S 2089APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECIRICAL FEly91'1'No. /�OHV/�'.�] BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONA'ERMIT PLUMRING.ME.CHANICAI, t\7 L OWNERS NAME: Z I hereby affirm that I sen licensed under prevision%of Chapter v oc menially OZO with ticminn]0Xll of Uivisinn Jof the Husinmsand lkofes%ianz Cwle. and mylicense is WF in fwnnme and effect. Ur. License Cla%a I.ic.# F C d NO: ,x.a D ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 0TY1 ELECTRIC PERMIT I F1917 I I PERMIT ISSUANCE I I ABUSES 'SIT C'I"S DECLARAHON I undcrnl;mA my plans sbull he u%al nx punto% recanH I.icenecd Vint ... ional OWNER-ERALDER DECIARAI ION I hereby alum that 1 ant exempt from the Contractor's License I.aw lit the fallowing reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Cole: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, altar, improve, demolish. o repair any structure prior at in issuance, also require.%Ihe applicant tar such Sent file a signed stmemetn that he is licensed Pursuant to the prnvisinnx of the, Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 Ica ing with Seefin. 70a))afDiciguo 3o fine ly,me%%and Profe%: mCutet or semen% that Sec he is 31.5 b zany applicant p li and the hn%ia far the alleged exemption. Any Violation of Section7031.5by anydreddnnfor apermh gWjen,the npplicam toocivil penalty of not more v rte five a property r pe dulb.r..I coop! ❑ I, ref the pmpcnr.a ury of infyec with wugesm a.( Sc. ule mnmemne, will Jnd work. and the le C1 are Corlsnn'sLndnl nr ave dood l not no in own nal prof c s Code The oyes I oco land w Luo sac, n apply Inn vgh his ol o ny who ou0dv or improves thereon, wW who....•%such wnrk himself or through his awn employees. e provided Inas web iter, is of nw arc not i car rof or pfmrcd lm cavi. ILhowo'withebuilding arintprmvcment issoldwithinone yearofm rove for he a er-M1uilJcr will have the harden of proving that he did not !wild or improve for pur- pose of role.). ❑ 1, u. ins ma of the pripert, am exclusively cammNng with licensed mnmacntrs w amwet the project (See. ]UW, Business and Profession Com:) The Contractor's Li - sense Law docs not apply to an owner of mopeny who builds or imps es thereon, and QTY. who so act, for such project, with a cn mactngsl l icensed purmact to the Cantraiars Licence law. ❑ 1 am eg, So ander Sec. . If N V C fur Ilii, re;man Owner Dam WORKER'S COMI'17.NSAOON DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penally of p:rjuty, one of the following declaration,, E] Ihave and will nmimain a Certificate of Consent n self -insure for Workeh Conq,em ,,wool, as provided hr by Section 3700 of the Ugair Code, ho he perfommnee of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker% Compensation Insurance. To, required by Section 3700 of the Labor Cure, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My Worker's Compensation Insurance curler and Policy number arc: Caricl:�ptlicyym d/.ted ECo 1'19 CE 119Gt1EOFF LNIVEIONIBOMWORKI!RS' CUMPENSATIONINSURANCE ('Ilii%sn'tion need nal M1e cnrnplcmJ it the Per nil ig for enc hmtdred dollars ($ IIX1) or lcv,00 ) certify he, in the any i nnanca of the work Gtr which lits theroid, ers Co.l fer- tart nm employ any parv,n in any manner wa as to bunrnc subject to the Workers Cnrnpcn- ,mion laws of Cuhfomia. Date Applicant NOTICIT'ID APPLICANT: II aver ranking this Certificate of Exemption. you gonad Mconm subject Ise he Workers% Compcnvtion provisions of he Labor Code. You na%I forthwith comply