FILE 51189 In I Lot No. No. Street CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sanitary No.-- 7 6 9 76F File No.lr�/r�q Date 19 //<f e-_Applica�tio�n is hereby made for a permit to `te - - a '7-- story, Type to be occupied only as If A ^Z-, i in accordance with plo lan, plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements $ 3 �iT 00 FEE$ plan Check $ Owner tZAddress �i Contr. "rC^ Address 71t47 I!fo(— : d"g. /v'f G/ Phone State License f p'51 W Approved .g1 ILLIAN9 D. EEi 'EVIC lq APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date �5�/' , . 119 -7.`�--� FEES - Cont,, -J� - L ..J Address /a'dZ41'y—"j J�' Phone �� �o o-V Stote,License C +?Cq-[1t7 6t� Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT y Date J 1i�2'. 19 7 / GAS FEE $ /'.? PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. ���i Address a9'Ft � e-= Phone 'y7J- +D 9d'/ State License Z`2'2;-1 Approved //����" �" 19 PPL ION FOR FEEgIANCEPERMIT 7 S� Date 2 // Contr. �S�a G/ AddressVS �h - P%e, Phone _m�7 -- L>�a!i li ate. License Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California PD-1 RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS $��coelt. �le,cia-j 3-30�� BUILDIjrlrw[ DATE INSPECTOR MISC. PAD FINAL FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR Ii FRAME �- f • - LATH 8 PLASTER '�Iw GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG. ELECTRICAL NSP TOR MIS . UNDERGROUND ROUGH % 7 1441. ROUGH WIRING — FINISHED WIRING 1 FIXTURES MOTORS FINAL -�� PLUMBING; GAS& APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REQ. SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH �l - PARTIAL ROUGH Ilt ,q� ROUGH COMPLETE J�! MAIN DRAIN FINAL PLBG. 7- 9.0260CAMfroD FINAL GAS FINAL APPLIANCE '7 DATE INSPECTOR MISC. MISC MISC MISC +a NO. i 'sTRerr v i :1.0T NO. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT : J ¢ _ o � C(fY OF CUFcf.TINO '- 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO LLo` JD r4 J 1 J./4 „ Permit No. � a Z w . Application is hereby made to the City of -Cupertino for a permit to install'elect rical. awiring and/or'fixtures,as listed-on the reverse side hereof, and. agrees to install 'said'l 0 0 wiring and/or fixtures in accordanre with,the provisions—of,the Electrical Code of the > City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. o J Use of Premises S� �CLo�2�J dz • /�ly 3, Owner a 77Address ¢ a N nuu.caa O.Y � /2 C/ONtAAC(,TOARAGENT a o A. r vj C) Phune: PP ELECTRICAL INS CTO; . -State License, Z Z'o6 ' �� CR Vp W _ N pW y V 25 [L .5 -1 0. o 6 0 0 0 `o o� ` '. .� F�- www tr" •C d ,o a -„ m o o: v o E `a a a ''�' Z, ZZ Z a 'wZZ in07 w .yt/ aie�. si LOT NO, NO. STREETS I GP 6A?;POI.ICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT � < fiYV z e CITY OF CUPERTINO o ° MAY 171972, p�r a —� 19� Permit No. 7 U = W 1) ^ Fee $ t1'� ' 0 Application is hereby mm-de to the City-of Cupertino for a permit.to o' < install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to <a install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing „ = Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Useofof Premises 00 — oa Owner P i N f Address C S ET METAS *,= Bya—SFF5 Address 0 NJ� 3 0 Phone� � / .gRdIA, 94538 W W.W 1� a o State License/ 77.-.7- / Approved Ute /�Z,. PLUMBING INSPECTOR v � F co � a F r � y o 0 0 U LL 1 LL .y C U u 3 � on O QQc E 'LL 'Q ? m.c ou E_c GQ cC •� . � oin '^ `0 .x. 00 0 UQd Bldg. Dept," Office Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO - SEWER-PLUMBING NOTICE: ' Q F Sewet Connection. . Sanitary Permit No. ..... ....... Plumbing Final' Plumbing Permit No. J��� --__' Lot.No. .........f..-.-. ------_... Owner or Tenant :..,>..L.........(J.L� - --t ..---.-----.--- --------.- --------_... .. . n Tract -------- -- - . ...//------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Connected ... .'.��1.. ..��r....-----:.:....:.... ................. ...' ....... Date Final.--------:.L..:.I!..-._�Z'.....:--------------------------- -------------------- 19.-------..:. d . ........ ...:r.---:...1.. "-....._.----......-----......... PLUMBING INSPECTOR GAS SERVICE NOTICE Copy.,. + OFFICE. ` BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE " - - ' ,CITY OF CUPERTINO ... l ': 1972.. You are hereby, authorized .to'-.connect'the GAS service for A Owner or Tenant •-.:.: � . ' At 10..a a I Y ✓L� / New Service' v No: of Meter's'. Reconnect . . Move Service No. of Add. Meters ..:...:.'.:..:. . Move,Meter......... PLUMBING INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO ' - ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE " You are hereby ai rized conn ct el ctrical service for Owner or Tenant . �. No. of Wires ...... .................. Slze of Wires Ize.o Swltch '. . Motor Load .... ...i Voltage ... Vhasc _ :. . 111 Heating Load .... K. \\�. ....'..... Voltage ...... Light../ l l(L.....N n'ic ............ Knamec'L...�......_.... No. of Meters..:.:: __... � Heat...._...._.._. 220...... .... T e Wire..:_. ..... MO,e $erritc..._.... No. of Add. Meters..:......... - - .Power.:..-...:..._.: A.. -e'.F a \torr 'ELECTRICAL INSPFCT04 .. � I ROUTE S__? O Date Locaticn Subject Notes .ApproveA vxz DateT Spector