01040042{^OUOIy_OI� TUU Nod 1 crry OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 6WLDING DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING AIIIIItIiSS:' I'ERMI'1' N(1. 22404JONES MASONRY 01040042 OWNIiR'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB LATE 04/11/2001 BADERrcruy 'NONE: 41483777912 SANITARY NII. CON'IROI. NO. AS C 111'1ECD1iNO I N1717 ', - BUILD/ NO ['BRM II' IN10 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MUCH o Cl lu o 1.ICI!NSED CON9'RACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I Imlehy Nfirm thud I Dan litca"d under pnrvnion, of Chaffer 9 (ennm.cnCing will, Section '1(XXO ut Division Sal"the llusin�„ and PN2v..... it Code, and my license in lidl forte and effect Iieen,ecla„ C�' uc.._L'Y_035�/ D REPAIR OF CHIMNEY AT 6 BELOW ROOFLI I Date _0H__7ZCL/ cnmmcmr,Tlr SMAS /Z--y— ARCHI'1'LCCS DIICLARA 1 ) I ' I uudaaanJ my plana shill he used u, public records ' Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DFCLARATION I hereby affirm that Into e,engn from the Calamitous License Law far the following am" n. (Secdiol, 7031S, Basin.., and Prire,sinns Gx3e: An, city,,, I it, whin, req. ires' a panda, a, c n,wed, he, Improve, demolieh, or repair any shutac e prim el'n, inamnac, sins rryuiren the applicant lir such permh dome a signed,talemem Sq. Ft. Floor Area - Valuation that he is licensed puovaal to the provision. of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing will, Section' 7000) of Division 3 of the Husinnsund Profession, Cale) or the, he i, exempt mortar Land the hasi, tarthe alleged e,empdon. Any violation of Section 9031.5 by any upplinmt lit a rental subjects the applicant u, a civil penalty APN Number Occupancy Type of not more than live Imndred dollar, Is500). O L a, owner of the pu,peny, mf np, a,tfliy,c, with wages a, f u,ir sole emnpenudm,. Fi7_011 MAP 00 Required Inspections will do the work, and the drucmrc i, not intended or nBefed an sale (Sec. Aw, Pedes code: The Contractor's License Law dor, to Hu, and , not apply an Business Pmpcny Who oror improve, /hereon, :ltd who doc, such work Irmuell w or through his own anployces. provided that such unprovenlenk are not amended it, 101 — FOUNDATION ofteaJ our sale. If, however the building or in,pmvemem is sold within are year of onapleion. the owner -builder rill have the buNen of footing that he did nor build or 31.2 — CHIMNEY REBAR & STRAPS improve for purpose of vale.). 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS 171,mawn"or flue fy,an, exclusively ,,unnaaia, wilt Heen,ed lontcom,an construct the prover (tics. 9I94. Bu,nil Profession, Code:) The Cnn,racho, License Law tactual apply to un owner of pn,peny was build. ofd thereon, Purse. ts with rac,ods) IicenxJ pursuunt to the and who commasuch fir eM1 pmjnn a,m Co/License,License,law. ❑ I ,xcse n,pl unA¢I Ssn. . B Nr P C for this resin l am con Owner Omc WORKER DECLARXrION �l rmunder pCIIMPENSAd'IONyon ollowig — / I heresy affirm nada pcwlry of perjurY ane of IM1c following Jcdamnoo: 'dl Tuve Imd will nwintnin a Cenifante of commut no ,ell -insure fir Wider', � V / Comlenwdian, as provided fur by Section 37ql of the Lid, Cole• far the per(nnnancc of the warA fm xhich this permit i, inwcJ. El have and will maintain Workers Coml,en,a,lon In,umnce.us required by Section 3700 of the labor CnJr. fur the perlbnaunce of the work k a which Ihis per nil Is sued/MY Wader'X Cntnlwn,efl n Insurance currier and amothe/r�ov �Prolliiccyy A, Pnfey Nn: Wtel-Dl.eDIL1Y_ , clu IFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CONIP17NSKI'[ON INSURANCE " (Has netfina need nal be cnn,pldcd if the parmit is for enc hundred iliums (SI00)or lose.) I certify thus in the pe ......sec of the work fir, which mi, remit is issued. I ,hall it employ any nawan in .Illy Iso aac s- as to beanie wbjecf to me Workers Camfun,mum l.n.—I California Done A,rund NCH ICIi TO APPLICANT, If, after making Ihi, Cenili<me of liacmption, you should becnne subject m the Worker's Compen,minn pmtixians of IM1e W Mr CNet you must forthwith comply with such provisions m this permit shall he dern,N revoked. CONS'I'RUCI'ION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby anion flirt J,cre is n ana.auction lending agency for the pa'rfom,nnce ' of the wink for which this permit ix issued (Sec. 30G.Civ. CJ Under's Name Lctulcr', Address ' nfl, thatli. Illi. application ad fdc Tal h 1nation's aree f ply with II city d e ry N J vital, I- claim, eon etl g tubuilding t dhereby n P t t ftti. 'tot eructation i the alone-mOttiomed propertyde r p m ' rvcL ity; d kat to nil,: ttan Cly fC p,n' ay I (W,)vbn,h nJ,nifY. E unA exhcn,., which nary in any way uccme a,uinxf ,ttid hlllficx. IadgI11C111 e , ty in consequ• a ,c gntming of this permit. --�- PLICA rA! SAN ILL COMPLY WITHALLNON-POINT Issuedby: /2i P_ 1�bV�rJA.c Ci `. Date )URGE ' L ONSO_Lf / O,it PAI Re -roofs o1 ppllaw� ,tractor �/—j Dwu II '/.Aiva1= MATERIALS DISCLOSURE will the Cppliaan, afumre hildin, iccupanl Nom or handle narwnm nenedal Type of Roof a, defined by the Cupenino Municipal Cade. Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety , Cale. Section '. on 25532(u)C3 *6— Yes All roofs Shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will thearpfcard cma hudding octul,am use egd,ipnteata device, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. I agree to remove emit hvardous sure .... unnotired, a, deft d by the Bay Area Air Quality Shang cn,end District" all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will Comply with 0Yes all non -point Source regulations. Ihove read the hunlNnnv Inulin lx Ingall cn...as malt,, Chapter 6.115 of the Cunrmnin Health h Safey Code. Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. I understand than if the building does not currently have a anam. that it i, my resp.msibility to faulty 'he ccupam yq qol entz whim nmst rte sat prior m issuance or a Cenifeme of re eOf '// Q.W a" /_— Signature of Applicant' Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better D m,r.r,tma agent OFFICE