FILE 51,39910311 ParlettPlace aa1 • • ;<. '" _ r:E j• 7 LOT NO. .i A ., 1', (_>,P CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ' S� SANITARY NO. 9712 FILE NO. 51,399 DATE 1/18/77 19 Application is hereby mode for a permit to Const Plan 1848 a 1 story, type 5 NHR .' 1848 Sq. Ft. Liv. H- 441 Sq. Ft. Gar. ' to be occupied only as I&J Single FAmily Dwelling ` in accordance with plot plan, plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS ,$ 71,000 FEE $ 211.00 PLAN CHECK $ OWNER BAS Homes ADDRESS20823 Stevens Creek L-' PHONE 252-2077 CONTR, Same ADDRESS_ PHONES STATE LICENSE 323864 APPROVED James H. Sisk/c BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE SPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION FLOOR STEEL - PRE-GUNITE FRAME i BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS . & EXT. Zg 'A FIREWALLS MEMBRANE 14-77 LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER -FLOOR '-Z 440 TIEDOWNS -MISC- ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUGH UNDERGROUND ROUGH- ROUGH WIRING ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FINISH WIRING FIXTURESci INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL / MOTORS FLUES 8 COMB. AIR FINAL LLANEOUS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING 8 A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE I JNSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. Z- r6 .')7 BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS 8 INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROU E � FLUES 8 COMB. AIR _ 7 PARTIAL ROUGH — CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE 2�7 FINAL APPLIANCE ROOF DRAIN 8 LEADERS MAIN DRAIN 2:1f 1, 777 FINAL GAS .� FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS ROUTiESLIP File No. {r 7� • r Date Location Subject \z:l.�, _V �2.tQZ Notes ° i, - 0 f Approved 7 -1/ -?7'1 - 2 / - 7 %� G D t a e �� Inspecoor ( •'WRTIFICATE'OF-COMPLETION -BUILDING'INSPECTOR'S OFF.ICZ . A., �- CITY OF CUPERTINO DATE �`� 19= BLDG. PERMIT NO.91 THE BLDG. LOCATED � AT 1 U 3 Pte- r l 7)' Le f OWNED BY HAS BEEN (COMPLETED( (ALTERED FOR USE AS SI --� 1 , tt' (N� //'rt(� ?• IIS Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S ..OFFICE ' CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Conn { i edion - � Sanitary Permit No....:.:y--.- ---'--'- -'. Plumbin Final " ! :< .; .0 8 � Plumbing Permit Nti...2..:e...:•.t.:._----.-. ' Lot No ' Owner: orTenant ..._---....... ......--`'-+'zcra.e-:1.:.:.------- . . Tract --- ................- - ...................--'--.....--------- Date Connected ----- G -- -------- ` 7 � ------------- 19 ------------ Date ...---- ---Date Final ...:....... ..:`./ ..r.-.. ..%...---........:--------....----------.-: 19--.......... . _ PLUMBING INSPECTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY �• ,BUILDINGINSPECTOR'S NOTICE l ' CITY OF CUPERTINO r—P=-•® ,9%7 �7 To J You are hereby authorize Connect'elecincalC seriiccee for No. of WiresSiie of WiEes- ^ Size of Switch b01461 Motor Load Volm e -Phase— Heating 9 Phase Heating Load K. W." Voltage - No. of Meters Light t�0'I�New ,Servi cer Reconnect Heat- X 'Jq0 �yL_Three Wire More Service No. of Add. Meters " _ - /�. r iJ Power ,{p \ Threeree Phos Move Meter �M ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR " r� `✓(/v`_y/LI �� d •�''�. _ CITY_OFCUPERTINO ,!® COPY - � .:• . ......r COPY I pT GAS SERVICE NOTICE CT�7� 9 % % o t ..tom .. • .. You are hereby authorized to.conn//ect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant) C -\-_µC' H -dl .. Fl (+. _ New Service - No. of Meters Reconnect" No. of Add. Meters Move Service' - ln' Move Meier PLUMBING INSPECTOR'S "-r\/1'�• �jF1A;L 0 4.>/QA �„ CITY OF CUPERTINO TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE DA .: ------- ...... * ................. F.: ---- ---------- 170• ­----------------- Lc - AAA ........... ................ ........................................ LOT: REASON: The undersigned agrees to be responsible for-tlie.,clectrical service , at the above location, Until lh6 building,is ready for occupancy, and is released by the Building Department, City of Cupertill( . Phone:.z`SL............................. ................ . ------------ INSPECTOR .TENANT OR OWNER _1171/63.5 PD -4 DATE: -TEMPORARY GAS. SERVICE' Fee:.----....----...:.. OWNER PA—1--)D ..... ......... ............. 04 .. ..................... LOT: ....... .......... - -------------- b --------------------- REASON: ......................... The undersigned agrees to be responsible for the gas service at the above location, until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released I by the Building Department, City of Cupertino., Phonez.7..---_:_--.:.--- /n/ INSPECTOR ................. )1- 1/63. TENANT. OR OWNER 103MI Parlett P1. 