27623APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO IB:6IKG-FEEcrn7r•AI. PERMITNO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHAN'ICAI. �i BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PRO I RCT 1DFN`E14lCAT1ON J Oy` i ,' 1 v!ITN'ITM LOTS INI(LIIIICI:I/LIVISIryLIX; LIr, NO: MUII .,l D //A� y / \ ' �./� /e2/✓Vhh"G ❑ i ,ONT'ACT: PHONE: - QTYt ' r )' '(, ELECTRIC PERMIT FTE r BUILDING PERMIT' INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 1 PERMIT ISSUANCE SIX LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION (commencing is in Ihateby of Diihatl am ofiliculinssand rofesio Ch Code, Section TOlXp of Division Sof the Business and Professions Codc, and my license is in full fince and Cla,, ffttn. l.icensu Clues Liup Data Contractor APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL py.Z 1+100 yUF FZW tn,=y Z fOZ. O'L O F sn F w Ipy DESCRIPTION /kV/G�'f•�/T\ (v�_Ga�� �� PTCO - pprypyS UP T0200 AMPS 201-1000 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 undersl:mJ my plans shall be aced as puM1liC recoNa. OV ER 1000 AMPS SQ.IT. FLOOR AREA E/SQ.IT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed professional �YFJ C)m6 Px'Oe. F4por OWNIiR-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 con exempt from [be Convectors License law for the following remain. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which squires u permit m amsm,a, alter, improve, demolish, m repair any structure SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. $s�}2 �p dWo� ujl2, 1—Za 5�O _o a 322 primmusissuance.miat resimon theapplicant for such pormiuo Fla. slgnM statement that he is licensed pumuan no the provisions oflhe Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9(cnmmenoing with Scnion 700()of Division 3ufthe Brainessand Professions Code) nr that he is exempt therefrom and the basis hotline alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7033.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant a civil penalty of not more than rive hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I,asowncrofihepropeny.ormyemployeeswithwa8esazthmrsolecompenudon. will do the work,andthe structure isomintended oroffened for We(Sm 704L Business POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC . VALUATION OUTLETS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIALELECTR _SQ. FE STORIES I'YPF. CONSTRUCTION and Professions Code: TI e Contractors License Law docs not apply to an owner of progeny who builds or improves thereon, and who does suc h work h i mal f or Nmugh his ownemploytts,proviJ<J thmsucM1improvememsere notimendedoroffcrcdforsale. IL OCC. GROUP RES. UNITS T however, the building or improvement is sold within one yew of completion, the owner- builder will have the buNen of proving @at he did not build m improve fur purpose of QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE sale.). ❑Lasownereflhepropeny.amexclusively contracting with licensed contactors to M-OODZONE APN construct the projca (Sec. 70H4, Business and Professions Code:) The Contractor's Liccnulawd«snot applymun owncrofpropcny whohuildsm improvesthamn,end PERMIT ISSUANCE who commma for such projects with acontruun(a) licensed pmirairtmilm Convector's License Law. AhfP.R- DRAIN&VPNT - WATER (PA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ I am exempt under Sec. . B & P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUT IDE FM SANITARY Y —N - Owner Dae DRAINS - FLOOR,ROOF, AREA, COND. RECF.IPI' p WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECfARAT10N SCHOOL TAX Y N ❑ ers Coyafbrmthatlhuvem Cenilicateesimpythereclf-inu38 o. Lab C.)whicf coveniCmmpanutionlnsurun¢rmit. fiW copy thereof (Sa.3800, Lab C.) which raven ell cmpluyce'a under permit. Policy M RIiCF.IPI'M FIXI'URCS-PE PARK FCC Y N REp GAS- EA. SYSTEM- I INC.40 .E-fS BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company ❑ Candied copy is hereby furnished. GA -EA. SYSTEM-OVCR 4(Ii) PLANCHECK FEE SIVINDUSTRLWASTEINTER F,PTOR GRADING ITE ❑ CeniticJ copy is riled with the city inspection divi ton. CERTIFICATCOFEXCMPTIONFRO WORKEtin,� GREASC P SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURA E 8 ITARY-S'IbRM EA.2 Ill ENERGY 1LE (Thissationnewinot ecomplet iflhepermitisfo otchuns(EIW) or less.) WATER HF:ATF,R W/V R I minify that in the performance oflhe work for which th pe.d.lsholl not employ my person in my manner u m to become s bjecWorkers' PAID WA ERS RFA NG z Z Comparratooi Lawsof California. Date Applicant It NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Ell ption,you should Dae Receipt as -WRBIDENTIALPLAIH. SQ. PT. TOTAL: (ry �; becmmesubjemmthe Workers Compensation previsions of the is Code, you mu forthwith comply with such provismarior this permit Shull be deem BUILDING FEE SEISMIC PEE WQ Uz O L's .. F �% f^ (� z CO NST RUCDONLENDING AGENCY 1 harcry arum that there is a cnnatrSm.3 lending agency home peRurmmee of theLe work for which this permit is issued (Ser. J09T, Civ. C.) Name TOTAL: ELECTRIC I7EE QTY.. MECHANICAL PERMIT PEE PLUMBING FEE Umder's Lcndera address 1 certify that 1 have read this application and suite that the above infomwtim is Corton. l agree to Comply with all city and county ordinances and rate laws relating to building construction, and hereby audtorlee representatives ofmis city manner upon the ioned progeny for inspcctinn pmgnes. PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION r gree no save, i damnify and kap hwmleas the City of Cupcnino against liabiil hitch may; any way #'aj ng A IR HANDLING UNIT (10 A�.cnoaof the of�nscs I AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER IQfpO CFM) EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUC) PAID licunl/C ilncten DataU1, I IEATINGUNIT(TO 100,000BN) ZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Data Recern a II- TING UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTU) TOTAL: Will the applicant or future building occupant store m hadl< baranders material as lefined by the Cupcnino Municipal Coda. Chapter 9.12, ani the Health cod Sme, VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RISID) Code, Section 25532(a)R ElYes ❑ No ISSUANCE DATE Will lhu IicunmrfuturebuilJin moue mrdevices whichanit qua pp grby HOILF.R- COMP (JHPOR IW,(NN)BTU) flOILFR. COMP (OVER 100.000 PTU) . the Air M1vuirr? air contamirnenu as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Diadny N13W RESIDEN'HAL MECH. SQ. FE ❑ Yes ❑ No PA 1 have mad the havuJous materials requirements under Chapter 0.95 of the I Q Ciddrmis Health&Safety Code. Sections25505,25533 and 25534. 1 understand that if the building does no currently have a mount, than it is my responsibility to notify the AN ! as occupum of the requirements which most ha met prior to issuance of a Certificate of ai IV+ Cecupancy. ,78 ISSUED BY: LI Owner or authorised agent Data TOTAL: