S 2198 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECI RICAL p17til"NO. 2198 BUILDING DIVISION APPLICAT'IONIPERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL \V BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRESS: k/Y SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE O - NAME I'110NE: C NTRACI'OR'S N,p�s is 1 C O. ^�� • ZS2— 2 � O /Y( SOa(7Y � Z9 C^/ NIC CONTNOLN ARCHITECVENGINEER: LIC NO: y)DR'S5: _Sr /C C4 S IS ❑ CON'FAC F. PHONE: �Ol` D B ILDING PERMIT INTO SOUP 6J -/� ED Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(initial) BLD ELECT PLUMB ME❑C'H LICENSED CONTRA OR:S DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE I hereby adding that I am Bcennt miner pnavinions of chapter 9 mmmmcncing JOB DESCRIP'CION CMZ withSemion](NNB of Divisinn3nf me Rosiness and ProfessionsGde.and mylimnu is RESIDENTIAL: in full force add cRc PERMITISSUANCE �'2'� 6233Sy ❑$FOWL El KITCHEN RI:MODI:1. U Licen Lic'M APPLIANCES-RESIDENT'IAT, ❑ADDITION [3 PLUMBING Rl%PlPE rF 6 Dine _zs�� Comnn rr Gp/J (}f 0/.xY 1 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION ❑MULTI-UNIT ❑sTRUCTURAI, p.0 y PANELS Zor�J,?, lummrswna ter nmoa snau rte a,ed as panhc reamma MODIFICATION OZ-0 UI'T020(lAMPS ❑INTERIOR EklIMNEY R17PAIR Fey. ul Licensed l4nfesaianal 201-I(XOAMPS IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION OVER Rod AMPS ❑BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION �C4 w nerehy uffinn that ten cacmpo frmn the CnmmuunLe License Law foram,the S 6 U following reason.(Semon 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city 2r county SIGNS ELECTRICAL (]OTHLR au13 a h which requires a Tenant to construct,cher,improve.demolish,at repair any structure F'.,y�J prior m it,ixmance,also recruits me applicmn for such permit to file aligned.statement SPECIAL Cl RCUIT/ht I SC. RUp. that he is licensed pursuant the provi.uions of me Contractors License Law(Chapter 9 W'2y Dommencing widt Section 7000)nf Division 3 f,he Business and Prefessionx Cnac)or '[EMP.MITFHR OR POLL INST COMMERCIAL: L Xm 4 thin he is et t therefrom and the had,at,me alleged esemptien.Any Anlminn of ❑NEW BLDGIADDITION ❑DEMOLITION �•„y Section 7031.5 by any applicam for apemasusiects the applicant b a civil penalty of POW17R DEVICES ❑TENANT ❑FOODSERVICE FZi• 't mom than five hundred dollar l55(NB. IMPROVEMENT 1 Q ❑1.its owner of the property,or my cimployaxs with wages as mei,cle nt2gmneanor, SWIMMINGPOOLELF RIC will do the work,and the sanction is not lntendedoroQered for sale(Sec.TAA.Business []OTHER L "'m and 1'mfessions Coda The Contractor's License Law docs not apply m all owner of OUD.G'1'S-$WIT -IIXTURFIS O'3 property who builds Or improves ihereen,and who does such work himself or through his awn aupl,src,provided tbm such imprnvmn mos ore not intended or offered for NEW RESIDEWIVI-17fSQ F1'. sale.IL however.the building or improvement is uld within one year ofeomplction.the SQ.FT.Fl.(K)R AREA SISQ,FT. cr-heilder will have the harden of Towing than hedld urn build or impress,tor,m- pose of sale.). ❑L as owner of the property,ant eaclmively Comracdng with Ilccocil contractors so DIAL' construct the pn;j.I(Sec.7(W.Business and Perfexsionx Cede:)'Ibe Comnctors Li- sense Lawdo..not apply m an owner ofpngsCry who bond,or hmTroves tncreon,and QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who contracts for such Projects with a comraaod9 licensed pursuanuo file Contractors License Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑I nm exempt under Sec ,B&P C loggias..,,at ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) VALUA'T'ION Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE! 5-t) /V1 I hereby aifed under penaltyof perjury one of the following declas:ration I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent o self-insure for Workers Compcn- DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOF.AREA,GOND. -DRIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION nation as provided for by Section 37(X1 of the Labor Cate,for the performance Of The work lin which this permit is issued FIXTURES-PER'TRAP ' ❑I have:ted will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance,as squired by Section 3700ofohe LoMr Cade,Jordan perl'orme2c,ofthe work forwhich this permit is issued. GAS-PA.SYSTEM-]INCA OUTLEfS OCC.GROUT' AI'N My Werke' ogadio sun 1Pole,i n GAS-FLA.SYSTGAI-OVERJ(EA) Comer. 4t{ V nncg carne l'Miey Na: CEERTIFICNIE OF EGXEMM ION FROM WOkKEItS' GREASIIINDUSTRI. :INTIiRC iIOR COMPF:NSAI'[ON INSURANCE NUILDING DIVISION FEBS 1'ILix section nucd ono be Completed if the Tannic is foum.e hundreddriums($11X0 GREASE RAP Or less,) PLANCHPAK FEE I certify thin in the per fanuance of the work for which This permit is issued,lshall SEWER- ANY-STORM ' 1 not employ any Person in any manner m as to become subject to the Worker!Compcn- ENERGY ITE z ,� Iniad Laws w California.Date WATER fl N' .LE 'N Applicant GRADING FEE ` NOTICE TO APPLICANT:11,after making this Cri iliene of Exemption,you should WATER SYS I/TREATING become subject in the Workers Compenmtion provisions of the Labor Cale,year must 2E SOTLB HE Q lorthwim comply with such provisions rr this permit said be deemed Occulted. WATER SER 7z CONSONLENDINGAGENCY NEW RI!SIDG I SQ.FEPAID V 0 Thereby affmuhm them !saconmaon leningngenay fr theperfonnunce of Date Receipt# the work for which this permit is;.,sued(Sec.3(9],Civ.C.) CF L;mder'x Name (DIAL: V Lender's ABdress TOTAL: �+ 04 BUILDING PGI! [..t 1 certify mat E bine it:m acusty and coup dna xtato mm me anaet iws mining i. N cones,CoPemsnmply with all city and mmntygc;dim ufdhf,state laws mining QTY. MIECIIANICAL.PERMIT FEE ^ UZ building emtxwetinn,and hereby nnohorim repmxntuoivcx ofthis city m5nter npnn The SEISMIC PIH! V above-mentioned property for inspection professes. PERMIT ISSUANCE (Wc)e,mi,m M cave,innmflu y rota keep hrmles,tiro City 51 Cupcdine against GLEC'I'RIC PEE Ilabilities.jud,grund enntsandespenses which may in any w.yacciveagairel.aid City ALI ER OR ADD TO MECH. in a;mcquarce of m5 grunting of this permit. PLUMBING PGI! APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT 110111,(1(111 CFM) ETE SOURCE REGULATIONS, 10.000MECII CA NT AIR HANDLING UNIT TONER IB, CIM) CONSTRUANCTION TAX Signature of ApplicaMCmmmacmr Date 1?XI IAUSTHOOD(WMUCT I IDUs I NO M ITIGATiON FEE HAZARDOUS MAA HRIAfS DISCLOSURE Will one applicant or(rote building Occupant Bettor handle lmzonleusneamn.l HEATING UNIT(TO I Ou NMI ITU) as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Gyle,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Section 25532(a)? HEATING HNI'T(OVER I 00,m)B'IU) ❑Yes 0 N VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE TIES[])) PAID Date kceeip M Will the applicant or ec building occupant equipment or devices which fumnt m . emit nouoidous our Contaminants m defined by the Buy Arca Air Quality Manager cm BOILI;R-COMP(311P OR 1011,00 RTU) 1Ze 7, m District? r L: V F�Yca F7No BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,0(D BTU) NR CONDITIONER lalth mad the h odeSsnmes 25s5.25535ms12553Cnapteroundfd®Cyli- ISSUANCE DATE lomia Health&safety Cale,Sxtions 25505,255]3 and 2553J.1 undersand than if the NEW RESIDIlNTIAI.M1ffCl{. SQ,1.7 building does Bat aarendy catenate mit 1.my respmdbility uuumify me oeuupam tents whit n be e ns,m i.soon of a Cenificute of(kempancy. Owner ns,aumorizc agent Uam TOTAL: ISSUEDBY: OFFICE