S 1446 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OP'CUPERTINO BUILDING-E:LEC'FRICAL Pr: ff No Hu11,UING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT I'LUMBIN(:-MF,CHANICAL V 1446 BUILDING PROJECT Ho 1FICATION BUIL DING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE OWNER' 'AML PHONE CONTRACT NAME: LIC N6 NIC C NIRDI, FCO CI ,'IANANER: LIC NO ADDRP_SS: El L 1 CTNEpBUILDING PERAfI'I'INFNFO �10J E:] Consultant I'm Paid by Applicant(Initial) B ELFCI' PLUMB MICU T IJCENSI!O NfR OACTOR ''S )FCI,A AQTY ELECTRIC PERM IT FEF: L hereby amrthat I art eanNd arum prod�sia.of Chaper 9(eanmeming ]OB DL'SCRIPTION m �0Z widr Scene.70b(o oflArisian 9 or the limincnvud Pofc"oh,Ede,amt my fielose is F O pPBRMIT ISSUANCE in 49 lull fora unl clfecl. 3 TDW'L [I KITCHEN REMODEL �UF Liccne,Cluv Lic..r APPLIANCIiS-NESIDTIAL AUDITION ❑PLUMBING NF P IPE NZ D Qa FOy AR UECLARA'I PANiS ❑MULTUOS'IRUCIURAL ZO-Z lumknmml my plana shallbe uo,aW uspWlk muds MODIFICATTN 'OZ-,, UP To AMPS El INTERIOR 0CHIh1N11Y REPAIR f Ltw I,iccnvcd O-ote,imel 201-INX)AMIS IMPROVEMINT 0Stio INC POOLS OWNER-HUHMER DECLARATION OVER 1000AMPS O HATH REMODELfREPAIR C1 DEMOLff[ON I1 CC Q I hereby aI irm Inal 1 um exemin from the Cunlmcmr's License law far the XOiUE. following rc�nn.(Sectirn703".Business.M Profcssirn Cock:Any city cur cranny SIGNS FJ.ECfRIC, ❑OTHER 413 4-y which own..I'emrit to comm t he,.impovc,demolish,tr to any suunurt [p- U.0n mono un,issuance. do issuance.also rc,mr- applhvnt fmxnrh f crinit to l file a signed stwercu SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC L(rTY (commencing wd pursuant 7000)of Dorms of the C,Rusun o,and caw lawe,Casa 9 flu he (commencing with Safirmar and the ho es for of ualege ax ernIdlr.Any mCnkl a TEAII'.h1E1tR OR POLE IN.ST a a Sorn fiC is 31.5 b Iany aM Inc basis for de alleged ucmpia-any d Incon of ,W BLHGIADDIITON ❑DEMOLITIONUSERVICE Salinn]U31.5 by any applievnt lure Permit whjecla fid:applklml loaavll penally of IY)W IiH DEVICES Q'I ANT OI'OOD SIiRVICIi ma nm ne m than live hundred Jollm,(3500). IMPROVEMENT G=Q ] I,uowrcnd Nes propcnXamycmpMyttswith w.ge%as Heir WccomPem.ainn. SWIMMING POOI.FJF,O'RICIQ E., w'illt notewho and the urvemmisnol interuleda Mfertd Towle(Sce.T601,Busircsa DITHER 3 m amt I'mfe.esims Code:The Cmlmcnio License Law docs nix apply to an owner of O1MAU`S-SWITCHES-I IXIT)RES prupcny who nuilAX a inlpmvcs thcaax0 ndl who tkwrs mesh ooh M1mi,fur through his nun empoym:Provided tha 5tch impnvemenu ane m7 immdW a offered for NEW RESIDENI'IN.ELECfR SQ IT. wlc.If.M1osvcsa+.Inc building a imprvemem iswd xidm coeyarofeir"Icroo the Q� SQ,EE FLOOR AREA SISQ.17. mucicWiller will too,the hartkn of pawing resat he did me Wilda impmn for Tref- ��� of salc.L rcr of E,Pr.,a,,an eselmively c-,—I,n,war lianscl armrered.m fact the project(See.]nil,Business ud Ioonfic ons Cade:)The Cmviscom's V- nwlaw des mu applym an owner afpmpcny who boad..a impovcn dcmn..rd QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE �. who crmnack on such projecu with heommemns)l icrnvN lnaaml to the Cummi laceroc Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ 1=stirrups adcr5ec. ,B Re P C an lhiumwn AMR- IN de VENT-W'ATER(EA) VALUATION Owen Dales ^ �n Wm mop COM of mr,T'ION'DI ofthefolicevON HACK (ifECT. iV ICF, L` / Ihcrthy afB,m uWa pcnalry of Perjury me of the foliwing Jeclu.sinm: -i 1 Q thea aad will mainuinaCrnifnc MCamer+m.