06070187 CITY OF CUPERTINO •�+w�t• *+"` BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT e,0R BUILDING ADDRESS: v LINDA YOUNG PERMITNO.06070187 19651 MERRImm nn OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE LINDA YOUNG 07/27/2006 E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCNnECrIENGiNEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ZZ BLDG ELECTO PLUMB MECHO p LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ib Description 1 hereby unfits,Ww t 1 IkonseE under provisions of Chapter 9(coO mm maing P .IN Smdon 70IM0 of Divialon 3.r am Bummas and Prefemons Code,and my[fee=ls I.full fr...ad g [t({ �((1(e MODIFY EXISTING DINING ROOM WALL, EXTERIOR ONLY ,pz LleenmClsss�Lk.« ELECTRICAL INCLUDES OUTLETS AND SERVICE. ADD i Dam Contractor ty As shall CTS DECLARATION LIGHTS TO KITCHEN/HALLWAY i of I understand my plane shall be used u probit Drecords ECLARATION i myU LLp Licensed Prolrssionsl OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION i I hereby.(Rte Nal 11. eusinl s an the Cssiond o e:enseMy c taw for Oe :00 whip re moon.permit i 7031.3.Business and vefesiom Cale:Any ally of county :2E! which require a permit o cansuuet,alcor.Improve,dcmul's4 Or repair my sbucbre 7iy^ priw b.Ilemoce.alore in rho provisions lar Commamdo lose,Lnedwmment < Net he k liunhill with Se not o Ne provivisns 3 1 the nuool,.4 Pro Law(CMp e 9 Sq. F[. Floor Area Valuation f�9 (cat he is exempt Seclfan70ndthasIdiafrmfNeegedromdan.AnynsCode)m $20000 •�.. Nat he ts exempt Nmefrom and Ne bole far de alleged exemption Any violNun of Section 7031.3 by ary applicant for a permit objects the appikol to a civil penalty Of APN Number Occupancy Type of mart No five hmMrtd do1Wa(5500). 0 1,as owner of the property,or my employee with wages ss their auk comp aAdon, will do the wan.and to structure is of Intended or offmcd for sok(Sec.7044,BusinessRaired Inspections and Aofewom Code The contractors tors LicenseLaw does of apply m o ower C of q P property who builds m izepmves thseen,and who does such amts himself or nrough his Mum employes,povided Nu such improvemuts se of handed moOeteJ fm sale.if. haw ner,the building or improvement U old within ane you of compleum.the aoer- builder win have the burden of proving that he did tet Mid m improve for purpose of sskY ��IJ VI/ Ds� ne!e'° 0 I.u owner of the prepny,am uclusively contracting win liunsed cmnuuon b Ll- cause Lt d mnkn(Set n an Bwkos aim property who CodeI Them thamen,and whoa Law doe not apply je anwith Owner of proper(who builds m improvm Coreran,and who contracts for eurA pojecu wIN a contexelal(s)Iiunsd pursuant an the Conuomf. Lice.Law. �",I /Ly p ❑Lam uemDt undo Sea ,BBPC(or Nis rtasoo � e7V— T�l'7 s Owner Date ww/�sswwy.., WORKER'SCOMPENdurym DECLARATION 1 hertby aPrtm under pemhy of prjmy ate o(dte following dedwions )Iry`'till Jlllyll IIA\\\VI/II I\1\V'r�. aveandwillmainudaCe fl.wof Consentmself-insure("W9rke/iCemPen- u provided(a,by Rection 3700 of the labor Code.fm Ne Performance,of the wort for which this Permit is issued. 0 1 have and will maintain woraces Compensation Insurance,as mquired by Section 37W of the labor Code,for the performance of Ne work for which Nis permit la Issued. MyWorime.Comppmoton Insurou a d Politym rare monu ' G.rriu: fr'WVIT policy CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This ucdm need tet W coaplewl if the Permfl is fmanehum ed dollars(3100) lir less.) 1 cmdfy Nal in rte pr(orro nee of Use wart for which Nis prmh is fumed.1 man me employ any Peron in any mono an as in become object to Use Wmrkera'Compemadon Law.of Calffomia.Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Ceniacate of Exemption,you should become objet to the WortseYs Comp etloa previsions of Ne labor Coda,you mut Oforthwith comply with such provisions at his Permit shall ho decoed revoked. Z tiCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [•+ I thereby M.Nat Vert Is a commchm lending agency fm the Fri..of a 7 the work(m which des Permit is issued(Sec 3097.Civ.C.) aQ Iattle/f Name M Z Landers Address U O 1 curtly that I love read We applicom and sum Nat Ne above information is H ca a 1 agrte to comply with all city and county oNlmnm and sus laws resting to l�U building cormction,and hereby authorize repmonutives of this city to enter upon the W ahmvc-mcntioncd property for inspection purposes 6. (We)all=to save.indemnify adtecp ber aless the City of Cupenino against save CA Il.hilitiea Judgmcns,cons and expenses which may in coy way accrue against rid City t.)7 In consequence of the granting of this prmh. 27�d•� r7 APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RECU ONS ., / - 7M44)to Re-roofs Signature of im UaFWr .ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof WIII Ne applicant or future building Compact sore or handle loom mm material as darned by the Cupertino Mumcl ode.Chmmr 9.11.and the Health and Safety . C .Section 25331(a)? �/p)kC All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes 17 Ne Will the applicant or future Wi g occupant me etimpmmt m ICA=which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove McRrdmm air conumem.nra. red by the Bay Area Air Quallly Mmagemeo all new materials for inspection. m? 0Yes Nu I ham read the hvardom materials requirements under Chpmr6.95ofNe Califm> niasmalih J:Sa(ayCode.Samimu15503,25533sm125534.1undcomd Nuifde building Joey tet currently have a abot.Nat It is my responsibility to Codify the occupol of the requirements which mss lar met prior as isoance of a Certificate of ompuncy. Signature of Applicant Date Owner or authorized agent Dam All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better