9 .125 34% x 74Y5 36 x 36 8 9 .125 38Y. x 38Ya 48 x 48 10 14 .125 50'/. x 5 0 A 48 x 64 10 14 .250 50Y. x 66 Y4 48 x 72 10 14 .250 50'/4 x 74 Y. 48 x 96 10 14 .250 50% x 98 Y4 48 x 120 10 14 .250 50'/. x 1221: 64 x 64 12 18 .250 66'/. x 6 6 A 64 x 72 12 18 .250 66Ya x 74Y. 64 x 96 12 18 .250 66 Y. x 98'h 64 x 120 12 18 .250 66`/. x 122 Y+ 72 x 72 14 21 .250 74Y4 x 74'/. 72 x 96 14 21 .250 74 Y4 x 984 72 x 120 14 21 .250 74Y. x 122'/4 96 x 96 20 28 .250 98 Y4 a 98'/. 1CB0 research reports are issued solely to provide information to Class A members of the organization utilizing the code upon which the report is based. Research reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject report. This report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant. The ICBO technical staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make an independent verification. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • Report No. 3710 2'-0" x 4'-0" M.D. 14 '''Ae" x 'h" TR EMCO 44( TOP AND '/e" x lb" B NO. 10 x 1"P.H.S.M.S. ALL PHILLIPS WITH NEOPREr WASHER AT 9" O.C. PG310 GLAI '''A" WEEP HOLES) CORNERS AND M TAPE OR SEALANT (BY OTHERS) PS-2 PERIMETER MITERED AND WE NO. 14 x 2" R.H. WD. S. WITH GASKET AT 24" O.C. STAINLESS • 2 x 4 WOOD CURB (BY OTHERS) FIGURE NO. 1 'A" CLEAR -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE Ye" WHITE -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE '''A" x 1/2" TREMCO 440 BUTYL - RUBBER TAPE AT BOTTOM PC-250 SNAP -CAP '/4" WEEP HOLES AT CORNERS AND MIDPOINTS TAPE OR SEALANT (BY OTHERS) PS-3 PERIMETER SILL MITERED AND WELDED NO. 14 x 2"R.H. WD.S. WITH GASKET AT 24" O.C. STAINLESS 2 x 4 WOOD,CURB (BY OTHERS) '/e" CLEAR -FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE 'A"WHITE-FORMED ACRYLIC BUBBLELITE FIGURE NO. 2 • • 1212-1215 EXCEPTION: A separation shall Access to Buildings and Facilities UNIFORM BUILDING CODE be required for such rooms with Sec. 1213. Buildings containing more than 20 dwelling units or 20 guest rooms shall be accessible to the physically handicapped by a level entry, ramp or elevator. The number of dwelling units or guest rooms accessible to the physically handicapped shall be not less than the following: 21 through 99 one unit 100 and over one, plus one for each additional 100 units or fraction thereof To determine the total number of accessible units, more than one struc- ture on a building site shall be considered as one building. Toilet facilities in accessible units shall comply with Section 1711. Sec. 1214. A one-story carport entirely open on two or more sides need not have a fire separation between the carport and the dwelling. Windows between the carport and the dwelling shall not be openable. Doors may be of any type, provided that any sash used in a door be fixed; doors between a dwelling and a carport shall be self -closing. Existing Buildings See. 1215. For existing buildings housing Division 1 Occupancies, see Appendix, Section 1215. Chapters 13-16 NO REQUIREMENTS CI �f4 Cites of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone:(408) 252-4505 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT _Cuperfino "Twn G el1r _ Corida s . Frojec't Addrets P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95015 TVeD JUN 2 G 1984 TECH ANALYSIS, INC. SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING To owner of projects requiring Special Inspection or Testing per Section 306, Uniform Administrative Code, please acknowledge and return to the City. •BEFORE A PERMIT CAN DE ISSUED: The Owner or his representative, on the advice of the responsible Project Engineer or Architect, shall complete, sign and submit the attached for "Structural Testsand Inspection Schedule" to this Department for review and approval. The owner and his general contractor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Special Inspection and/oi- Testing. 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notification to the Inspecting or Testing agency for items listed. 2. Testing laboratory only should take samples and transport them to their laboratory. 3. Automatic copies of all laboratory reports are to go directly to the City. 4. Inspection Agency to submit name or names of on -site special in- spectors to the Inspection Division. S. Special Inspectors shall provide weekly reports to this Department. as provided for in Section 306(c)2 of the Uniform Administrative Code. 6. BEFORE AN OCCUPANCY PER-IIT CAN BE ISSUED: The Inspection Agency shall submit a statement that all items requiring testing and inspection were fulfilled and reported. Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be noted in this statement. ACOOWLEDGDENT Uwners Signature Contractors Signature �_ r� (/ 22 Pr ject Engineer or Architect Signature (?1 UC O/V Inspection Agency CITY OF CUPVRTINQ 10:23 TC;IRC AVE Cli777 7'iO. CA 3501.2 • STRUCTURAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS SCHEDULE (See Acoendix A on Reverse Side for Requirements at Uniform Building Code, Section 3o6(a) Pnor to issuance of a owicmg oermn. the Owner, on me a0viCs of the Archeact or 77Engineer. shelf 11MOlas. sign An' supmf Ihis loan to me dwlom g .Chi (: UOP�I^riY1 e /®er / e"/tomhA�ornyni�cr�'S lP� PnOlact Name 21 Z� �y Oats � 1 riyVes Project Aopreaa esnngonsoaCnon Agency _ _ `' eeC'C%2023 Owner 3 NNerne ame signature 8 rue .nereov Cer9fwa mat :its ,etinng:lnsceii Agency named oone has Dean engaged to parorm structurat teats and mfspeaion dunng COnstruatOn. CneCXed Oetow. to satisfy all 30011 Dle portions of me Swicing Coon Pnol :O issuance of LI dCNoanCy permit. the Inaoec. in Agency Pfau suOmrl a satemem that all Items of desghwil d won OWtOMed were repOfted. Any items Cnecitao out not testae pr insomoms witt be d0tad ano eeplained. Whenever any designated Gems on fins list are ready for sampling. teeing or Ir oamO , it snap pe me ree,00habihry Of me Confraetdr t0 give nmMy nonce 10 the Inspection Agency so that the rcturrad services may tie performed. REINFORCING STEEL: TZRwie a Sand. One sat ow, naa per _ torte, X Inspect m of Placmurm - nn43 a7ir uaf//s. Inspa:tlon Of Waiting MASONRY: Pfalrienary Acceaaas, Teas (Masonry Units. Wait Pnsmtl S.03a Om TOM (Mortar. Grcul. Pied Wait Pnsmsl Insectlm a Growing mtpealaf of Plararrfan & Grouting CONCRETE GUNRE GROUT A MORTAM CORD Gun. Ghoul Martw, � ate lOr sutwoli a A K: en Pane, aarm P. lino, am Gno Insosl: Pia nlon n Tese AM a mac P at -'el Sa Ime hinnill is dare ylea Cheat Nr Chen tine m PRECAST CONCRETE Ranlprong Tate Inspemon of Ran(ctofg Plaeens,m _ Te TifuA InsOaettm at Terwon Placanallt _ )faoealm of Cmvae Piaemw,d InsoaSlm of cancras daCnmg Irfspemm of Pane, Attain, d IreMls Insoamaf of Pane, ntstautlm _ Compresmon Tete — insom on of SIM&wlg(Tn *W PILING. CAISSONS, CAPS. TIES: Insoeotm of Ranfomnq Plaerrlatl InsOscnon of Canoes, Plaravina a Inspa:rm of Cmvete Batmng UNDERPINNING: Inspecen at $Ise Famfapel InSoemm of Rwftmng A Fame, InsOsmCn of Comae Pte Inspealat of Tieoaata STRUCTURAL STEEL: — Sallfola a Tow (list tips i memOw,e paow) Shoo Idaho. a WaWlrfg Inspampn Shoo Ultraew,ec Inspection _ Shoo Radogtapfry — Hato Wegng Inspection Raid sating Inspacttm POW Ultra mle Insoacom _ Fad Raoograorry Mee Dear Waring In cmam ASPHU LTIC CONCRETE: _ MI: a"" _ Iflap@COm Of Batch Plain _ Co Tau Find hfsoectlm Swtamrry Tags _ Somme Gravity — Atpraw CORMI _ Sieve Anuyae, _ K Factos, slaowmafer value Swam INSULATING CONCRETE: — Swrfple a Tom URN Wagers RREPROOPINO: _ Inspecon of plaemem _ Daasry Tsae _ Thlctvym Tate ilePact Batmeg FILL MATERIAL• Acceptyle Taus = FArm Daa-0aannrty Detw,mmauon ROOFING: I ocaterm or primemern _ Samos, 6 Tau STRUCTURAL WOOD: W=Gcnon of Fapneadm _ I1130=00n of Thus jam Fan. _ Sam" 6 Tea Campafene hlw=m of G U4&m Fso. Atli, FdUND4vu f3xt%bv�p + Sp lUStnU h7of 5T14U— fi0 ufsp"416n r5y smi, "C 104,CZpyl. StWi-eTuRnti I4JC1Il+64L * ?Wovtvi)i. FNMA R�Ppw/aT To CIZy GLDGI . POW. VW_, Rs,,Afi b Inopwoe W Special Instructfms Brno Aron-vi � (o/Z9 / g `} The tests and inspecticns as shown on this page and page 2 are required by the 1979 3.C. Copies of test d an inspection reports shall be submitted to the Building Dept. on iaily basis. The special inspectors and fabricators shall be approved by the Building 'icial. APPENDIX A All of the tests and inspections listed on the STRUCTURAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS SCHEDULE will be called for at one• time or another in the plans and specifications submitted to a Building Department. Seldom will one project require all of :he Tests and Inspections shown. The listed items `all into one of the following categories: 1. .Recuired by Plans and Specifications as deemed necessary by the Architect/Engineer for the integrity and successful performance of his project. 2. Required by specific reference in 1979 Uniform 3uilding Code, and the Uniform Building Code Standards (STDS), 1979 edition. 3. A combination of I and 2. She following lists the Building Code references which bear on each of the Tests and Inspections in the STRUCTURAL TESTS AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE. Where no Building Code Section is cited, the Test or Inspection is optional at the discretion of the Architect/Engineer. REINFORCING STEEL. Tensile and Bend Test-2603(b), (f). (i), STDS 26.405, 26.406 Inspection of Placement-306(a)3 Inspection of Welding-306(a)4 MASONRY Preliminary Tests (Masonry Units. Wall Prisms) 2404(c)1.2404(c)2•A-B-C-0 Subsequent Tests (Mortar, Grout, Feld Wall Prisms) 2404(c)2, 2403(r)3, 2403(s)3 Inspection of Grouting-2413(d)3 and 8. 2415(c) Inspection of Masonry Placement and Grouting 306(a)6, Tables 24-13, 24-H, 24-J, 24-K CONCRETE GUNITE I GROUT MORTAR ! 