01070134 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONT RACTOWINFORMATION NJ.d BUiLDINGADDRE•.SS: HENRY MANZLER PERvUrNO. 7491 KINGSBURY PL WNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE HENRY MANZLER 07/26/2001 ZONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ww0 LICENSED CONIRACnOR'SDECons of CON Job Description U 1 hereby affirm that I am of Bu under and Prodnns or Chxlacf 9(commencing p With Section ndefec DiviainnJof the Business and Prn(essinns CnJe,and my license is full nrrce and effect. INTERIOR REMODEL & ADD. oz�- in n i [)am clans Lieg 5/28/02 PER JOE A PERMIT EXTENDED TILL 11/28/02 FNF� [)am_COnlmclt)r qq ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION NO MORE EXTENSIONS AFTER THIS . F C Xe 1 understand my plans shall w used as public records OdU ad Licensed Prof.ans al OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License l�a:fpt nip,7� tL fI�SY a n 0 following Mason,(Section 703 1.5,Business and Professions Code:Any cif a y 7 F t7ada a°d2� which requires a Permit to construct,alter,improve,demofian or repair any structure m—'^ prior to its issuance,also requires the applicant for such permit to life a signedstate enI fzo that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Lw(Cha qy 1 8 q. FL Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 7(I(111)ofDivision 3 of the Business and Professions C e71� — that he is exempt dumfound and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects Ne applicant to a civilpenally off o�o ®dpg^NG APN Number c T e re N not moan Eve hundred dollars 4500). J L Y Yp ❑ h as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, 3622 9025 . 00 will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sex.7044,Business and Professions Core:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of Required Inspections property who builds or improves t himmi,and whodoea such work himself orthrough his own employees,provided that tach improvements are not intended moRered for aide.If, 101 — FOUNDATION however,the building or improvement is sold within one year ofcompletion,due ow:rr- builder will have the burden of proving that be did not wild or improsx for purpose of 102 — PIERS sale). 103 - UFER 0 I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors m 10 4 - REBAR construct the Project(Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:)The Contractors Li- conse Law does nor apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves Ummon.and 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS who commucttsLoceric Law.tar such projects with a conductorial licensed pursuant to the Contractors' 106 - SEWER & WATER 0 l am exempt under See. ,B&P C for this transit 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING caner Dat 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL WOR K IS Its COMPENSAT]ON DECI RATION 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME Ihereby ammunder Penalty ofperjuryone ofthemnowingdeclarations: 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION 0 1 have and will maintain a Cenificatc of Consent to setNaxure for Worker's Compere inion,az provided for by Section 3781 of Ica Isbor Code,for the frrformarrc of Nc 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING conk for which this permit is issued. 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER ❑I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,ax required by Section 3 0 3 - ROUGH MECHANICAL 37(x)of the labor Code,((it the Performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number arc: 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Cartier: Policy No.: 305 — FRAME CER'I'III ATE OF EX IWPI7ION FROM COMPENSATION INSURANCE 306 306 — HOLDOWNS (7Tissectionneed makcomplerediftbel McnitisforouchundreddiAlarsolt)(1) 307 - INSULATION onleAi') 308 - SHEETROCK 1 eerily that in the perfinmance of the work for which this permit is issued.)shall not 3 0 9 - EXTERIOR LATH employ any person in any manner so as In become subjectto the Workers'Compensation Laws ofcarfomta.Date 310 - INTERIOR LATH Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.after making this CeniBcate of Exemption,you should 311 - SCRATCH COAT become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Case,you must 313 - ROOF NAIL OO forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY I hereby affirm that lhercis acon..stmction lending agency lot hep ifnrmance in 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY RS r> the wurkName ch this permit isissued(Sec.7(197.Civ.C.) Lender's Name 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY W Q az LeaittsAdd.. 