862 1/790 LOT NO. _} NO._ C. STREET APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO yDate DlE��i'H I959G 195_ ' Permit No. DEC 181959 Fees_/ Q Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances•as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliance in�accordance 'with'tlie provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City 7 of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. I � ` Use of Premises �n Owner Zk' •> Address By ! Address HEAfiVT ''MC'Etv`7vUAL CO. / ApprovedWILLIAM D. nFrjEUIru Phonegggr." NNYSUAKS AVE.. _.._T"" CAI . PLUMBING INSPECTOR c.'ryRearks (Ch dc ✓) - Type of Appliance Units _'Fees Im New Replace Relocate Gas angesWall Heaters I• -l� �� Gas Plates I I'AL Jill Circ4ting Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas 'fired Boilers ;�Ir`- Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles St am Tibles� I .(I / Imo• !� Otavity Furnaces I II .{ (,.'r I� ! I Suspended Unit I , ;I-J .W j`' Floor Furnace Miscellaneous I I itlow (NAME TYPO pp lance Fees I Inspected and Approved ,LO. ....L .. .....�f._.. ................ ATP. INSPECTOR ,'r HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets I I'.-;Size of Main I — Gas Piping Fees I {: Tested and Approved .............:..:...:.:I......................................... .. DATE -Y INSPECTOR ~ GAS SERVICEN "�� ICE OFFICF • BUILDING INSPECTOR' •FICEt := CITY OF CUPERTI 645 P............................I 19 To o' You are.hereby auth 'zed to connect the GASIstwice for Owner.or;Tenant --- .... ... nr; -' .... .. ... .............. ... . New Service Y............. No. of Meters .... ................ .Reconnect Mode Service ----------------------- No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ........................,. PLUMBING INSPECTOR :� 110 6/59.500