01070144 CITYOF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 22762 MAJESTIC OAK WY BASIC CONTRUCTION SERVIC SO1070144 OWNER'S NAME' APPLI ATION UB DATE PAUL DAVIS 15197 DICKENS AVE 07/ 27/52001 • PHONE: (408) 369-0257 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. M O O ARCHITELT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH <� 5y LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description ZO z_G 1 hereby affirm that 1 am license under provisions of Chapter (commencing F„Fsc withSection'lOWlnfDivision3af,heBusincssmdP,ofesinnsC«Ic amyranrc BATHRM REMODEL. ,axz� in fail $49 b1�3 ce F5 is' s C�I�+ Lic.a O'-U men `�"D-tz Can ho fNL 3 v- ARCHITECT"S DECLARATION /A' 'Eso .0 g I undersand my Plans shall be used as punli<mrord. I Q1 3 s O Licensed Profcuiowl / OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION o, I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from,he Contractor's License Law for the � E Z i following Tea n.(Section 7831.5.Business and Professions Code.Any city or county- O p E x which rcuimmit oon q ,.perconstruct. fit,impmve,demolish.or of any orum cm /O O 63 ,priuh,is isuance.almreyuiru the applicant fur inch petmn tLicimmLaw(sh.p,c,t - - inoncencingwithSetimemo,hepf Division 3o the IROut,,ad Prafiw(ChapterY t I OI ea I Valuation (cammencingwithSmtrefr6i883af Division So fealfiiin<ssmium;.Any Code) t' 34 B11$81. d'6-; Or mm he is exempt tmy applicant and the nos¢for,he sts the applicant to Any violation t of notSecinure a than iv a u dre doll far a permit subjects the applicant m a civil Penalty •ornotmarcmanfixennnarcddouarxrssoRl. 101APNIPb11IITZATION Occupancy Type °1,as a%Off of the property,of my employees%its wages as their sole compensation, 102 - -will do the work,and the s nscom is nor or offeree for sale(Sec.70,14, 103 - UFER Required [ns ections” Buonot and'P1ol'es6ons Cade: nwq The Conuaor's License Law does not apply toP +' owm r of pmpeny Who Wilds Or improves thereon.and who docs such work himself 104__— REBAR _ __ _ _ _ _ or through his own employees.provided that such impmsmcnm arc not intended or -. __ offged for sale If.naw - di n iWing ar mPro.ement la ton one year of - ""- 105 - ANCHOR- BOLTS - ° •to- io pinion the owner builder 'll have the burden of proving that he did not bold or I mprove for purpose ofsalel. 106 — SEWER & WATER — ---- — — — - — —202--= UNDERFLOOR--PLUMBING. . — ----- ----- — °I,ax awncr of the property.am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to - onx,mc, he project(Sea.7(94.Busine,.and Profession,Code The Cant,°nor, 2 03 — UNDERFLOOR MECHAN•I'GAL:.': 1t License Law docs not apply,o an owner of property who bulla,or improves thereon. ` ': ..and who emaraco;for such.projects with.a con isamr sl.licesM pursuant to the . - _ - 204-- UNDERFLOOR--FRAME------- -- ---- -- -- '----- -FRAME- Contractors License Law. r•'' _ °lcon emirptundcrScd'1 D'&1'Cfar thisrwwo 205 — UNDERFLOOR"'iI-NSU�LATION owMr ' Dat2 ' 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ,• ; ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER Ihereby arermunder Penalty of",fpn�lof,mefouowingaedaraoo°.: 303 _ ROUGH MECHANICAL at ° 1 halve cad wiR maintain a'Cenifiear CO.,.,to sof-lawsc for Workers 3 04 ROUGH ELECTRICAL Corpse...too, ax Provided for by Section 3810'of the L,bor Code. for the - - ' peaormaneennne work m,whi<n nits r!'