533.l1. A,, . t(/'�V /.J.J:'��#�,77�1.,4;+L' -�;7 ^✓ ✓`� LOT NO. STREET LICA , FOR BUILDING -PERMIT OF CUPERTINO oo(�( � pplication is hereby In a —% story, Type \ at to be occupied only as •j Building in accordance with Plans, Specifications an Plot -Plan fi�herewith. Estimated Value of Impr&ements, $—L Fee $ �.-5/ v � It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and v all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of „j Cupertino will be complied with. v Ownerrn Address I Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR O O O V U V m m m a a a a z z ro W CL `,pK at U w W m z d PQ O w w O z d z z z z 0 CERTIFICATE OF BUILDING INSP CITY OF C 140 The Building Loca ed a Ownedby _ .... .................................... ...... (Completed) Has Been For Use As:....... - --------- ---- .... *"** --- ------ - . . .... . ....... . ** - ----- ---- - - .................................... .................. 102 7/59.504)