1657 I ' �O. I ,O E.�tC�'C LOT NO. fELECTRICAL T1 ,RF PERMIT CI CELE CTRL EP.18 19 Date /� , 191a Permit No. 1 ' CITY F CUPERTINO Fee S / App ration is iereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to iunstall_electrical wiring and/cr fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and `all �other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises c a Owner Address � c By f ef Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT ApprovAELIECTRICAL Phone: 4 -3-C A 6-C•A INSPE � / ^� \ \ : : : : � \ � \ \ \ \ \ / � � � - - j ( § \ : \ � § � \ o Z 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \\\\ ON \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } } � � \ � � } } � � / ( � � � � / z z ';4 P4 0 0 b4 0 015 t! t4 iz i7) i7) ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPS r BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTIN III To ..............11..- ---..------................. 1962- 'You are hereby aut n to connect the ELE IC r f I d , Owner or Tenant ...... _. .....`..... . _........ - .-- - ......... _........ At ..._ - .. No. of Wires,...-........ Size of ires �� .-...... ,Size of Switch/D.P/ ., Motor Load .. ...................... Voltage -----._..' .................. Phase....... ..................... Heating Load ...... ............... K. W. .........................:..!. Voltage j-. 14 Wit M.: Light 1t0 .... Nery'SerVice ... d -- . No of Mtteis'Ct' .. ./ ..Move .. c I No of Add�Meters .� Heat .. . 220Three Wire _..Move.Service---------- flower - .. Power ----- - P ....._......._Mo ter ..:-.-...:- LECTRICAL INSPECTOR . 104'7/61-500 _: :r,, l ,.'t'•.