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY U O 1 eenify Nal I have read this application and state that the above information is 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL W F correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating It, DU buildi as construct on,and hereby authorim representatives(if this c ty to enter upon the 5 GAS TEST ,W ahoy-dontioned property for inspection purposes. M7 — FIN (Wc)agree m save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against faA Iiabili ties,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way accom against said City N CAL U Z in consequence of the granting of this permit.APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT' Issued b} Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re-roofs 514 - NAL PUBLIC WORKS 49 T Signature of ApplicxndCnmraclnr Dam DA/ARDOUSMATT:RIALSDISCLOSURii Type of Rp!pf6 - FINAL BUILDING Will the appfieanl ur future building cerapam store or handle havallous mmerial as defined by the Cupenino Municipal Cale,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Gale.Se ❑WYe, p P an zss33(an 0 N All roofs shall be inspected prior to fin material beim Installed. Y roofing g Will the applicant or future building mMt,ant use cyuipmcnt or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove mit hazardous air onnmminants as detined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. uishiel't [I Yes ON. 1 have read the harand:ms materials requirements under Chapmr 6.95 of she Califor- nia Hcallh&Safety Colo,Sections 35515.35577 and 35531.1 understand than if tw wilding does not currently haw a tenant Nal it is my respomi hifiny to nouly be occupant of the regmmmenrs which must he met prior in issuance of a Certihtat or Occapancy. Signature of Applicant Date Owner or aullinewd agent Dale All roof coverings to be Class oBrr or better 60' 2 2" Lot size: 6000 sq. ft. House size: 1218 sq.ft. (existing original) APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY Oi CUPERTINO CODES AND ORDINANCES 2 DATE 44 11 SIGNED 28 This set of plans ane specifications MUST be kept on the i-,b&; all times and it is un lawful to make any c.-nges or alteration: on same withouitw t.Ln permission from -46 6' 11P the building Oept,. City of Cupe lino. The stamping of$n;a,an and specifications SHALL NOT be K!it to da:mit or to be an approval of the y,.ljai n of any provision- 100'' of any City O.dinance or State Law Garage, 2&6" 24'8" 9.50' 5' " Open porch i 19.51' 311' JUL 2.5 2001 U Paved driveway/parking Sidewalk • 121_� I--3'2 t ' O B11 • O ° r ° 14'11 r PP TRY PN 7REIR GARAGE rrp JUL 2 5 2001 L✓I OPEN f A PoRCH Y ` N • k-3'2 8'1 00 O0 0 • REFRIG ORIGINAL m GARAGE, i JUL 2 5 2001 OPEN PORCH • May 22, 2002 City of Cupertino Building Division Re: Permit#01070134 1 request a six month extension on this permit. Due to circumstances beyond my control in my business, I have been unable to complete the work on our home at 7491 Kingsbury Place. As we all know, the economy had been becoming progressively worse and, of course, 9/11 took its toll. But to add to our problems, I purchased additional equipment that has added to my overhead. This new purchase is just now beginning to pay expected dividends. • 1 ask for a one-time six month extension that would give us the required time to complete the project. • Sincerely, i Hen anzler 7592 Kingsbury Place Cupertino, CA 95014 �t MAY 2 3 2002 ey_ 77/,�i A fP A o • CITY OF CUPERTINO ' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7491 KINGSBURY PL HENRY MANZ ER 01070134 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE HENRY MANZLER ��� 07/26/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, C-Z ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO L w- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LJ L=:1 I� LJ a H= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O Z-C I herehy aRrm Nat I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(corromming FyFw is infoRbon7.)ofDsman3ofthe BusinessvndProResiors Code,and mylkenu INTERIOR R MODEL & ADD. x15 is iarseCotceand effect. ����� � S c u ll License to Lic.p m a as C Date Contmctar ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I-L 1 ma crsmnd my plans shall he used as public records OCT 1 8 2002 r M d es Licensed Professional au. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION `-'v I hereby elfin thm 1 ant exempt from the Contractor's License Law for me following reason.ISeelma 7031.S.Business and Professi"m Code:Any city as county, 1 /^s$3 9 O O z,x O which requires a permit to conserver.alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure BUl LDI1{�V VI i3E -privnu its issuance,als a acquiree themplicam rorwnh pemeiem Ble railroad statement - that he is finewasad pursuant othe pmbisionsrime CommctursLimma Lawclapier9 3 g��90T�f j�as;•, s = Valuation comme ( ncing with Sectim7000)of Division 3 of dhe Business end Professions Code) y d s,V t or that he is exempt theic6am and the basis for the alleged ennolni h.Any violation of Sacrion 70315 by any effluent far a Petit subjects the opplicent to a civil Malty :ofnobmofa than five hundred dollars($500) 101 APNP;aftATION "1`'' ':• Occupancy Type 01.as owner of the pmpeny.or my employees with wages as their sole competmtioo. I will do the'wark:and the'suucmre'is norimmmd7ed or offered for sale(Sec. 14, - ,,.p q= - 'Boii"hub Professions Code:The Contractors License law docs not apply to an 103 - UFER Required Inspections If ` a ffc r of property Who builds or improves eheram.and who does such work himself or through his own employees.provided drat such improvements arcam immaded or. 104 = REB_A_R ______- -rte id f ole:IChow dhe Iwildi g mpmvowcm i. sola within Goan year of"-------10 5._- .ANCHOR BOLTS f.3 r ;,,,t , rompl a ,the own l Id ill have theburden of prov ng dant he did nm Wild an rap f Proposer ' ' 106 - SEWER & WATER I _ _ _ 4as oyrear or the pmprny am ezclu:isely emanating with licensed contractors in —....