¢If-imwc for Worker'.Compere DRAINS-FL( .ARIA.COND. STORIESTYI'F.CON.SDtUCf1ON wtirn.m povided for by Senior 1710 N the Later cock,for the pedamana of 0c work fir which this permit is %wed, FIX'I'USES-PER'I'RA ❑ I hon ins! will maintain K'aters Cma cnvvion In.,v imus!by Secure MV WOfder aytyn ��m7� o and Policyfn+rx�hLiclAlM1iylclgtif;Osa� GAS-IGAS �A.SYS STEAi-OVI:RaIF:A)-1 I �S OCC.GROUP AYN Cartier. �l-I � ecartierivey Nn.:14f�k� ( ` CEROFICA'IT,OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' L \ COMPENSAHON INSURANCE GREASIIaNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR IIUI 'INION FRS (Th4s.vethnn This he nrnpk+mliflhe panat is roars hndrM dalliers IS IM) GREASE TRAP or lis) I PIANCHECK Ili IcrnifylM1w In the pdrrmmttnflM1c waWur which thl,a p+nrir tv ievuW.l Jull SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.10f1Ef. m7 employ my Person in ay rmnner w or,to become subject 7o rte WlrkusCanpen- ENFit GY FEE O Z scion Taus offCehfomie.Dela WATER HEXIT:R WNEM/IH.F,CrR GNAOINC FEE Appicant y NIIHCI:TO APPLICAN'11 11,ufter must,Ibis Cer nicmc of I!scnynlon,you should WA117K SYS'UM7REATING F become,subject to the,Worker's Cma am mer,pmvi%irs of Ne later CMe.you now SOILS TEE faNwnh comply with such povemou a this permit stall be deemed se,vakcd. WATER SERVICE f` 1z CONST RUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENT IAL PlAO. SQ.FT PAID V0 thereby affirm that desk a cambrommh lauding agency for the Performance,of Dae NaeipM the went for which this Permit is isstcd(SIL.304A Civ.CJ U IrnJcr's Nuns O TOTAL: L) LemlvPs Achim, Ilii 0. BUILDING } L I crnify 01un I neve with this andlcor ud cele Ihv rbc aMwe inlnmution is ra/) .mnec7.1 vgna m campy with all city ad'cwmy,aJimrces ahil neve 6w:relaiog Io QTY, MECHANICAI.YERAfI'f FEE L) z building cau7rveUunb end lcreby iut anir,reps,sentenvevoflnis coy mrnrer apo die .SEISMIC eMrvonaa rimccl lm,pefy fa ur ocl tm orrpca. PERM I ISSUANCE! (Wes)apo no saw,mdnmmfy and I humbles%the City of Cupertino against EL1!CI'N 'V Iiablli7iajudgnrcrm,cmU nut<epensn which my�baby w aimtsaid City ALTER OR ADD'TO MECH. O in mnenpsnhr of the gnn7in6 Ml�apermi7. PLUMB Ply APPLICANT UNDE ST/aN !(AND WII 'OMP WI II AI ,NON-POINT AI R I I ANDLI NO UNIT U 010.000 CITU 0 S[ 0 ElE� MEGIIANI 'AI,InGE F N AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000CFM) CONSTRU ON TAC Sig j of App' ,.vdl.aavan" ( Dmc EXHAUSTHOOD(WIDUC) HOUSING MITIGATION 147E IIA%ARIX)US MA'. AL ' ISCIASURIll Will the appliranlafmure huiN oacapae tae ar hunJk harromms nwrenisl H EATI NO UNIT My 100.000 HTC) v tkfncd M Jc Cupenim M1tunkilml Mc,Chaffer 9.11,uW The Heath anal So Gdc.Section 25532(¢)'! HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,(100 BTU) Yes Nn WN'1'IIATION EAN(SIN(II.Ii kF_SIU) PAID Ildre Ntt ipl Will the so cent or home building occupant me acuipmcn7 a dc.kes which amt hvaMvs it coommimme as defiled by the Bey Arm Air Quality Muugcrenu BOILER-COMPCHPOR III ."BTU) T District^. BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,0IXI13TU) ❑Yee ON. AIR CONDITIONER I neve nml The hvmJoas rwmele rryuirtnrmn urdec 1.1 Din fi 95,,f ouc Cali, ISSUANCE DATE bmId'mgdrcsnmcummly Laraawnet.been I,myiin1295:W.l undcrvmd dwriflM NEW NESIDIiNfIAL MECII. SQ.Ff. \ -qg Tania Ifullh S Snfa7y Csde,k time 25.41{ (S II in my rty.'avinillry e.fairy the acalunt t+the rtyairtmm7e onto nu4 Ec ren pda m�W�of a cemhemn or Ixntpamr. T P.vnera ordion N.gem Ilam TD ISSUED BY. C(I OFFICE