with such provisions or this petnil shall be deemed rooked. CONSTRUC`HON LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby:dfirm that there is a emnwcri es leading agency fm the lterfmm:mae of he work for which his pcomil is I,,act (Soo. 3097. Cie C.) Caroler, Name Linda's AJdre„ 1 cenHy that 1 have reed thin ap,,f,mian and %tare he, he above iofoun elon is ren. 1 agree at enam, with all pity and county mrdm:mee, and swat Inws algin, to building comtmvalon, and hereby aahnriee octaro native%nrmis city minter upon the above-mentioned prupeny for inspection purryne,. (0.'c) agree to save, indemnify and keep haul the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City in conuyuence of Ibe granting of mi%Permit. APPIJCAN'IUNDERSTANDS AND WILT, COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE REGULATIONS. Slgnaturc of Appfcant/Cnmrannr Date HAZARDOUS MAE FRIM S DISCLOSURE W01 the r"heanl nr!venue huddiog aeCupml store or handle haeardnu%ntmoriul u, defined by the Cup,mma Mmticipal Cole, Chapter, 0.12, and the Health ;old Safety Code, Section 25532(,)? CYes 0 N Will the applicant or future building vocalism use eq 'I nr device, which ,elnit haeardnu% air comaoinanu as defeed by he Bay Arta Air Quality Mgngermcnt Db11110 ❑Yc% El No I have real the haeardnm mneri:J, regnnclacc s under Chapter 6,95 To the Culi- immin uenln, � carat axle. senimt, zssus, 2x533 ;sed zss3y. 1 andacwml m;rt it Ine hniJirag Ansa not alMyOy havca Icn:un, Pew t ix toy mepunihiiry et amity Ihcmiarpmn APPLIANCES - RES I DEN 'I'I AL PANELS UPTO 200 AMPS IDI-HXXIAMPS SIGNS FLI CI'RICAI. SPECIAL CIRCUITIMISC. TEMP. METITR R 1`01-H INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING INl(11. 17.I.ECI'RIC OUTLETS -SWI I CUES - FIX 'I'UIt ES NEW RESIDENTIAL ITI,ECTR SQ IT. PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE: AL11:14 - DRAIN k VENT- WATER (EA) BACK FLOW PROEEC'K DEVICE DRAINS - FLOOR. ROOF, AREA. COND, FIXTURES - PER 'I'RA[' GAS - EA. SYST EM -I INC. q OUTLETS GAS - EA. SYS'I HM -OVER q (EA) GREASEINDU S'I I. WAS 11: IMFERC121TOR GRLASITTRAP SF.W ER - SANITARY - S'I ORM EA. 21X1 FI. WATER HHA'I ITR W/VENTRiI.ECIR WATER SYSTEM/I'RHAT ING WATER SERVICE REW RIISIDENTIAI. Phbt11. SQ. FI'. T(yl'AL QTY. MECI IANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECI. AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO I0,000CPM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER PLIXp CFM) EXHAUST HOOD (W/DUCT) HEATING ONIT (I() EX),Bdo RTU) HEATING LIN III (OVER 100,000 BTU) VENTILATION INN (SINGLE BESIDE BOILER -CORN' DEEP OR 100.000 BTU) BOILER - COMP(OVER HXk(X)113 SO) AIR CONDI'DUNER NI7W RESIDENT EAI, MECH. SQ�E9'. OFFI LTJ PERMIT INFO P�B JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑ SIT DWI, ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑ PLUMBING RE -PIPE 0MULTbUNI'1' ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION (_1 INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVI.MI:N"1' SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR El DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER 4/ _ COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION El TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER SQ. PP. FLOOR AREA BUILDING DIVISION FRES PLANCHECK TH ENERGY 11:17 GRADING ITIT SOILS FEF: t PAID Dae ece, a ro'rAl,: BUILDING 1T " FEE SEISMIC FEE C ELECTRIC) i PLUMBING PE MECHANICAL ITIT CONSTRUCI'[ON 'SAN HOUSING ME I'IGNI]ON Il?E PAID Date Receipt a T ISSUANCE DATE. �.Zq-qY 1"SUEDi 0Y: