53580 7838 MCCLELLAN ROAD Building Permit Confirmed �! . Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTM� APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date. -l--------------------"---_._ 19.)..�. Permit No.---.....--------...._---_.....------------ The undersigned hereby k plica#io } Electrical s or of the Ci. of San Jose for a permit to install el ric T/a in li d fh reverse side. Exemption from req i afe o is f ni r s License is hereby claimed by undersigned: owner srj� statement filed.0 Undersigned attests that his State of�California Contractor's License # C'70 *L 3 922 is in full force and effect and properlyJJ``������fho 'W chisii San Jose City Business License #//-l�Y��ri-=�� I certify that in the performance c the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER /Lr11aS Af SCSO I ADDRESS USE OF BUILDING FIRMai is-L�f o.�e SIGNED;', t- 280-201N 7838 MCCLELLAN RQAD _ LQVERNEy ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets 13 Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit 1 Switches 0-1 Switchboards Size Service Wires _ Receptacles �q_Panelboards Size Service Switch Fixtures --1. . Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Ma�ueA, G Dryers y� Dr —l� KW S Size Sub Feed Wires IRP gesKW_1jr 6 Heaters KW Number of Circuits Signs 1iTransformers Motors Number of Meters j HP FH Phase Ampere_ Loads _Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough Inspection —2-2-47777 By Final Inspection 7 ��7) 6 Remarks: qq� 7) !(_�/J S -) ft7� dd 7 V7 ,,s 2r7r�( 260-201 N