32339 "CITY"OK�05E ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT LOT—Ll—APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT DEC 2 Date.............. .............195........ Permit No._, .3_r3� - Y. YP .� Reoidoaoo baud- I . . R49! ---... a ' LotcNOe is,hereb made for a....ermit to......_................. - Building PP Y P stor T e--- ---... b3 Lair j33o San Joao, CaliPe at.....I............ .....+...®e!. --... . ...---.......................................... oneami]ar 8 llin(3 & garage to be occupied only as-----.................................. ------------------------ in accordance with Plans, Specifications/and lot-plan filed herewithh. PLAN Id0o ' Estimated Value of Improvemer tz, $/ .�--------. It is hereby agreed that the requirements f The Sen Jose Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other o laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be com- plied with. I certify that in the performance oVthe work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any per in any manner so as to become sub'ect to the workman's comper q}iR�laJy� ofs calif nonl-Real Owner...... E ... 034E&� 0r.. .....Address...................t............_...:... ....................... B ..... ......... Addres Palo Altoe California [\tt caq}raatgr, A9Mt.1P -�� ' Form 280-I • e D11� CORD OF•INSPECTION Found ion - - - // ............[Frame".1... ..r--3---r:G-t .,. .... .q f :^a� ..Finish- -. .. _-..�a--Q-r(d[-