NO PERMIT NUMBER 21152 Patriot Way 57 NO:' - STREET -`bv -,.o, - - LOT NO. 4.55 CITY-OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ' SANITARY NO. - 9407 FILE NO. 91 150.2 DATE�-2/10/76 19_ '�- Application is hereby made for a permit to Conatrnnt. (Plan RT ) a 9 - story,type to be occupied only as Single Pami l y Dwelling in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 65,000 FEE$ 217-on PLAN CHECK$ OWNER Mi t._ Villgge Green ADDRESS 997n Fl raminns M:V. PHONE 9 Ll_r9(1 . . •` . . . 255-1422 (Job) CONTR. ADDRESS PHONE STATE LICENSE P38432 APPROVED T. Rnet.n/h BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR I DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION i .. FLOOR STEEL ' PRE-GUNITE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH - t — WALLBOARDS-INT.8 EXT. FIREWALLS MEMBRANE LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER-FLOOR TIEDO W NS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS ' MOORE RUSIN"SI OR MSINC..IP ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUGH UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FINISH WIRING r t. FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXTURES .L_ MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES /- �- FINAL MOTORS FINAL r 7 MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING 8 A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE I INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. 7. y2., BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS i INSULATION /S7G UNDERGROUND ROUGH• FLUES 8 COMB.AIR i11-517 PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL APPLIANCE ROOF DRAIN 8 LEADERS MAIN DRAIN FINAL GAS ff FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS CERTIFICATE OF-COMPLETION BUILDINCr,INSPECTOR'S OFFICE .CITY OF CUPERTINO DATE � ' y �! 1977 BLDG, PERMIT NO. 7 �O '�:'•? THE BLDG. LOCATED AT OWNED BY BY iii HAS BEEN (iO PLEFOR USE AS S T • i �Tt IALTERED) �f OM t I 1 BUILDIKG I SPECPOR 1 i eZ//S TIiI l d 6(/ LOT NO. 15 �Y NO. STREET ' (((VAL. cc CITY OF LUPP E INO' CAP. ( y-�- W z nry of cAPPIICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT uildfng Per.No.l.ri SYJ•L 0 �t� 1 U I.y b 19 Sanitary Per.No. 9Sed 7 3 u Application is hereby made for a permit to doyJ'Trlt�cT �5�.9w BL) = O a� s sttoryr)Type Structure O Q to be occupied only as sl.V 4 �L 6iL.ti. in accordance with 'Z v) Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith: aw r Estimated Value of Improvements, a LL PI Ck Fee$ O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the �p > yr Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee$ ol/ 7 p a other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Z - use of buildings within the City of Cupertino,will be Total Fee$ ZO complied with. 3P n W i NER PH E RADDRESS � 0 O CONTR.OR AGENT _ U /-Gdsv a?2YLJ3 PHONE NATE LICENSE BUILDING INSPECTOR 21152- PATRIOT .WAY, 'CUPERTINO LOT NO. 57 NO..; STREET ' CF.��pe-atNo- CITYOFCUPERTINO ` O'er APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ,76 Permit No.�_ Date . t', ,19_ Fee ET�— Application is hereby made'to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to installsaid wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto: - Useof (1)Fam,Residence. Work Toee Premises Performed OwnerVILLAGE GREENS Address Phone ByALL—CAL ELECTRIC CO: Addres'09 STOCK ON A--VEN� S _,7 'Contractor,Agent Phone 295-5230 State License 228-622 Approved - Electric Insp for ' I AGREE 1 WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORK EN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFOR ,� W J VQ r. 3 (O L U .. a c f v ' W v o 3 OE w Y L .n ,� � N E ' U O N Kiz O < LL C L L L ^ d O O O O O O O' O E E .E E EE c T o 3 E o L4 I Z Z Z Z' in Z Z Q CITY OF CUPERTINO- OFFICE / GAS SERVICE NOTICE 19 77 To (7 . .