17274 7759 LILAC WAY Building Permit ConfirmeA_2� v l Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE I BUILDING DEPARTMENT A4.nd TION F+O—R7 /PLLUMBINGcand/or GAS/ �PIPING PERMIT L/?G .----. 19 -Pre mi# No.----f-1--(----....7-X-----`--"-- Da+ = .... .. g red here makes a I' fio fo (urpbiy pecfor of the City of San Jose fora permit to install m r pas e n e rovers. side. Exemption'from re ' e e or o iforn a for Contractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed ❑n/,72 . Undersigned attests that his State f California Contractor's License # L 5�- is in full force and effect and prop as San Jose City Business License I certify that in the performance of the work for which } is permit i issued I shall not employ any person in any�man ery�f'ope to violate th , wor en's compensation laws of'California. yOWNER%1 7�! ag� � ADDRESS 77 /LIa'C jl'7 Lo+ No. USE OF BUILDING S 28030(9-73) Signed .. ;_ .--- -' - --- - --- *------- ....... 7759 LILAC WAY �O�r�✓�L BOT. WELL� c � py 0 nJf' lE d 3 p DC] ac - ^ rTW f fo • T cp p p p N ] 9 0 " Dp p p T R ry p ui � � ry S E 1 E' ~ = O � O p D_ ]• H T ] p 3 N N N N yi y m p N N N m N p Im m W D D WD W D TN o :;E 3 T HZ ZIEN p O N O p H p H p H a a � a a z pr � n i n aa0 -0 X T T a •' T m n m -D•1 n ` _. A m q m m A C) T o .T m O m 2 p Z A m N C T o tji� o p n