2603(b)(d) I See Conc.; STDS 24-23 i STDS 24.22 1 Agg. Tests for Design 2603(d) See Conc. STDS 24-23 STDS 24.22 Suitability of Ada. I 2604(c)2 See Conc. ! Mix Designs I Test Panels 26.1310— See Conc. i Con, Batch PI. Inso. 1 Cement Grab Sample 306(a)1 See Conc. See Msnry. See Msnry. ! Inspect Placing 2604(d) I See Conc. 24.2201 " 24.2105" Compression Tests 242202" 1 Cast Specimens 1 Pick -Up Samples I Shrinkage Bars i Yield Check I I Air Content I Dry Unit Wt. -'STDS STRUCTURAL,WOOD . . I . Inspection of Fabrication—STDS 25-10 Sample and Test Components-2505, STDS 25.1003, 25.1010. , PRECAST CONCRETE Reinforcing Tests (See Reinforcing Steel) inspection of Reinforcing Placement-306(a)3 Tendon Tests--STDS 26-7, 2612(m) Inspection of Tendon Placement-306(a) 3 Inspection of Concrete Placement-306(a)1 Inspection of Concrete Batching—STDS 25.1310 Inspection cf Panel Attach, and Inserts-306(a)3 Inspection of Panel Installation-306(a)1 Compression Tests-2604(d) Inspection of Stressing-306(a)3 PILING, CAISSONS, CAPS, TIES t• Inspection of Reinforcing Placement-306(a)3 Inspection of Concrete Placement-306(a)1 Inspection of Concrete Batching—STDS 26.1310 UNDERPINNING Inspection of Steel Fabrication-306(a)4 Inspection of Reinf. and Forms-306(a)3 Inspection of Concrete Placement-306(a)1 STRUCTURAL STEEL Shop (dent. and Welding-306(a)4, 2701(b), STDS 27-6 and STDS 27.203 Shop U.T.-STDS 27-6 Shop X-ray—STDS 27-6 Field Welding-306(a)4, STDS 27-6 Feld Bolting—STDS 27.706. 306(a)5 Field U.T.—STDS 27-6, 2722(f) Feld X-ray—STDS 27-6, 2722(0 Metal Deck Welding-306(a)4 • Page 2 3=DITION rcial Inspections 06. (ar General. In addition :o the inspections w be made as aPtci- rc.non 105. the owner mall employ a ipeual inspector dur:ng cun- 'a::on on the fallowing apes of '•.Irk: CONCRETE: During :,metaking of :nt specimens and ptaang of all forced concrete and pneumatically placed concrete. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Cancem !car !0un,taswns conforming tv :.me minimum r rwrements at Tame NJ.:9-A or :has w.ie anti for Gruuo R. Un,.wn i .nil Group 4. 'Di, ston ( ro,uaed :me culiotn{ of ltCi.ii :Irtai no ti,Ylal 'aaruo Cx1st. _. Fur :aun,acmn :on:: ere •nen ire •ir"tWal lulus is Laud ..n a r'. nu srntr:ran Jiw psi. `Jnsf'uC:':ral iiaps on jrf4c.:nv uding :fntresaed •:Jos on grade nm ::f=t%C;.Mai in <oneY: ti ins 111W1 I fli CuundS Per -Juue:nit. a. Sisd cork :Jnereic Iuli-,ur ponCel on cartes and cone: etc .nee no oced -.`d e.ou. DUCTILE MOMENT -RESISTING CONCRETE FRAME: As re. :a by Section :526 (h) of mis code. REINFORCING STEEL AND PRESTRESSING STEEL: A. During :: easing and grouting of prestressed concrete. . During placing of reinforcing sires. placing of tendons and pres[ress- aircl for all concrete required to have spatial inspection by Item No. 1. EXCEPTION: The special inspector need nor be present during nitre ran- `orc:ng sled and prestressing steel -placing operations, provided ne has in - section for confonnana •ith the approved plans prior to the closing of forms or :he delivery of concrete to the job site. WELDING: A. Dunne moment -resisting steel frames. As required station 27Z—' In of this code. . All structural welding, including welding of reinforcing steel. EXCEPTIONS: 1. When welding is done in an approved fabricaror's shop. Z. app When roved by the building official, single -pus fuller wilds whm .sedMess to less than 50 patent of allowable stresses and floor and roof desk Iding and weided studs when used for structural diaphragm or composite systems may have periodic inspections as defined in Section 105 (e) of this code. For periodic inspection. the imp¢[nr shall check qualirkations of welders at scut of work and then make flnai inspection of all welds for com- pliance prior to completion of welding. HIGH -STRENGTH BOLTING: During ail bolt installations and erring operations. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The special inspector need most be present during the en- tire installation and tightening operation. provided he has: (i) Inspected the surfaces and bolt type for anformance to pram avid specifications prior to star of bolting, and (ii) Will. upon compimuon of all bolting, verify the minimum spenfued bon tension for 10 percent of the baits for each -type- of ,,nnmum. for a 'epramtui.e number of total connections awHished M the plan, old ipeCllleallons. 5. In bearing•'>pe connmtium when threads are not Ietwred by:' Isn W ;e esUuded from me Near plane. inspection prior to or aarng n tafluion +ill not be required. TRUCTURAL MASONRY: During preparation of masonry wall iampling and placing of all masonry units. ptacemem of reinforce. nspr:wn of trout space, immediately prior to closing or cleanuu s :ring all ;routing operations. Where the%'_ is less than ZSX) pit and inspection stresses are used. test .becimens may ;onsul of either'ism test for each f0M square feet Of wail area or s 'cries of tests on both grout and mortar for the first three cunsecutise days and iird day thereafter. . EXCEPTION: Sreul lnspettivn will not be required for ,[ruc,u:m caigned in accorlance with the ,aloe in appro-riate tacrles ter -,in• .;.sinuous inspection. iEINFORCED GYPSUM CONCRETE: When eau -in -place C:ass um concrete is being mixed and placed. LATING CONCRETE FILL: During (he application of insu- ncrete rill when used as pan of a structural system. EXCEPTION: The special inspections may be limited to en initial in.Cee• son to check the deck surface and Placement of reinforcing. The special m- ,oecior shall supervise the preparation of compression tat soeamens during Inn initial inspection. SPRAYED -ON FIREPROOFING: As required by U.B.C. Standard ;-d. :0. PILING. DRILLED PIERS AND CAISSON5: During ariving and testing of piles and construction of cast-m-ppace arulea piles or caissons. See Items Nos. I and I for concrete and reinforcing steel inspection. 