^,ph i.I...ed: , 305 - FRAME ❑1 have nos dI maintain Worker's Camp."zown hristipag.,tox pre rca by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS inro of,he Lanor'Code,for the performance of'tn work for which In.Pat 307 - INSULATION iss J My W' ke1s'C pc Lion Imuranc nil Pol y mM rc _ -tr• G lav, In N . Wig it-58aL 308y'= SHEETROCKr T l CERTIFICATION EXF I'I'ION FROMWORKERSf" - 3O9 EXTERIOR'-LATH COMPE SATI INSURANCE" - _..-•, -- —3T0—.v`INTERIOR LATH;'---,i .--- 's` %' �jThiS union nioa oibecmnplet<d also permit is faro.hundred dollars 311 SCRATCH COAT �l3tt`t •-' Iy� (51801 I , 1 cerrf Npt"n th2 oro me of the brk f hich m tis issued.1 313..._ .ROOF ..NAI-L---. 's'ri n nq empi y ayy P<rsn°`�any min a.m Became 63<u m tnp,warkeR 5 O 1 — FINAL ELECTRI CPa'•ENERGY Aprh<am. " -' - '•- .—. -- - ..502 --.-...FINAL--PLUMBING.-ENERGY NOTICE TOAPPLICANT.1:afrcr nicking this Certificate of Exemption:you should 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY Optiecome sugen m the w rk r.c f+ret p relict Luno code.r° st fdnnwun<ootrlywhn.-<npro . ooh pen,r,.n,uned M ,kea. _, ,,_ __"- - "504.,....- . FINAL_.BUILD ING-ENERGY_-__-.. z'4 s`f ''CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL 1 oi, lhy affirm that enc¢is a construction IBM ng agency fords."forn sface _ , 'I •'-k of me work m,which misp.it is . ..,.- "a,- ...- ,:.. a 507 — FINAL PLUMBING..,,,, '„ . Q;z Lender,Aeemn'.' - _ ., WanO I certify,hat I have read this application and stem that the above information is 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL" W' donee".1 agree to comply wish all city and county,ordinances and state laws remong 509 — FINAL GRADE Orap a Wilding construction:and herebyauthori=era eseptatimsofmHcitytoenterupon i 510 — FINAL PLANNING ,h ho a ti cd.property for n pect on purposes.0. (We) ge to d ify and kmphomeless the City of Cupertino gist n hon 1 r juGyi a is t d pence n h may n any way accrue agog,said 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS y qqq U`Z City nil . h - c fthe g i at this permit. �� /-6 / APPLI 'sTUND. STA\DS . DWILL COMPLY WITH ALLNON-POI Issued by: Date / 3f u 'e c 3 .li^•f ( Y ,a rpiiean✓ - - " ;Pam Re-roofs Cade.'SMion n I ca t future I u Idia,ocAL5 DISCLOSURE Si t IA �HAZARDO ga.occupant sort ar hanele h- Nous mamonl , -Type of ROOF .... ... .-. ".. .... -_ AT W II ins - ... ' useftied by theCpens M pal CM Chapter912.and the Health and Safety ❑Y zss3,wl ,tl, °Na _-All.roofs shall be inspected prior to.any-roofing.material being installed. -- -. --. Will the applicantfuture building' p ,' s cq p , devices wh n' If a root 15 installed Without first obtaining an'inspection,lLagree;to remove ,not h d air co, ri as defined by theB y'Ama Air Qu 1',y M,ma , District? all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Py".- i.:..l J . °N all non-point source regulations, - .,1.;. -- 1 have r mit,"h 'huxallou.i.ma,eriala rcgiiircmenu under Chapter 6.95 of the Cat Heuhh&Safety Cul$Site ions 25505;'3533 and 15531 1 understand that i file building does not cumentIN,, .mram. ht it ii my msperro,bil ity to notify the „ ` List bent ,!�- nifi'c'a,e al ottupom of,he res�u c e ,. Iuch P ire, Ca Ce Oeeu ane . .. I. i o D Signature of Applicant . - Date owm,Ora mor:ednt nate . All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better _.-„ OFFICE