7 LOT NO. NO. T .. • CU7 OFCUPERTINO �yAPPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 27 10A 77 Permit No._1__ • 19_ Fee $ Application is 'hereby made to the City of Cupertino fora permit to install gas. appliances as listed onthe.reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said, appliances in: accordance with the provisions of the'Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and alli other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be r t Premises Res Performed Heating/Sheet Metal ' (Owner Bas Homes ` Address 20823 Stevens Crk #c2, Cup ct Phone 252-2077 BYJ Address Contractor, Agent . Phone 592929 State License7..lOS2A Approved ___ 1� ` 'Plumbing Inspector • I'AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. F a 0 J J/9 3 // LOT NO. N =7 T. CrL n. �Cj\ 1 CITYOF CUPERTINO �J APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT o 1�//�,�//y Sanitary No. Date 14, Permit No. Fee $ 3G - Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. . Use of 01AIA1,C �^ Work To Be PremPerformed ��yyOwnAddress ���{/i ALOPhon_...._.._. e___. Address ���//✓ ✓/� State License APy- 7 7 -4 Approved 1. Plumbing Inspector 1 AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ® 1. LL a d ,.16 T 0 C V F O C Y i 3 O L L b LL o n n( LL a ,.16 T 0 C V F O C Y a 3 O o L 0 T < PN 6 0= o> o 0 0 o E .c o 33 %:E m� °ieo3333 N F r mi voo N:E ° 0 _� N> C7 LL a ,.16 T 0 C V F O C Y O L 0 T PN 6 0= o> o 0 0 o E .c o 33 m� °ieo3333 mi voo ° 0 _� LL a y /a3`// N.Q �NO. try •STEEEI' LOT NAft 2 - B�'• f r.•e O CITY OF'CUPERTINO .. APPLICATION FOR, ELECTRICAL PERMIT S,u pCLt� ...k p . . MAR ,1 E; 1977 .• i' ': w Date — r 19 _ Permit No, ' -0'r,.r,.� ,r. .. -Fee ;� v�� `��'• =�Ti`�'- , Applliicaf on is hes�y,,made tAhe.u 'City of. 'pertmo for permit to install electrical ,,, in and/or fntures`as h,te<I onat3ic reverse sole hereof anda reel to install slid 00n'Jim p and orfixtures.in aemrdan.c�Vth�ithe_p visoc.is`.of tli6�Efecfucnli_Co'de'Of'tI 1� 04 ,'City. of �Cupertino, �andS�NIC7rLEs }[,'ical t_Y ,SIDE_NC-i`,�`. -� •i: . z Use of Premises J L 3 m Owner• �S �`'7�� Addr�Ni -�, .t `�•t-aX-Inl� a By ZEE ELECTRIC Address v7 O S t ,_ CON"ACTOF, AGENT a o , _fyoo Appcoved —0 � Phone S` /� � ECECTAICAL INS - i 'State License 122 Yll' /1 (I i so MIMINNEI.®I ®rd�lll`1,IIIIIII�IIIIIIr11111�111 o o 0 0 0 D @ sw z z z z a y B�IM1111111�111111111111111111111111 z ti c s a ® IEIGlIC111111111111111111111111 ,�°�,, o o 0 0 0 D @ sw z z z z a y z z ti c s a 10��� .. LOT NO. V 'yiI NO. STR CITY OF CUPERTINO COVAL,� APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT F E 4J s rr,�,, 1 Building Per. No Dat4V1V+� 1 19 Ow O Application 'I,,� is Rerby made for a permitttto-aw w1� �AA =x a—,/—story, Type JOyMJ�ft r� �N Structure uctureO O a to be occupied only as �d _ T cacze �r in accordance with 'z Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. a w � x Estimated Value of Improvements, $_ LL O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the PI Ck Fee $ �p u, Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee $A 'O a other laws applicable to the construction, location, and Z — use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee $ ZO complied with.. 32 wZ PHONE ADDRESS CONTR. OR AG NT q RE° - V p ,/ ,\ ��CiJ L'J �ny� M PHONE STATE LICENSE BUI II NSPE IR /O u e=LC i 1 ��— LOT NO. STREET CITY OF CUPERTINO C'—" PPCICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT OCT 311 1978Permit No, Date IC , L9/ Fee E Application isPhhereb Bade to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring, and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be Premises- ' ,f %%s� Performed Owner s t 4C 4-'AW—Tum Address. Phone By I fContractor,Agent Phone + o--� >-072% 'jam ' State License' -7f C -'-'J Approved_ ' - Electrical Inspector 1 AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF TI WORKMEN'S �( COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 6 C 3 W z W 3 O O O O O <O O O E E E d d S Z Z 2 2I K N ZZ N D r I��I_i 1:�12LETT 1-.L-- LOT NO y - NO. STREET { t t O rU c`714O CITY OF CUPERTINO tAPFL11CAJf1PN FOR PLUMBING PERMIT "Sanitary No Data 19_s Permit No. ,ee $ 0/ Applicotion is hereby mode to $he_City of Cupertino, for a `permit to.install plumbing ' pipes and/or fixtures listed-an the reverse.side, hereof,', and. agrees to install 'said pipes' and/or fixtures'in' accordance with'the provisionsof. the Plumbing,,Code of. 'the City of Cupertino, and'all other laws. applicable. thereto. Use of Woik'TOBe r 'Premises 1 ' ''Performed (Ownerd •'Adress Phone. By 1�"Clk11MZ1 c.l.�-`• , 'Address' �y/ t.�%V i —/L c �s 1;. < Conttrractor, Agent Phone F62 / State License i�Appro ed - J Plumbing Inspector- Cd AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY. OFA E WORKMEN'S "{COMPENSATION' LAWS OF "THE STATE OF<CALIFORNIA. `. - � r s � �, 1>i V •,� LL � � x.( L t i •r Q' �� 4 �' • � � .f N Q \j1 °1.3 F 0. 'F-. H Z N ICO LL /.. . '� � • a AR. ': C I u °I O C. ,' •y° 1 ti p O L d T F C C O C °- C_ ° 1`) 1 'X i6. �'! U Sys LL 3' 3 3 3 3 3 m vsi -° fG p