11. SPECIAL GRADING. EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork cncavations. graaing and :illing.Iprauons inspection to saiisiy tie requirements of Chapter :9 and C::aptr -0 (AOpehdix) of this code. IL SPECIAL CASES: work '. histis. in :he opinion of :he building uf- acial. involves unusual hazaras. (b) Special Inspector. The special insoctror shall be a qualified person who shall demonstrate his competence, to the satisfaction of :he building official, for inspection of the particular type of construction or operation requtnng special inspection. (a) Duties and Resporimbiiiiies of the Special Inspector. I. The spinal inspector snail observe :he work assigned to Le:artasn it confc.ms to the ,sign drawings and specifications. 2. The special inspector snail furnish inspection reports to the building official. the engineer or architect of record, and umer _esimated persons. .All discrepanaes shall be brought to :he immediate attention of the con- tractor for correction. then, if uncorrected, to the proper design authority and to the building official. 7. The special inspector ,hall .ubmn a final .,gncd report itating wheth- a the work requiring ;penal inspection coy, to the test of hit knowledge. in conformance wash (he aporuscd plans and .pmtficatiuns and the appli- ,ableworkmanship provision of thesecudes. (d) Wlver of 50eaial Inepeetson. The bull. ling ofriaal may waiverhe re• quirement for the employment or a !pctial mepeclur if he ands that the construction is of.minur nature. IU Periodic Spatil Insoecaiun. 5ume mspecnuns may be made on a periodic basis and ,atisiy the requirements of contsnuuus Inspection. pro- vided this periodic scheduled tropection is performed as outlined in the project plans and specifications and aepru,ed by :he building otRcial. (1) Approved Fabricators. Special in,pec:ions required by this section and elsewhere in this code snail not be required where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator registered and approscd by the building of- ficial to perform such work without ,pedal inspection. The certificate of registration snail be subject to revocation by the builai,ig official if it is found that any work done pursuant to the approval is in ,ialation of this code. The approved fabricator shall submit a Certificate of Compliance that the work was performed in accordance with the approved plats and specifications to the building official and to the engineer or architect of record. The approved fabricator's qualifications shall be contingent on compliance with she following: 1. The fabricator has developed and submitted a detailed fabrication procedural manual reflecting key quality control procedures which will provide a basis for inspection control of workmanship and the fabricator plant. 2. Verification of the fabricator's quality control capabilities. plant and personnel as outlined in the fabrication procedural manual shall be by an approved inspection or quality control agency. I. Periodic plant inspections shall be conducted by an approved inspect. don or quality control agency so monitor the effectiveness of the quality control program. a. It shall be the responsibility of the inspection or quality control agency to notify the approving authority in writing of any change to the proce- dural manuaL Any fabricator approval may be revoked far just cause. Pa. approval of the fabricator shall be contingent on compliance with quality control procedures dosing the pas[ year. Page 3 a❑n❑ern❑� �3❑U❑C�t._I❑D A CIVCON AFFILIATE Job No. 83079-2 June 28, 1984 MDK 84-26 Building Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, California a 0 KIRKEBY & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7246 Sharon Drive • San Jose, California 9 WE 0 U � JUN 2 9 1584 Re: Lots 1,2,3,4, and 7, Tract No. 7575 Gentlemen; SLOG. C lP oFTICUPERTINO ON Nt ME Per Section 7014 of the Uniform Building Code, we have inspected the finished grading for the subject site and hereby state it to,be in substantial conformity with the approved grading plan. Finished building pads were measured to be 0.2 feet, plus or minus, of design grades. If further information is required please contact the undersigned. Yours t�t��r��ulyy,, Marvin D. Kirkeb Registered Civil ineer c: Mayco Construction • • 0 SERVICE CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 3071 DRIFTWOOD DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 951284499 SINCE 1947 (408) 378-4010 U Fen FgvtE JUN B D CLEARANCE 2 1984 BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT, CITY Of CUPERTINO (Location) PROJECT (AppZicar ) (FiZe Number) The applicant has met all the conditions of the Central Fire Protection District concerning the subject file and there is no objection to: 1. Recording a tract map. 2. Recording a parcel map.* 0 Signing of building permit. 