S 27651] Z Z O U F - 'LW nz Q �J • z zz°O y 0. Gi U_z OV N� Fa �z 0 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUB.DfNG - ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT PLUMBING -MECHANICAL tlUILDIN'f. PROJECT I IIENTIFIG'HON PERMrT No. �a G I] J J BUILDING ADDRF_SS SANITARY NU. APPIACAI'ION SURMI'TIALDA'I'E Iggo!5Tic, -TREE Cr 3.27--5F� OyaB"LH;SNAME: �PH(INLn� In/•L�NI 741 TR NA NO (:OI.n�Cr_% �UH � slsa 1L NIC ❑ CONIBULM ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO: j — ,+{) DRI.SS Y.oik), (d/yi, SANT lisp [A 4575. CONTACT; PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO a�G R�ori S 97/-�7 0 ❑ ConlUltent Fees Paid by Applicnnt(Inilizl) BLDG, ELECT PLUMB NUICH ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR ;S DECIARAHGN I nerchy affirm that am lkcn¢t1 antler providon. m Cllnpor 9 (,ommcncing QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB D17SCRIPTION wimSmr;on pq>tgol mvid.m3d'me 8-m—and P ved my lkenm i. in lnn Rra and et �Q iS� I J'9 PERMTIasuANCE RESIDENTIAL: ❑siroWL ❑KI'fCHENREIs10DE1. APPLIANCES- RESIDENTIAL Licenu:C . Lkp Date Cnnm� 11 ARCHirEC1'S DECLARATION un ntY plan•Jmll .•p,�yll luhlic Tyw4 El ADDITION El PLUMBING RIi-PIPE ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑SI'RUCI'URAL MODIFICATION PANELS UPT0200AMPS [_1 INTERIOR [I CHIMNEY R1711AIR IMPROVEMENT [J SWIMMING PWLS hicenud l'n oinn:d 201-IWOAMUS OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION C.... ON o for the 1 M:mhy 0(800 het not aeon fo-ni the Caolmeto/n Licence city rc ISnitt ]IDliraeusineaamt Profession•Cnk::Arty which ❑RAIH RFNIODIiU EPA1R ❑DHMOIJ PION ❑OfHFR OVER ENTRE AMPS SIGNS ELHCTIUCAI. rgaicua an paircclsltn.mm which itnum imma Teton)tit cnnamn,alta,improv,h $PF.CLLL CIRCUIT/MESE. pril Permit t fire in, i.awmta,almrtquhcc,owi,i the Lrvuch Permit her, rat. Liikuo-iglw(Cb ocr i) 10111[ol Disixio (larhee mewed 'IP.MI'. ME[ ER OR DOLE INST. COMMERCIAL: Sell a Sol icBm—and Pollaw(Chepler4 (cununcncing with Semitm 9akpnl Uiviainn3 oldc Bmirxisund l'nnassinns Corlc)tr Bm le is cannel IhereOom and the basis Im the elkged caemption. Any violmion of ❑ NEW BI,DG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION Srclinn 9031.5 by any;,plicr for a Penuit mhjmN the npplieanun v eiiil penalty of e mon live hmed drtMdlars ($500L m man1'M1_''f or wogo'vn their cmtpcn.vtioo, -1 1. ere trwrrr of me Pmpcny, or my o, will doled wof�, and the no lucm e. tmcnktltroQmcd for .1c(.See. 90N. Ha,me,,. %)WLR DEVICES❑ NANT FGODSHRVICF, YROV QT SWIMMING POOLJBSCRIC urd Proft imeri Cock: The Cmmex,%ota Licence Ltiw tk.n not apply In an twrcr of OUII.ETS-SwRCIlE1-FlXTURFJ prolf wed Mllldn nr ihnpruvi tMmoht, and wLu Uwti socb work onocif or thnwgh his nun cmpkyce , pnwickd Thal wch imPrnvcmcnu are net inerMl or offered for role If, heevc,the holdif,ee mer.occroem it cold within ane year in"IeTill-e.Ile NEW RFSIDENMAL ELECIR SQ FE SQ. FL IIJR)R AREA ESQ. IT. (tit p tweic,lhaileerwill Ofthe burden n( Prov nQ NL ordid not build or improvew- 0 of role of be Profa acaeively c trrnie,or, wish Ilccn.wd c mtruemn to I '1IAL t: nvinto thc`Pm1Rt (Scc_ 7041, Bwiresa arid Prufnutxu Cade:) The CtmlPetar'a Li- xLaw, tkc.not .,,, loon nwm+nf prgteny maedi Or ild• or impeor, tern.h. and QTY PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who common formach project•with accmume ov,) lice Act! punuent mrbc Contracloh I'IRVB r ISSUANCE Lkcnsc law' sm cacmpl umkr See ,B&I'Cfor Ni•w,— ALTU R-DRAIN&VENT - OVATE R(1A) Cot or, Dim,I VALUATION WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION HACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE; 1 Mmhy aNnn uNvr penalty or 'It., con..f del "Hensing tkclumtions: DRAINS -FLUOR, R00F,AREA.COND. Iluve.rrd will mdmuiru CeniOcwed Cowenno wlFimmmErwnter'x Ccm,n- tylion. es prwidcd far by Seellna 37W of the LaLoT Cole, for the Pcntxmamc of Tire SH)RII'_S TYPE CONSTRUCTION work for which This Kinno in i.aued. ITXTUKES - PER TRAP ❑ 1 hove net will maintain Worl er's Ctrnpeuwlon Incomes es tryuireJ by Section Tlglof Ne lsMr Code. for the peofnmtvuzofih, work Gr which hi, cnoil,, bwactl. GAS - EA. SYSTM.I INC. 401111CFS DEC. GROUP APN At, Worlc:s Ctsmpen•u0on Inumence cenier arW Policy number ere: C.nln. Poliuy No: GAS - PA. SYSTEM OVER 4 (M) CERH%CSfli 01; EXENWHON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASPIINDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION IBES 1'I1his:cnlun reN not lccanplcted 11 Ncpcmtit ix lnru¢hwdrtrl dolWrs (i1111q or les..) GREASE 'MAP - — - %ANCI{ECK PER. SI7WER-SANITARY-STORM EA.2W lT. Lcnily thu1i3111n prhrmii oflhc work for which M,,cr it it,,nul l Wwll rot employ any'imm in an, manryl y_ yyyyryue wbjecl to the wertrrV Cwnpen- ENERGY PER WATER HE[I LR WIVENfl11.ECIR cation Taws _ r 1�I :�rfZSL�/� A,li., 1 nA/Lc SAO GRADING FTE NlT1ICGT0 A�P ACANT�iIf. after making this CI iftnm of f mr Tion, yin MtmW bavntw sehjcet m the Worker's Cnnj,cmmio a pnwlsinm of the I�Ixc Code. you must WATER SYSfI?M/IREO ING SOILS IRE form,iN complywith inch Pnu'ivms or this permit shall he deemeJ revoked. NATER SERVICE CONS] 'KUC9'ION LENDING AGENCY I hereby af0ml thatthereka mmurectitm lrnding agency limlepcltmmarcc of NEW RESIDENTIAL %\1H. SQ. FT PAID Uwe JA #I din work lar which Nis Permen is Iswed (.Sec. YN]. Ci, C.) Isrdeh Name TOTAL: Icwlcrs Amalie, 'I A O 1 certify door I wve rid Nis applicuiwt arid ..,Milk fi sx Informa ion is BUILDING 1' Q'l-Y MECHANICAL. PERMIT' PEE SEISMIC FE corocc, 1 a,,- m comply with all a, amt county onliwnccs a1u1 clow Inman rduting m hulking coesuuetion, artd hers rathetDc a m,,cnlmivc• of Of city to enter ninon the 19eRMl'I' ISSUANCE ELECTRIC F thin, me tioncd P9cnY fm rose¢lion Purposes, (We) agree to rwve. indemnity and keep barntkss the City of Cupenioo.gait U ALTER OR A DD TO MECI I. PLUMBING I iL fiehilitics,jtdgments.c.nu aml eaten¢+ ultich may in any uay mane egurul aid City io ntmc,plcmc 0 the gmotlug of this pcmhi 1, AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO IBIXIO CFM) APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOLI r IR♦;L.LLGLIATIUNS AIR HANDLING UNIT (l1VPJt It1,lY1(CFM11) CO NSTNI ONT COTS fIt ON TAX S,mnorof A,kano'(omenclr Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST DOOD(WMUCI) HOUSING NI GnTON FlJ! HEATING UNI1'(10 IIU,(XX) B'1lb Will m., apMicam or fumro huiliinghccupain tore orhaelle lmuNom 3 -renal u tkfined by the Cupcnino Sfunici W Cock. ObitNer 9.12vet the HcaIN and Safety Cole, Seetinn M5J2(e)'I�N,/('' Fj Yes [Qa�o h+rxrtlous Areal% Qmilo, Mater,cm h'tch JclirleJ by N< Bay Area Air UualilY Mlvwgcrrcm Ic Will lho.%tlleamomm. building by If HEA ING UNIT (OVER 1NI,11(X) It H1) PAID Elute Rr,iptN VENTIATION PAN (SINGLE RISHH NOILER- COMP(JIIPOR IW.gXI RTU) con air cauwtirunlx m Di.erin? El yet YNu OIAI BOILER - COMP (OVER BOOM) X'fU) AIR CONDITIONER I have read led h:vo keut minerals res irtvteet, unkr Chaeta 6,93 of the Cali- ISSUAR DATE NIiW' HI!SIDI:NI'IAI. MF.CI I. Sp. Icl'. Tama TWIN At Safety Corse, Scerioca 15505, 25533 and 25534. I urderslmd Chas if the buildingd",not,uncndy ha".¢tutm. Of it is nhy rcsghasihility lonl'i, Nc.rruhwu q rcbcM of, uVn1 •uhic'h m.Y il1[tic of Qcupvey. ���-� / y ISSUED BY: 1 TOTAL: Owter or iuifarteed .sent Date OFFICE