—._.--202 – UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING' R�.:' consumer the pmject(Sec.70b1,Business and Professions Cade:)The Contractors k•Ir mud-mudowner .properly who..minmms) ildesedmpmvaml.fla ^203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL'' s.a f r-. _rod immes trm for such.pmjects.with.a.contmctodsl licenser Purtuanteo the. . ___ .-___.--______..__ entmemrs Ieemsef,.aw., '204"-"='-UNDERFLOOR";`FRAME- - 205 - UNDERFLOOR""INSUL'rATION 3 ❑Ia pd updc ec. o _ P Qfor this rtas"n ' r'._ ... / owh` da,E 7 '2G(O/ 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING C MPENSATIO DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER -�, In hereby affirm Drat pen ey�rpeDa 3�one r Tena rauawrngdeemmu""` 303 _ ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 h and will i-' - ca"diro n 'f Consent to seu.insum for Workers ion C.nn,mu , n pro xeJ-for by Section 3700 or [Joe th c Labor Comfar e 3 04 ROUGH ELECTRICAL Performanceonndwork fur whm ieniapermitisissuea305 - FRAME ❑Ih amJwdrrt b nWsrke aCn xeaemnl tt a nhy,5,ribs 306 - HOLDOWNS 3700 f ine'Iabgr Code r r them perme of w ik for n h his mid,is 307 - INSULATION is ued MyWorkers Co Tse t o Insure ce c and P y n her re, ..,crmr 's- _10poh v 4 cy .30.8j..-L, ,SHEETROCK': `OsL. I.,- • t CERTIFICATION OF E%EMPTION FROM WORKRRS ` '-,'3 0`9 '- -`E%TERI ORILATH'!' COMPENSATION INSURANCC _ _ i - r r. ._..___.. .. gun t - " p ferretsrrame namarcd nauar, 310:;', { INTERIOR_..LATH , .'=LL . � , `1,;..,lt..�.. ; I, ' (Th senior nerd nod be ret n lard if the ($1 or Ins.) ,,,,,,,,,,;,, , ,;; 311 SCRATCH COATTI r I . 1 n ..,.... .-.,.. I certify that the pvrf r 1 the k r h r this per i i i sit J tl 3 T 3'"`=r"ROOF"NATE,,, ' 'shut n d empty ryx do y ; r trims sn)ctt ,tpe'Wokern 501 - FINAL ELECTRICA'li`ENERGY Cmpenut laws fClf to 'n'ne .:Appacam r � .,..____502-- ----FINAL.-PLUMBING .ENERGY- --.. O ._N_OICE__ _.O._. AN.Ifarta bemaasubject ub ctu1.-hec sCnorx nks li eetfet fthfeLxeaLabor uCbadd,you hmtwht 503 FINAL MECHANICAL"ENERGYZforth itm mply with ucmvisionsothin pethnllhdcemedrevokud ___-- ,- 504_ _FINAL__BUILDING--.ENERGY___ _-.{ _--- - 011 117 1. CbNSTRUcION'LENDiNGAGENCY 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL " nI h rcby uflirm mm there is o con d et n lending agency f th pe rmm�e f.', u 'T a erre ra men this py I` . ed(q l W7 o c) - ,_ .e,",.,;,_a. 5.0.6-.- GAS TEST _--- ---._. - --- a. Lender'shame — — 507 - FINAL PLUMBING - _ �,Z Lenders Add ss ^_ _ 1'1 rs G U'O co IcemfgthtIhas, adth'appl at rrmsttethrth boemformminis 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL QI~, act.1 agree to comply with all.city and county ordinances and star.lows rclmmg 5 0 9 - FINAL GRADE :V to building miction ndhrcpy auihoz prcenttoee rah'.ctyt ewer upon w mem cru, pp frylor n.prcu npmp 510 - FINAL PLANNING t:-L (0.e) g to ale ndemnify and keph Ienrthe Cityof Cupenmo ugann F m lit to , d nescore tlexpense which may any ay ucc see againsd smJ 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS G J Z City neons NC fm pro rngori d - APPL UNDF. DS ILLCOb LY WITH Al L N N POINT' S GULA Issued by: ate -c Sign tore or ieanVComraedm :,„ esl dN01n r"'i. Re-TOOTS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE , ...'. Will the aVpiicdnt&future diilding a upvit stain in handle h=.matrn.J Type of Roof. asdfcdbythe Cit M1fyyy ryryryaaaI Cod Chapter 9,17 and me Health and Sufedy CN Section❑ 3553'_(0) s) Y of `C - 4 t s o1L 1 r.n, e . 1. ... /b� All roofs shall be mspected,prior to any roofing.matenal being installed. y r W II sh< ppi¢ t r rare bei IJing ac pat n equ pmem or Je ces h h 's "ether rdaeq cora t e6nedbytn B yArc ArQualtyM nagement If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an'inspecuon I•agree.tfi remove D m<t all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with I have eem'lthe harard"us.matenals mquirttreat,under Chapter 695'ofthe ' Cahfomia Heaitb&Sarety Cada Semiana:5505.35533 and 2553,:I,understand tam -lfthe WtIdm dozxn IcutrenI h vend ad eh d e myth pun. barye notify the ______........_ .. ____ __. _---- in , �- ace path o ghuemem hi',h 1 be toed pr t "once of/v C mf�ere f F �`" 7h�/ Signature of Applicant . _. . _ _ Date ra elizea ag e t - oder, All roof coverings to be Class B" or,better' " OFFICE -- - - - - --- -- - -.. __ . _. . .