4. All required fees have been paid. �P✓ I s 5 w a (Au horized By) CIRCLE #2 IF CLEAR TO RECORD ate, (Date) jg • g FORWARD TO: /78 .. CO CONSTRUCTION 21060 HOMESTEAD ROAD #209 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 June 26, 1984 CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 3071 Driftwood Drive San Jose, California 95128 Attention: Mr. Ron Moore RE: Town Center Project Cupertino Dear Mr. Moore: We are requesting to pull building permits for the following five buildings at Town Center: Lot #1, #2, #3, #.4, #7. Building #1 and #7 - we would build only thru 1st floor sheathing (if water has not been installed, at that point) in order to seal the block work and back fill around the buildings. We request your cooperation on this situation, as time and good weather is imperative. RJW/dg 0 Very truly yours, MAYCO ion Manager San Jose Water Company 374 West Santa Clara St. P.O. Box 229 San Jose, CA 95196 408 279-7808 Central Fire Protection District 3071 Driftwood Drive San Jose, CA 95128 Reference: Tract 7575 Rodrigues Avenue - Cupertino Gentlemen: June 25, 1984 The developer of the above -referenced project has entered into an agreement and deposited an amount of money to cover the estimated cost of installation of water facilities with San Jose Water Company. Our installation will commence when labor and material are available and when jurisdictional authorizations have been obtained. Normal y, we can start a job of this type in a month's time, although we can make no g aranteeS. C ur , EN, JR. NDepartment WSW:db Est. No. B4-296 b a -7 0 n �J KwanHenmi Architecture and Planning June 14, 1984 Building Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Regarding: Cupertino Town Center Condominiums Response to Plan Check Comments A. Building Department HUME � JUN 1 D 51984 BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO Item 1 - All notes and plans have been revised to 5/8" type • 'x' gypsum board on walls and 1/2" type 'x' gypsum board on ceilings for 1 hour floor and ceiling assem- blies. 0 Item 2 and 3 - Plans now read 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board on all walls. Item 4 - Sheet A3.2: Items marked in red have been revised. Item 5 - Sheet A4.1: Details have been done on fireplace. See sheet A6.9. Item 6 - Redmarks on sheets as noted: a. AO.1 Detail and dimensions of trash enclosure is now shown on this sheet. b. AO.2 For clay tile roof installation specifi- cations, see specification section 07320. c. A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A2.2 - see electrical drawings for smoke detector and exhaust fan locations, (E1, E2) d. A1.5 ICBO No. for skylight is No. 3710. e. A3.1 See detail 7/A6.8 for detail of gateway arch. See structural.diawings for footing details. 1550 Bryant Street Suite 601 San Francisco CA 94103 415/861-8866 • 0 C� CITYOF DA I c CUPERTINO SLIP /G TRANSMITTAL TO FROM ,,C." / Z- J ACTION ❑ Note & File ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Note & Return To Me ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Return With More Details ❑ For Your Approval ❑ Note & See Me About This ❑ For Your Information ❑ Please Answer ❑ For Your Comments ❑ Take Appropriate Action ❑ Investigate & Report ❑ Prepare Reply For My Sig. ❑ Signature COMMENTS i s e p Sf/Ts / /� 3. a s 6. L.9a.9- CITY ECOF TDAI UPERTINO� TRANSMITTAL SLIP T T%� FROM ACTION ❑ Note & File ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Note & Return To Me ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Return With More Details (plor Your Approval d•iFor Your Information ElNote & See Me About This // ❑ Please Answer ❑ For Your Comments ❑ Take Appropriate Action ❑ Investigate & Report ❑ Prepare Reply For My Sig. ❑ Signature COMMENTS rnvi•i ACTION ❑ Note & File ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Note & Return To Me 0 er Your Request ❑ Return With More Details �O For Your Approval ❑ Note & See Me About This ❑ For Your Information ❑ Please Answer ❑ For Your Comments • Take Appropriate Action ❑ Investigate & Report ❑ Prepare Reply For My Sig. ❑ Signature COMMENTS CITY DATE OF CUPERTINO TRANSMITTAL SLIP 1 TO I, G/v/Gf Caw FROM ACTION ❑ Note & File ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Note & Return To ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Return With More Details �;.Por Your Approval ❑ Note & See Me About This @-Fo/r Your Information ❑ Please Answer / ❑ For Your Comments ❑ Take Appropriate Action ❑ Investigate & Report ❑ Prepare Reply For My Sig. ❑ Signature COMMENTS page two June 14, 1984 Planning Commission f. A3.2 --See sheet A1.3 for access locations to attics at 2nd floor. See sheet A1.4 for access to attics at mezzanine floor. Insulation and fire ceiling assemblies have been specified. g. A4.1 See details 7/A6.9 and 8/A6.9 for fireplace detail. h. Sound transmission data - see notes on sheet A5.1. i. A6.1 See 2/A6.1 for minimum headroom of spiral stair. j. A1.3 and A6.1 Stair handrails have been revised to extend 6" minimum beyond top,;and, bottom stair risers. k. A6.6 Double course of tile has been eliminated. B. Planning Department Item l,and 2 - See