` You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At New Service No. of Meters Reconnect ' No:of•Add. Meters Move Service Move Meter PLUMBING INSPECTOR' �� �. Oo M 21152 PatriotWav P1-an B11 f LOT NO. 57 NO WET r CITY OF CUPERTINO C`'r ".'APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT JAN? 7 lyT> Sanitary No. Date Jan. 22 / ,19 6 Permit No. p+ '' Fee$ car c 3 Application i hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. Use Single Famy es. Worts To Be Premises ilRPerformed Plumbing Cupertino Village Green 2579, E1 Camino Suite 302, Mt. View, Ca. Owner Ad ress Phone 941-6050 4yPe Amaral Plumbing P.0.Box 150, S.C. , Ca., Contractor,Agent Phone 296-3963 State License 175299 Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ®u N w Vl N \ C Z � i Q f Q OF d LL o 3 m c c c N 0 � 2 N 0 O .E � O y � ❑ N LL LL N r r H Z N F ti N LL F N > C0 d r i rc d W d cm LL C t z -2 M N � T i V LL :! r ; — 3 21152 Patriot WY 57 LOT NO. NO' STREET " �.� ��.-:TWO CITY OF CUPERTINO ' APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT FEB 2 1971 Dose r•. l^26-7 7Permit No. C r '19— Fee$— j 00 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas, appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof,and agrees to install said appliances in: accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City.of Cupertino, and alli other laws applicable thereto. Use of - Res. Work To Be Heating/Sheet Metal Premises Performed - ' Owner Cup t. Village Grn Address 2570 El Camono Real 3 Phone -6 0' '• By Address n.0 CARLOS e Conlraaor,Agent , Phone 'S�Zq'Zq� 779 OLD CO NT Y ROAD S N LO ALIFORNIA State license ���9+7-� Approved um ing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. � l N � 7 W W 1( ' N H 2 \ F � O N Z > UO � u m w o O H0 F F O p rc o S Z J O N N m O O > Z w a p ti N < m =^ Z m O 0 d 2 :n a ¢ O > O m n J O x a m a O m r m u i K y a N m w J 2 w LL 'Z ' fin ' $ o U w0 = a o LL > OJO x x �- ,n w0 G = Z O v 'b � - $ d Z 6 wpZ d > > a � Oc� u ox ^ uga Q < 3 '¢ F u". lj ONOmp 0 , rc0 a0 u � Z O J Oen zuUOw �� "' F ,J.. FoF $ F $ � OaZOZ < un0 O p ¢ rc Z i ¢ .n O O o 0 0 0 o w W O W O x p Z zF zZ O Gn "' } m v u � wJ - a FN V ._ ¢ Ou $¢ g0 oOZ inp � u p Z1 Wm W LLo ¢ OCA ZO $ O N v O - Z Z HLL yZ n0 F W$ .Z, < mz0 w $ � � wF � Eia . Oo w ¢ F p �_ _ _ O F F u u0a �- �- x w � •- u 0 O , p N N 1 ¢ OO ✓I - �n 2' 6' ¢ Z Z O O O LL J Z w O O O O O O O } O } - - > w w p 0 0 0 0 N - rc x V V m r m m N m N a a w > > Q x o V i t7 v h �O ROUTE SLIP File No. Date //-,�--/7 7 Location S- 7 ' 7a.l�-Y— ��J:� r J Subject Notes 42 Approved // 17/ 7 J Date Inspector - Bldg. Dept. Office Copy' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S' OFFICE i CITY OF CUPERTINO ' Sewer Connection - Sanitary Permit No. ......��.-..`�� 7 Plumbing Final -Plumbing Permit No. .S/--/S U.Z //''�� -�/ n Lot No: ..----5� --- Owner or .Tenant ..._rl... r.'1/..f.+-.,,u.....1/.Q111-�a/r...._tF��1.6< c�..-----._-- U `- Ar .-------- ------------------------------------------------------- Tract --- ----------------------------- ------------- ------- ----- DateConnected .:.....�' u-710-..-----.........------------------------------------------------ 19...-------- DateFinal .......... -- ..`. . ......7^..------.:.............................---...---................... 19............ -------....`------: LAS-.....-.............. PLUMBING INSPECTOR