S 2388APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLOMBING-MI?CHANIC L BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIF'ICA'TION I PERMIT NO. (N n Q S L o BUILDING ADDRESS�O/�O La -r- t SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE (16—(9 OWkJ[RN�W&; ��JJ77 88 NN Se I'I{IINLU-.0o� CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: NIC ❑ CONTNIILM • ARCHI I CCUENGINEHR: LIC NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT. PHONE V/(9 'I �� 4 _ Ii g ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) Bl11LDING I'HRMIT INFO BIXU ELECT PLUMB MECH 11 ElII,� ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I harchy alErm ilial I len licensed under provisions of chapter 9 anmmeneing QTY HLECTRICPERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION PERMIT ISSUANCE with Section /(00) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cada, and my license is in full force and cheap. RESIDENTIAL: El SECANT. ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAI, Dem Coptfu ])aireClass Cour' El ADDITION El PLUMBING RI PIPE ❑h1ULTl-UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑ INTER [OR ❑ Cl II M NF.Y R EPA IR IMPROVEMENT SWIMMING POOLS DECLARATION ARCHThe, 1 understand my plans shallll be usul as public records PANELS UP TO 200 AMPS Licensed Professional 201-1000AMPS OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm The, I an exempt from the Contractor', License Law for the following reason (Section 7031.5, Business and Pmfesurar, Crack Any city or comply ❑BATH REMODI:IJREPAIR C1 DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER X17 J� OVER IBfI(IAh1P5 SIGNS ELEM RICAI. which requires u permit to consumer. tiller, impowe, demolish, or repair fury sleuaum SPECIAL. CIRCUITIMISC 6 O �— ' A 3 Run, m it, isx...rare, also require, the applicant Torsuch pennh to lileasignnl atarement that heislicensed pursdannotheprovisionsoftheContmemr's license Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Di vision Sof the Business and Professions Code) or 1 17 E METER OR POLE INST I COMMERCIAL: thin he k esadpt thamfnaat and tae basis for the alleged excmptind. Any violation of Ll NEW BLDG/ADDI'TICS ❑ DEMOLITION Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pannit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of POWER DEVICES ❑TENANT [I FOOD SERVICE no, marc Nan five hundred dollars (55(0). I, us owner of the pmpcny,mmY ampinyees with wagesmtheir sale uampansatinn, will do the work und the sunemre is nil intended proffered rustic (Sea. 9(04, Business IMPROVEMENT El OTI IIiR SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC { OUTLETS - SWITCHES - !INTO S mol Profession, Cale: The Commemr'n Licema Law data not apply to nn owner if NEW RESIDENTIAL I?L1!CIR S pmPeny who builds or improve, Neuron, and who Aces each work himself or through his, wn employees, provided ohm .such impmvemm�ts are nil Warded cr offered for sale.It'.how."'. the huildn"or impmvensmnlsuald w'hhninmm ye are contplaion, Ilia owner -builder wit r butdepngingthtll'�yynintbuildorimprnveforpur- f SQ. Ef.IL(IOR AREA S/SQ. Ef TOTAL: rnhe c of sale.). . ct a_r,/ Darner of they pen, xclusively convecting wit- hTicelced eonturemnm o,,dsoum the ptupal (Sea. 9(D4, Bre nese and Professions Cavle:) The Connect s J - cause Law does not apply dim owner of Property who builds (it improves thereon, unit QTY PLUMBING PERMIT FEF, , who contracts for such pmjecta with u cnmractur s) licensed pursuant o the Contractors License law. ❑lumestan ncr Sec. ,B& P C for Ibis ret wan 1'IiliMlt'ISSUANCE 3Q OwALTER- DRAIN &VENT- WATER ([iA) VALUATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARA N BACK FLOW PROTECT, IIEVICE ' Ihcrchy uffvm under penally til lxrjnry num of the failu inK Aedumtiuns: ❑ I have and will maintain a Cenificem of Consent o self -Insure for Worker's Compen- smion, as peavided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade, for ilia performance of the DRAINS-FhOOR,ROOEAREA,COND. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUC`T'ION work for which this .it is issuask FIXTURES - PER TRAP ❑ I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, its raluiral by Section 3700of Ne LaMar Cals, hathe performancemthc work Buwhich this permit is issued. GAS -EA. SYS "GEM- I INC. 4 OUT LETS ICC. GROUP APN My Workers Compcnsminn Insurance carrier and Policy nun ltenare: Cartier. Policy No.: CA.-s.SYSTEh- WA)Fj CERTIIICA'I'li OF EXEMPTION PROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE GRI NIAP ItCWA LINT FJI'fl BUILDING DIVISION 14?IS (Thisseetinn needoot hecomplmal lfthe,rent isfarone hundreddallars(SIIO) or Ices.) GR k PIANC11IiCK FLE I cenify that in the performance til the work lin whichthixpcdnit is issued, I shall subjec,, the Workers' Compen" not employ troy person in nay manner so us,, heamm t SMSA -. Yl M ❑'. ENERGY 17EE WA . HEATER WNr.NT/ELHCTR GRADING ILE vtian Laos of California. Date Applicant NOTICIi TO AI'1'LICANI`.I[afler mukinK this Cenilicare til lixcmptinn, you should become subject or The Worker's Compensation provisions of the Lotaa Code you at I WA Ta S'I'IiMORHA11NG SOILS FIJI fnnhwith comply with such pmvisimro, this permit shall ha devoted revoked. WATER SERVICE NEW RESIDE:NDAL PLMEL SQ. Irl'. CONS, RULTION LENDING AGENCY here�y:Jllrm thm Amro isuaamwminn lcmalnsagency fnrtheperlbrmnocent PAID Date cce"d# the work far which this permit is issued (See. 3097, Civ, CJ Lender's Name y 'TOTAL: Lender's Addreax T BUILDING PEE I certify that I have wait this application and .state Ilial the above information is nen. I agree to comply with all city and county onlinancea and state laws miningm building commoners and hereby authorize representatives of this city m enter upon the QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC PER PERMIT ISSUANCEi 1H-EC'I RIC FEE above-mentioned pmpeny fur inspection phpsi (We) name as save, indemnify und keep handless the Cay of Cupertino against IEE D may inanywayac[me against vialCity liabilities,judgments. costs and expenses whichPLUMBING in consequence of IM1e granting of Nis Pamir. ACI Eft OR AUDIO MECH. AIR HANDLING ONI'I' ('IO H1, df CFM) MECIIANICALIIT APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WIL" C PLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCEIL A'I'ION5. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.(00CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX J/I / ! O J is amre of ApplicanVConwtlnr Date HAZARDOUS MA'ILRIAI S Is LL USE EXHAUST HOOD(WIDOC) HOUSING MG[GAT ION FEE BEATING ONE "1'(TO W,(g0 BTU) Walltheapplicant orfuture boildmgoacdpenlstorearhandle hadrohm,material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Code, Section 25532(a)? DEALING ONI'1' (OVER Ulb" It TU) E]. Yes No � Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which !'AID VEN'T'ILATION PAN (SINGLH RES ID) Date Receipt a Kit hazmdous air eonmminatne as defied by the tray Arca Air Quality Management Disnicf) E] yes r7 No BOILER-COMPQHPOR 10BODITU) T BOILER-COME(OVER 100,000111u)100,000111u) AIR CONDI1'IONER I have Toad the humnloun materials requiremcros under Chapter 6.95 ofthe Cali- ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ. ET. fa nia Ilaalth & Salley Cuda. Scotia., 2550.5, 25533 und 25534. 1 understand That If tire building Jas not currently have itenant, that it is my responsihility to notify the occupant of the requiernaents which must he met prior to issuance are Ceniticete of Occupancy. ISSUED BY: TOTAL: Conon andannieed ascan Dale OFFICE