attached site/grading plan by Kirkeby and Associates. Sheet C-1 Item 3 and 4 - Landscape plan will be submitted on June 26th, after ASAC review has been submitted. Irrigation plan will be submitted 2 weeks thereafter. Item 5, 6, and 7 - See letters and drafts by owner. Item 8 - See plans for solar chases, sheets A2.1 and A2.2. Item 9 - See draft CCR-'S'by owner. — Item 10 - ASAC has reviewed the architectural modifications and approved them. (meeting of May 14th) C. Public Works Department Kirkeby and Associates has provided tract map to the Public Works Department. D. Central Fire District Item 1 - See note 29 on sheet A0.0. Item 2 - See note 30 on sheet A0.0. . Item 3 - See note 31 on sheet A0.0. The above items will be completed when fire sprinkler contractor applies for permit. page three June 14, 1984 Planning Commission Item 4 - One hour floor/ceiling assemblies are noted on sheet A5.1. Item 5 - All walls are 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board. See plans. Item 6 - See note 2 on sheets A1.3 and A1.4. Item 7 - See sheets A3.2, A6.2, and A6.3. Item 8 - See detail A3/6.1. Item 9 - See sheet A1.5 and detail 2/A6.9. Item 10 - See sheets E1 and E2. Item 11 - See note 32 on sheet AO.0. Item 12 - There will be no locks on the main patio entrance gates. • Item 13 - See note 33 on sheet AO.0. Item 14 - See note 34 on sheet AO.0. E. Plumbing and Mechanical Item 1 - Plumbing plans will be submitted by DeAnza Plumbing contractors. Item 2 - See note on sheet AO.2. Item 3 - See sheets A2.1 and A2.2. Item 4 - Water heaters are electric. Item 5 - See plans E1 and E2. Item 6 - Mechanical Item 1 - See sheet A6.9. If there are any further comments, please feel free to contact me. Sincepoely7 Sylvia P. Kwan Principal • KwanHenmi Architecture and Planning June 14, 1984 Building Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 HEM JUN 15 1984 SLOG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO Regarding: Cupertino Town Center Condominiums Response to Plan Check Comments A. Building Department Item 1 - All notes and plans have been revised to 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board on walls and 1/2" type 'x' gypsum board on ceilings for 1 hour floor and ceiling assem- blies. Item 2 and 3 - Plans now read 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board on all walls. Item 4 - Sheet A3.2: Items marked in red have been revised. Item 5 - Sheet A4.1: Details have been done on fireplace. See sheet A6.9. Item 6 - Redmarks on sheets as noted: a. AO.1 Detail and dimensions of trash enclosure is now shown on this sheet. b. AO.2 For clay tile roof installation specifi- cations, see specification section 07320. c. A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A2.2 - see electrical drawings for smoke detector and exhaust fan locations, (El, E2) d. A1.5 ICBO No. for skylight is No. 3710. e. A3.1 See detail 7/A6.8 for detail of gateway arch. See structural drawings for footing details. 1550 Bryant Street • Suite 601 San Francisco CA 94103 415/861-8866 page two June 14, 1984 Planning Commission f. A3.2 See sheet A1.3 for access locations to attics at 2nd floor. See sheet A1.4 for access to attics at mezzanine floor. Insulation and fire ceiling assemblies have been specified. g. A4.1 See details 7/A6.9 and 8/A6.9 for fireplace detail. h. Sound transmission data - see notes on sheet A5.1. i. A6.1 See 2/A6.1 for minimum headroom of spiral stair. j. A1.3 and A6.1 Stair handrails have been revised to extend 6" minimum beyond top.and. bottom stair risers. k. A6.6 Double course of tile has been eliminated. B. Planning Department Item land 2 - See attached site/grading plan by Kirkeby and Associates. Sheet C-1 • Item 3 and 4 - Landscape plan will be submitted on June 26th, after ASAC review has been submitted. Irrigation plan will be submitted 2 weeks thereafter. Item 5., 6, and 7 - See letters and drafts by owner. Item 8 - See plans for solar chases, sheets A2.1 and A2.2. Item 9 - See draft CCR'S'by owner. Item 10 - ASAC has reviewed the architectural modifications and approved them. (meeting of May 14th) C. Public Works Department Kirkeby and Associates has provided tract map to the Public Works Department. D. Central Fire District Item 1 - See note 29 on sheet A0.0. Item 2 - See note 30 on sheet A0.0. Item 3 - See note 31 on sheet A0.0. The above items will be completed when fire sprinkler contractor applies for permit. • • page three June 14, 1984 Planning Commission Item 4 - One hour floor/ceiling assemblies are noted on sheet A5.1. Item 5 - All walls are 5/8" type 'x' gypsum board. See plans. Item 6 - See note 2 on sheets A1.3 and A1.4. Item 7 - See sheets A3.2, A6.2, and A6.3. Item 8 - See detail A3/6.1. Item 9 - See sheet A1.5 and detail 2/A6.9. Item 10 - See sheets E1 and E2. Item 11 - See note 32 on sheet AO.0. Item 12 - There will be no locks on the main patio entrance gates. Item 13 - See note 33 on sheet AO.0. Item 14 - See note 34 on sheet AO.0. E. Plumbing and Mechanical Item 1 - Plumbing plans will be submitted by DeAnza Plumbing contractors. Item 2 - See note on sheet AO.2. Item 3 - See sheets A2.1 and A2.2. Item 4 - Water heaters are electric. Item 5 - See plans E1 and E2. Item 6 - Mechanical Item 1 - See sheet A6.9. If there are any further comments, please feel free to contact me. Since 1-y Sylvia P. Kwan . Principal • • L� CITY OF CUPERTINO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BLDG DIVISION Project Owner Town Center Condos Town Center Properties Location Rodrigues & Torre Ave. Occ. Type Const. 1 Area Stories Occ.Load R-1 5 1 Hr. rc ngr. Addre5sF.ZIA.S. Kwan-Henmi 1550 Bryant St. 5-601, S.F. 3 P•N� Control # Permit # Flr. L.L. Roof L.L. Date 2779 6/6/84 0 Your plans have been reviewed by this office and other appropriate departments and agencies and applicable comments are noted on plans and in the enclosed documents. Please review and resubmit copies of plans together with marked up copies. 1. Building is Type V 1 Hr. fully sprinklered with 5/8" gypboard on walls and 1/2" type x on ceilings. 2. Sheet. al.l refers to 1/2" gypboard change. 3. Sheet A1.2 refers to 1/2." gypboard change. 4. Sheet A3.s: See notes in red. 5. Sheet A4.1: Provide larger detail of fireplace mantel following U.B.C. Sec. 3707(h). 6. See marks on other sheets. 7. Structural comments: See enclosed letter from Technical Analysis. Planning Dept: See enclosed plan check list. Public Works Dept: See enclosed checklist. Central Fire District: See enclosed plan review comments. NOTE: Initial plan check fee includes first plan check and re -check. Any additional information required for plan check, additional fees will be charged. i CITY OF CUPERTINO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building Division Plan Check PLUMBING & MECHANICAL P/. /• I/ f,5 .— ect.:/av-L ct� C�_: _ Job Address %� ILIA Control # _ 2 r77q Permit # — Date % --lFa—y`/ Inspector • • TECHNICAL ANALYSIS, INC. 20395 Pacifica Dr. Suite 107, Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 252-1020 June 5, 1984 Mr. Jim Sisk Planning and Bldg. Dept. City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 RE: Town Center Condos Rodriques/Torre Ave. TAI Job No. CU84-5-602 Dear Mr. Sisk: XPlan Review Division ❑ Inspection Division ❑ Construction Division ❑ Engineering Division ❑ Advance Engineering Division As per your request, we have reviewed the plans for the above referenced plan check project and note the following items. Plans 1. Sheets AO.1 to 7.1, provide corrections as noted on plans. 2. Sheet A1.5: provide I.C.BO. number on plan for the skylite. 3. Sheet A3.2: specify on plan all the insulations detail and specs. 4. Sheet S-1: a. Under the general structural notes paragraph concrete add statement to specify that owner shall provide special inspector for concrete design to produce strength of or more than 2500 psi in accordance with Sec. 306, 1979 U.B.C. 5. Sheet S-3: a. The soils engineer of record shall review and sign all the foundation plans and details to verify the design is in conformance with the soils report recommendations. b. Specify on the foundation plan all the foundation excavation and installation shall be inspected by the soil engineer of record and provide report to the city bldg. dept. for review and approval. c. Provide corrections as noted on Detail 2/S-3, 5/S-3, 8/S-3 and • 12/S-3. • I Letter to Mr. Sisk TAI Job No. CU84-5-602 Dated: 6/5/84 Page 2. 6. Sheet S-4: a. The 2 x 10 floor joist noted on second floor framing plan appears to be overstressed. Provide revision. b: The structural engineer of record shall review and sign all the structural plans and details to verify the design is in conformance with the structural calcs. recommendations. 7. Sheet S-5A: a. Provide corrections as noted on the plans for the garage floor on Sec. A8. 8. Sheet S7: a. Provide corrections as noted on details 5/S7, 10/S7 and 13/S7. Structural Calcs. 9. Page 3: show the RB-2 beam on plan. • 10. Page 11: floor joist FJ-1 is overstressed. 11. Page 12, 13, and 16: these three pages cannot be checked due to the missing of page 15. 12. Page 28: show the beam FB8 on plan. 13. Page 29: define the seismic shear coefficient of 0.133 used in the design. Energy 14. The energy calcs. and design provided with plans are acceptable, except they need to provide an energy statement with signature and stamp on plans to certify the design in this set of plans and specifications, conform with the current California Conservation Standards for residential buildings. Those are our findings for the above referenced plan check project. Should you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, TECHNI L ANALYSIS, INC. Paul K. Tai, P.E. PKT:mjd a 0 CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 3071 DRIFTWOOD DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA. 95128 SINCE 1947 408-378-4010 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS #206 CODE/SECTION SHEET NO. 1 All required fire hydrant installations shall be accepted by the Central Fire Protection District prior to issuance of any building permits. 2 Submit plans for the automatic fire sprinkler system to this office for approval. Note that any trash enclosures located within ten feet (10') of a building wall or eave shall be sprinklered. Also note that the sprinkler system design shall be based on a 3,000 square foot design area. 3 Submit plans for the fire alarm systems. Show locations of pull sta- tions, horns, etc., and provide approvals/specifications for all compo- nents. • 4 Provide Uniform Building Code/U.L. design numbers for one- (1) hour floor/ceiling assemblies. 5 All gypsum board on walls shall be 5/8-inch Type "X" unless otherwise approved by a.recognized testing agency. 6 All attic access doors shall be one- (1) hour labelled assemblies. 7 The one- (1) hour material on the garage ceilings shall wrap around all structural members. A6.1 8 Indicate how the building foundation vents that penetrate the one- (1) hour garage construction will be protected. 9 Show details of one- (1) hour vent/duct chases for any dryer vents, bath ventilation, H.V.A.C. ducts, kitchen hood vents, etc. 10 Provide smoke detectors at the ceilings of the mezzanine levels. Note that all smoke detectors shall be hardwired. 11 Provide 2AlOBC fire extinguishers adjacent to all fire alarm pull stations. IURIS. PLANS SPECS NEW REMODEL CONST. DESCRIP. AS BY 04TE( PA OE ertino X X V 1 HR X Dirk Mattern 04 X8/84 1 2 OF_ TION/FLOOR FZ OCC OCC.LD. AREA per ARCNiE NG/C ON TRACTOR NWNER TP R-1 14000 appx Kwan Henmi NAME OF FACILITY _ LOCATION Town Center Condominiums TORRE AVENUE ,FD G3985 - Patersons 0 9 CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 3071 DRIFTWOOD DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA. 95128 SINCE 1947 408-378-4010 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 11206 C OOE/SECTION SHEET NO. 12 If any locks are provided on the main patio entrance gates, a key lock box shall be provided adjacent to the gates. The lock box shall con- tain keys to the main entrance gates. Note that an application for a key lock box may only be obtained through this office. Allow 4 to 8 weeks for delivery. 13 Any locked vehicle access gates shall be keyed to the Central Fire Pro- tection District's MEDECO lock system. Note that an application for a MEDECO lock may only be obtained through this office. Allow 4 to 8 weeks for delivery. 14 The required 20-foot width of access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner. "NO PARKING" signs and/or appropriate notice prohibiting obstructions are required and shall be maintained. • DJM:jg JUR15. PLANS IS PECS I NEW I REM COEL CONST. DESCRIP. AS BY DATE // PAGE ertino X X V 1 HR X Dirk Mattern 04�1884 2 2 GF TION/FLOOR F2 OCC OCC.LO• AREA AgCH/E N G/C ON T R A C T O R ADW N E R TP Kwan Henmi NAME OF FACILITY LOCATION Town Center Condominiums TORRE AVENUE ,FD G3985 - Patersons h Cites of Cuperti»o City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 252-4505 To: T� From: Date: 7 Subject: �lanning Commission Resolution No. 2469 (cont'd) 20-TM-83 Bus -Turn -Out wCPi A bus turn -out shall be installed east of the intersection of Torre Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard. The Appropriate area shall be dedicated As part of the required street improvements. . Reciprdtal_Ingress/Egress The applicant shall record A covenant agreeing to provide reciprocal ingress/egress easements with the commercial raperties to the east, between the subject site and Blaney Avenue: The configuration of the office parking lot shall be Adjusted to link up parking areas with the adjoining restaurant parking lot. The reciprocal ingress/egress easements shall be ente`r6:d into At such time in the future as the City can require the same of the adjoining property owner. 6. Fire_Attess_Lane �( the emergency fire access lanes shall be recorded as fire lane easements an the final subdivision subject to revi6 and approval of the City Engineer. 7. Solar. e applicant shall install plumbing individual residential unit, to installation of future solar systems. Th . said systems is optional. PASSED AND .ADOPTED this 12th day of meetinq,of the Planning Commission State `of Cali{ornia, by the following AYES:' Commissioner's Adams, Claudy, NAYS: ; Commissioner koenitizer ABSTAIN:.:, None _ ABSENT.' > None tittESt?.,. . • /s/ Robert Cowan --------------------------- Robert Cowan Assistant Planning Director chases, for eatk facilitate the e installation of. December, 1993, of the City roll call vote: at A regular of Cupertinoi Szabo, Chairperson Blaine APPROVED: /s/ Sharon Blaine Sharon Blaine, Chairperson Planning Commission Cites of Cupertf»o City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, Colifornio 95014 (408) 252-4505 To: Building Department Public Works From: Sonia Binnendyk Date: Subject: G1 Z/1 2O f°F e`T/ES —Te / The above named project is participating in the City's below —market rate housing program. Where possible, the processing of this development should be expedited. In addition, building permit, inspection, park dedication, and similar fees should be waived for the BMR units described below: 25 4 ,,Ig/ /,3/W khl,4 o /er Ph�ire `JivJ °e • S/peei e'/1191�1 ze Please contact me if you have any questions. I 41 - 1 �1 7W. oo 4�0.� -7-7 OLDS 11